Friday, March 9, 2018

Week ending 9 March 2018


Message from the Governing Body

Thank you very much to the, admittedly small number of, parents who came to the consultation meeting on Monday.  We took the attendees through the whole process we had applied, and did have quite a wide ranging conversation.  It was good to hear the views and questions of those that attended. 


Thank you also to those that have sent questions to the consultation email address


The process has been very valuable actually, it’s allowed us to address some concerns, but it’s also given us some good questions to ask as part of our due diligence process.  Please find attached a Q&A sheet which gives you the answers to questions that have been asked so far both at the meeting and via email.  If these prompt more questions from you, please do email us.


The consultation process will end on March 16th, and if further questions or thoughts do arise we will update this Q&A document and re-issue it at that time. 


In terms of next steps:

·          There will be a Governors meeting on Monday 19th March where the Governing Body will review the outputs of the consultation and the due diligence process and make a final decision.

·          The Acer Trust Board meeting takes place on 26th March where the Trust will also review their due diligence and if they feel Stadhampton Primary School (SPS) will be a good fit for their Trust they will issue a ‘Letter of Consent’.

·          If both parties agree that SPS should become a part of the Acer Trust, then an application will be made for an academy order, and we begin the process of conversion.


As always we value the input of our stakeholders so please do get in touch.


Congratulations to Little Bears!

Many congratulations to everyone at Little Bears on achieving a great result when Ofsted inspected them on 28 February. The key findings are:


Effectiveness of the leadership and management
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment
Personal development, behaviour and welfare
Outcomes for children




Meerkat Champion of the Week

Reception        Daniel M

Class 1                         Ollie P

Class 2             Bella J

Class 3                         Jack A

Congratulations to you all!


British Science Week 9-18 March 2018

The theme for this year’s British Science week is “exploration and discovery;” encouraging young people to think about everyday discoveries and how they affect their lives by exploring science in the world all around us. it is also a chance for young people to consider how exploration and discovery can have a positive impact on the future.

We are pleased to be promoting British Science week next week by raising awareness of topical scientific issues and challenges, finding out about a range of scientists and their discoveries, and participating in a number of scientific investigations promoted by the British Science week team which are linked with our own science curriculum.


Forest School

Please see the attached timetable for Forest School sessions after the Easter holidays.  Sessions will continue for all year groups on Tuesday mornings as per the attached rota.  Reception class will continue with their Forest School sessions each week on a Tuesday afternoon.


Please note a change to Y6 sessions -  the session originally scheduled for Tuesday 27th March will go ahead as planned.  The second session scheduled for Tuesday 17th April will be postponed and will now take place on Tuesday 3rd July.


Gymnastics Event

Class 1 had a fantastic time at the CLOSER KS1 Gymnastics Festival on Wednesday this week. They had worked really hard on all of their gym skills so that they were well prepared for it. The Festival started with multiple stations of gym skills which everyone joined in with enthusiastically. Then each school showed their routines. Stadhampton were praised for having learnt their routines and performing them without the teacher leading them through it which many other schools had. Well done Class 1!


Here are some quotes from pupils in Class 1;

Cara “It was really fun and Stadhampton School did very well”.

Harry “I liked the first bit when we went around. It was lots of fun”.

Leo “I liked the gymnastics because it was fun”.


PTA News:

The PTA is delighted to let parents know that we have been able to make a contribution of £3,000 towards the cost of 21 new iPads for school and the trolleys to charge them in.   This is a significant financial contribution which is only made possible by families supporting PTA fundraising events, so thank you to everyone for your ongoing support. 


Film Night - Friday 23rd March

Due to the success of our Film Night last term, we are planning to hold another one on Friday 23rd March.  We are hoping to show the film Paddington 2.  


This will take place straight after school until 5.45pm and this time we will be providing pizza, hotdogs, cakes, fruit and drinks for £5 per child.  Further details with permission slips will follow in book bags shortly.  Please complete the permission slip and return to the school office with your £5 payment as soon as possible.


