Friday, March 23, 2018

Week ending 23 March 2018


Disabled Bay Parking

We respectfully ask parents using the school car park to kindly leave plenty of room around both sides of the disabled parking bay in order to provide unrestricted access for people who need it. Thank you.


Meerkat Champion of the Week

Reception        Erika

Class 1                         Freddie

Class 2             Mim

Class 3                         Freya

Congratulations to you all!


Sports Relief Week “Steps Challenge” Update

The daily challenge of travelling the running track in different ways is well underway and the number of steps is being recorded.

During Wednesday’s assembly we watched two short videos showing how some of the money raised has been used in the past. Please help us to raise money by entering our competition, write down how many “steps” you think our whole school will have made over the week during our daily challenges. Put your answer in an envelope with your donation and your name and hand it in at the school office. You are more than welcome to have more than one guess. The person or family closest to our total will win an “egg citing” prize on Tuesday afternoon. Thank you.



Twelve of Stadhampton pupils become “Pop Stars” for an evening!

The Oxfordshire Music Service organised an event where groups of children from four different schools jointed together with a band and backing vocalists to present a multi-media concert of pop songs including ‘Happy’ by Pharell and ‘How Far I’ll Go’ from the Moana Disney film. They practiced hard and learnt improvisational singing and how ‘to hit top notes’ with Mrs Manzie in preparation for the event.


Here are some quotes from pupils;

“I enjoyed singing and taking part;” “I thought it would be really scary but it was just awesome. I really enjoyed it.” “I felt it was epic because we were able to express ourselves.” “It was an amazing experience and it really inspired us to do more.” “It felt incredible and it was an amazing experience. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” “It felt wonderful to sing with friends and a band. I would love to do it again!” “We enjoyed it because it was a great experience and the atmosphere was amazing, it was such a brilliant opportunity.”


Science Week

Last week we celebrated Science Week with each class thinking about ‘exploring and discovering’ or the Citizenship Project. Reception chose to focus on the Citizenship Project which is about plastic in our environment, they found out about plastic in the sea and made posters urging others not to bring single use bottles to school. Class 1 investigated ‘poo from the past’ as archaeologists might do to understand our ancestors, they also explored ‘escape from the ice’, finding out the best way to get out someone who might be stuck in ice. Class 2 made a selection of posters about famous scientists, which included Stephen Hawking. They found out about why each individual was famous and details of each person they investigated. Class 3 focused their attention on the national treasure Sir David Attenborough and made posters about his life. All four classes shared their findings with the rest of the school during our Friday assembly.


Zoo Lab Visit Class 3

This term, Class 3 have been learning about Living Things and their Habitats. On Wednesday,  we experienced an exciting visit from Lucy from ZooLab. Lucy brought in various animals and allowed us to carefully handle them. We met; Pudding the snake, Hoody the mischievous rat, Matilda the millipede, George and Ginny the giant African land snails, Charlie the cockroach and a Chilean rose tarantula! Many of us faced our fears regarding some of the creatures and Lucy's visit really brought our learning to life. We can't wait to continue learning about these fascinating creatures!


Head Lice

Thank you to a parent of a pupil in Class 2 for letting us know that they have treated her child for head lice. Please could everyone check their children’s hair this weekend and treat if necessary so that this can be cleared up quickly. Thank you.


Special Easter Lunch

There is a special Easter Lunch on Wednesday 28 March: Roast Chicken or Quorn Roast, Yorkshire Pudding and stuffing, roast potatoes, carrots, broccoli, gravy; Easter Chocolate Fudge Pudding. Please order and pay as normal.


School Council Easter Competition

The school council have hatched a plan to launch an egg-citing Easter competition. Children are asked to decorate a hard-boiled egg in a creative way. The cost of entry will be 50p and a winner will be chosen from each year group to win an egg-cellent prize. Please bring entries in on Tuesday 27th March (no earlier due to lack of storage) and ensure name labels are underneath each entry so judging can be done anonymously. Winners will be announced on Thursday 29th March. We look forward to seeing lots of imaginative entries!


PTA News:

Film Night - Friday 23rd March

Don’t forget Film Night on Friday! 

Please remember all children must be signed out by an adult at the end of the evening at 5.45pm.


Easter Cupcake Competition - Wednesday 28th March

We will be holding an Easter cupcake competition for the children and cake sale on Wednesday 28th March.  


If your child would like to enter, please make sure their Easter themed cupcakes (or biscuits) are brought into school on the Wednesday morning for judging, along with the entry fee of £1.  There will be a prize for the best decorated cake in each class.  


