Friday, November 9, 2018

Week Ending 09 November 2018

During NOVEMBER we are focusing on the core value of PEACE

Forest School - Change of Date
Due to clashes with other events in school, Year 6’s Forest School session on Tuesday 20th November will now take place on the morning of Monday 19th November.

Royal British Legion Poppies
As usual, we are supporting the Royal British Legion annual poppy appeal. We have poppies and a range of other poppy-related items such as pencils, pencil sharpeners, erasers, reflective key fobs, slap bands, is available in the school office before and after school each day between now and Friday 9th November. The recommended donation for most items is 50p and the collection box is also in the school office. Thank you for your support.

 Armistice Centenary Commemorations
Linking with the centenary of the Armistice on the 11th November 1918, we have one of the village commemorative ‘silhouettes’ in school, kindly given to us by Stadhampton Parish Council in liaison with the Parochial Church Council. We will hold our own Act of Remembrance on Friday 9th November and a selection of poems written by some of our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils will be shared both at that time and at the Act of Remembrance at the village church on Sunday 11th November.

 Royal Albert Hall Concert
On the 7th of November, ten Year 6 children, accompanied by Mrs Manzie and Mrs Wilkin preformed 3 songs in the Royal Albert Hall as part of the Music For Youth Proms. Performing in this magnificent building was a truly amazing experience for us. We were filled with pride and happiness to take part in such an amazing opportunity. The finale was a mind-blowing mix of balloons, confetti and even fireworks! It is a memory we will treasure forever.

 I was enormously proud of everyone in our Stadhampton School group who participated in the concert at the royal Albert Hall in London on Wednesday. It was an incredible experience for both the participants and the audience! The group formed part of the Oxfordshire Massed Ensemble whose performance included a very moving rendition of ‘This Is Me’ from The Greatest Showman. Thank you to all the children involved for being part of such a memorable event, to Mrs Manzie for organising our involvement and, with Mrs Wilkin for accompanying the group and to all parents involved for your support and participation in the rehearsal and the event itself. Mrs Turner.

 Swimming Class 3
A reminder that this half of term Class 3 swim at the Abbey Pool, Berinsfield, on Monday afternoons on the following dates; October 29th, November 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, and December 3rd and 10th. As always, we are very grateful to receive a voluntary contribution towards the cost of the swimming transport to the Abbey Sports Centre, so a voluntary contribution of £2 per child per swimming session (£14 for the 7 sessions) would be very much appreciated. Cheques for swimming contributions should be made payable to Stadhampton Primary School. Thank you.

We apologise for any confusion regarding the start date for Class 3 swimming this half of term. The office systems for completing the newsletter have recently been updated but it seems the systems hadn’t been fully merged. We have now identified the problem and have refined the systems to prevent the error occurring again. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

A reminder that this half of term, also on Monday afternoons, all pupils in Classes 2 and 3 have a weekly recorder lesson. For hygiene reasons pupils need to have their own recorder and book for these lessons in school every Monday until the Christmas Holidays. We sell recorders for £8.50, Recorder Book 1 for £5.50 and Recorder Book 2 for the same price if any parents wish to purchase them from school.

 ‘One Day Creative’ Workshop   A Message from Class 2 and Class 3

Class 3 welcomed Abby to our school for our WW1 workshop last Friday. This kicked off with some group activities to make shapes associated with WW1 using our bodies such as a Zeppelin or a poppy. When we had finished these warm ups, we learnt about how WW1 started and acted this out in our groups.

We also learnt about the jobs soldiers carried out in the trenches and began to understand the horrible situation the soldiers were in.  The conditions in the trenches were so bad that some of the men even got a condition called trench foot that made their feet rot away.

We really liked all the activities. It was great fun because everyone got to participate in everything. It was the best school experience EVER!!!

Class 2 very much enjoyed ‘One Day Creative’s’ World War Two workshop in school on Tuesday of this week. Here is a selection of the thank you letters we wrote to Polly, who ran our workshop.

Dear Polly,

 Thank you so much for coming in to help us learn lots more about World War Two. I loved all the drama! (I love drama!) I was surprised that there were so many countries in the Second World War. I liked the news acting, it was amazing. It was also fun being part of the time line. Thank you (again) for being here.

 Thank you for teaching us and doing drama about World War 2 yesterday. I really enjoyed it. My favourite bit of the day was the quiz and I liked when we were the sculptures. I enjoyed when we were having dinner and the siren went off and we went to our Anderson shelters in S-L-O-W M-O-T-I-O-N.

 I had a nice time doing the World War 2 workshop and all the activities. It was very good of you to come to Stadhampton School and teach us more about World War 2. My favourite bit was when we were doing World War 2 quizzes.

 I liked when we made sculptures and when we did miming. It was funny when Dixi and I sat on the “body” plane!

 From Honor, Harry, Frankie and Freddie.

 Science Club dates
Pupils attending after school Science club for the last 2 weeks have been having a great time and we thank Mr Heath-Whyte for his time. A reminder that Science club is not on the for next two weeks but will be back in action on Wednesday 25th November and Wednesday 5th December as scheduled.

 Meerkat Champion of the Week

Class 1 Sidney
Class 2 Betsy
Class 3 Freddie

Congratulations to you all!