Easter Cupcake Competition and Cake Sale - Wednesday 28th March

We will be holding an Easter cupcake competition for the children and cake sale on Wednesday 28th March.  


If your child would like to enter, please make sure their Easter themed cupcakes (or biscuits) are brought into school on the Wednesday morning for judging, along with the entry fee of £1.  There will be a prize for the best decorated cake in each class.  


Unless otherwise specified, all cakes will then be sold as part of the cake sale which will take place after school. 


Donations of cakes or biscuits (Easter themed or not) for the cake sale are also very welcome.


Family Quiz Night - Friday 18th May

We will be holding a Family Quiz Night on Friday 18th May.  Further details to follow.


 Our next PTA meeting is on Wednesday 25th April, The Crown, 8pm.  All welcome.


Cake Club

There was no cake club draw last Friday as the school was closed due to the snow. Thank you to Gemma Austin for kindly offering a cake for this week’s draw.


Diary Dates:


March 2018


12      Science Week
Class 3 Swimming Session
Work Viewing Evening 3.30 – 6pm
13   Science Week
Y5 Forest School session; Reception FS session pm
14  Science Week
After school Science Club 4/4
Pop Concert
15      Science Week
Multisports afterschool club
16    Science Week
Netball Partnership Event at ICC
19  Sports Relief Week
Class 3 Swimming Session
Governors Meeting at 7pm
20  Sports Relief Week
Y5 Forest School session; Reception FS session pm
21  Sports Relief Week
22  Sports Relief Week
Multisports afterschool club
23  Sports Relief Week
Class 3 Swimming Session
Y6 Forest School session; Reception FS session pm
“A Life” workshop day
9.10-10.10 - Y3-Y6 – Healthy Workshop
10.10-11.10 – KS1 & EYFS– Healthy Workshop
1.10-1.55 – Y3 & Y4
Circuits Fitness
1.55-2.40 – Y5 & Y6 Circuit Fitness
2.45-3.15 – KS1/EYFS
Fun Fitness
Staff Training
End of Term Assembly 9.10am
School finishes for pupils @1.30pm


The children began the week by learning how to recognize and describe feelings that are inside them and on the faces of others. They practiced making all different types of funny emotional faces, pretending to be mad, sad, or glad. As the week progressed they went on to learn more feeling words, such as what it means to feel frustrated and disappointed, as well as how to calm their bodies and how to solve problems. We showed the preschool children different photographs of children, so that they could describe what the child in the picture was feeling. We also talked about how the snow can make us all have different feelings and what we really like or don’t like about the cold weather. This led to lots of wonderful snowy scene pictures which will be displayed in the preschool. 


Advance Notice of an Easter Sports Club:

Michael Hopkins, who is well-known to the school as a PE teacher will be leading an Easter Sports Course on Monday 9, Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 April at Stadhampton Primary School. The course runs from 9-3pm each day and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office.


Community News:

  • Cross –Country Competition flyer for event taking place on 24 March at RAF Benson School
  • Garsington Football Club event flyer for event taking place on 30 March
  • Easter Art Workshop flyer for event taking place on 10 April



Flexible working from home for 12 hours per week (£10.739 to £12.161 per hour according to experience). Travelling and other approved expenses will be paid in addition.

Stadhampton Parish Council wish to appoint a Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer. The hours will be mainly working at home plus regular monthly/2 monthly council meetings at Stadhampton village hall where the clerk takes the minutes. 

The applicant will have the ability to administer council business including a budget of up to £20,000 and will need to be able work on initiative. The role is varied and interesting. Candidates should possess a high standard of oral and written communication skills, be proficient in Word and Excel, be capable of working independently and have the ability to deal with a wide range of issues. Previous experience in a similar role would be beneficial although not essential. Access to transport and an internet connection (preferably high speed) are necessary. 

INTERESTED? Please apply to Councillor Sarah Davis by emailing your details for this vacancy to Closing date for applications: 28 March 2018.