Unless otherwise specified, all cakes will then be sold as part of the cake sale which will take place after school. 


Donations of cakes or biscuits (Easter themed or not) for the cake sale are also very welcome.


Bag2School Clothes Recycling - Thursday 3rd May

By getting involved in our next Bag2School collection, you have an opportunity to sort through your cupboards and wardrobes and donate unwanted textiles in the bag provided – this can include anything from the list below:

  • Men’s, Ladies and Children’s clothing 
  • Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around) 
  • Handbags/Hats/Bags/Scarves/Ties 
  • Jewellery/Lingerie 
  • Socks/Belts 
  • Household linen /Curtains 
  • Towels 
  • Bedding (bed sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers

Collection bags will be in book bags next week, but you can use normal black bin bags as well. Funds paid to the PTA by Bag2School are based on weight so the more bags collected the more we raise!


Bag2School do also accept soft toys - we do need some soft toys for use at Forest School so if you are happy to donate toys to Forest School instead, please let Melanie Gravett know.


Family Quiz Night - Friday 18th May

We will be holding a Family Quiz Night on Friday 18th May.  Further details to follow.


 Our next PTA meeting is on Wednesday 25th April, The Crown, 8pm.  All welcome.


Cake Club

Well done to Ruby in Y6 and Imogen in Yr1 for taking home the cakes on Friday and a big ‘thank you’ to Mrs Venner for making them. This week’s cake is courtesy of Carly MF, thank you Carly and good luck everyone.


Diary Dates:


March 2018


Class 3 Swimming Session
Y6 Forest School session; Reception FS session pm
“A Life” workshop day
9.10-10.10 - Y3-Y6 – Healthy Workshop
10.10-11.10 – KS1 & EYFS– Healthy Workshop
1.10-1.55 – Y3 & Y4
Circuits Fitness
1.55-2.40 – Y5 & Y6 Circuit Fitness
2.45-3.15 – KS1/EYFS
Fun Fitness
Staff Training
End of Term Assembly 9.10am. All welcome!
School finishes for pupils @1.30pm




April 2018


Michael Hopkins Sports Course
Michael Hopkins Sports Course
Michael Hopkins Sports Course
Swimming resumes for Class 2 pupils
Y3 Forest School session; Reception FS session pm
Swimming for Class 2 pupils
Y3 Forest School session; Reception FS session pm
Swimming for Class 2 pupils




We began our week by focusing on our favourite books again starting with “Pirates Love Underpants!” and “How to be a Princess,”. The Little Bears enjoyed making maps to find treasure and designing their own princess dresses.

The children have also been busy drawing and presenting family portraits which are now presented in the Little Bears gallery.

We also look forward to our annual Easter Bonnet Parade which will be on Thursday 29th March from 11.30 (we are all hoping the weather will be kind!) this will be followed by an Easter cake sale.


Easter Sports Club:

Michael Hopkins, who is well-known to the school as a PE teacher will be leading an Easter Sports Course on Monday 9, Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 April at Stadhampton Primary School. The course runs from 9-3pm each day and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office.


Community News:



Flexible working from home for 12 hours per week (£10.739 to £12.161 per hour according to experience). Travelling and other approved expenses will be paid in addition.

Stadhampton Parish Council wish to appoint a Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer. The hours will be mainly working at home plus regular monthly/2 monthly council meetings at Stadhampton village hall where the clerk takes the minutes. 

The applicant will have the ability to administer council business including a budget of up to £20,000 and will need to be able work on initiative. The role is varied and interesting. Candidates should possess a high standard of oral and written communication skills, be proficient in Word and Excel, be capable of working independently and have the ability to deal with a wide range of issues. Previous experience in a similar role would be beneficial although not essential. Access to transport and an internet connection (preferably high speed) are necessary. 

INTERESTED? Please apply to Councillor Sarah Davis by emailing your details for this vacancy to Closing date for applications: 28 March 2018.



Building on the success of similar events and to encourage anyone who’d like to meet new people, the village will be holding a Safari Supper on Saturday 14 July 2018. It will be a no charge BYO affair and anyone over 18 is welcome. 


Please do email us if you're interested in coming along, maybe hosting a course or just to find out more:  

Look out for more info in village communications - Stadham News email, Facebook Stadhampton Village notice board and the Stadhampton Grapevine website as well as the village magazine, the Village Voice. 


Icknield Community College TA Vacancy – see flyer attached to this newsletter for details