 School Council
Our recent School Council meetings have focussed on selecting who we would like to fundraise for this year and generating exciting ideas to raise money.  This has culminated in the decision to support Children in Need, a national charity which helps disadvantaged children and young people around the UK. The pupils have also decided to support Tiggywinkles, the local Wildlife Hospital Trust in Aylesbury which was visited last year by Reception and Class 1.  As Tiggywinkles relies solely on memberships and donations, the staff asked our school if we could support them too. The School Council thought this was a brilliant idea!

 To kick-off our fundraising activities, on Friday 16th November, children are asked to wear something spotty as an accessory to their uniform and bring in a soft toy mascot to spend the day with. We request a donation of £1 and the total raised will be shared evenly between the two charities.

PTA News:

So far this year, the PTA has been able to buy the ladybird rug for the Reception class as well as contribute to the recent Class 2 World War 2 trip to Hill End.  Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support which has made this possible.

 Thank you also to everyone who came along to our informal PTA meeting on Wednesday.   It was great to see some familiar faces as well as some new faces and chat about what the PTA does, get some feedback and hear some new ideas for fundraising events over the rest of the year.

 For those who don’t know (and as a reminder for others), all parents, guardians and carers of children at Stadhampton Primary School are automatically members of the PTA (Parent Teacher Association).  There is a committee of volunteer parents and school staff who organise a number of fundraising and social activities throughout the year to raise money for ‘extras’ which will benefit the school and pupils in their education.  In recent years, the PTA has been able to purchase iPads, Forest School waterproofs, books and contribute to French lessons to name a few.

We have approximately 6 meetings per year held very informally at school. There is no pressure to attend all the meetings and even if you can’t attend the meetings or don’t want to become a committee member, we welcome any support you can give.  If you are interested in getting involved in any way, then please speak to any member of the PTA committee.

Festive Fun Evening - Friday 30th November, 6pm onwards
We are planning to hold a Festive Fun Evening on Friday 30th November from 6pm onwards.  This will include a disco, some craft activities, a chocolate and sweets tombola and a visit from Santa.  Please add this date to your diaries, further details will follow.

 PLEA FOR DONATIONS - we need chocolate and sweet treats for our tombola - chocolate, sweets, boxes, multi packs, small bars, large packs - anything goes!  Please leave any donations in the PTA box in the hall.

 Festive Film Night - Friday 7th December - after school until 5.45pm
We are planning a film night on Friday 7th December.  Please add this date to your diaries, further details will follow.

Wreath Evening - Wednesday 5th December - 7pm, St John’s Church
Our wreath evening will run again this year on Wednesday 5th December from 7pm in the church. Tickets are £15 each and include mulled wine and mince pies.

Please see Georgina Wiggins for tickets as soon as possible, as based on previous years they will sell out fast!

Don’t forget to help raise funds for Stadhampton Primary School PTA whenever you shop online.

 Use Easyfundraising to shop with over 3,300 big name retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and – and when you shop, you’ll raise a free donation for us every time. It’s that easy! 

 It will cost you nothing and will make a big difference to our fundraising - please speak to any member of the PTA committee for more information or if you need any help registering on the Easyfundraising site.

 Cake Club
Well done to Arun for winning Friday’s cake and thank you to Justine for providing it. Good luck to everyone for this week’s draw.

Diary Dates:
November 2018

Recorder Lesson Classes 2 and 3
Swimming for Class 3 Pupils
Parent’s Evening Classes 1 to 3
Year 5 Forest School – morning
Reception Forest School  - afternoon
Chris Pierce in to discuss Woodlands 2.15pm for Yr5/6
Afterschool Karate Club
Parents’ Evening Classes 1 to 3
No Science Club
Year 2 Forest School  - morning
Afterschool Multisports Club
Pupils are able to wear to school a spotty accessory to complement their uniform for a £1 donation towards Children in Need & Tiggywinkles
Year 6 Forest School – morning
Recorder Lesson Classes 2 and 3
Swimming for Class 3 Pupils
Yr5 & Yr6 Swimming Gala
Reception Forest School  - afternoon
Afterschool Karate Club
No Science Club
Year 2 Forest School  - morning
Afterschool Multisports Club
Year 5 visit to Icknield


Advance Warning of Key Dates
Tuesday 11 December
KS2 matinee performance – pm (more details to follow)
KS2 evening performance – (more details to follow)
Wednesday 12 December
KS1 matinee performance – pm (more details to follow)
Tuesday 18 December
Nativity/Carol Service – pm (more details to follow)
Friday 21 December
End of Term Assembly 09.05am
Break up at 1.30pm for the Christmas Holiday
Monday 25 – 29 Tuesday March 2019
Woodlands Residential – Class 3 only

Community News:

 Stadhampton Village Christmas Fayre  - Friday 30th November, 1-5pm – Stadhampton village Hall

Christmas Cards & Accessories 
Jewellery by Anna
Ben Duke Art 
Gift-wrapping service 
Christmas Gifts - for family, friends, teachers, yourself! 
and lots more... 

 If you'd like to find out more about having a stall please contact Kerri Jones on 07970 975065 or email