Friday, September 8, 2017

Newsletter for week ending 8 September 2017

We are pleased to welcome the following new Reception children to Stadhampton School:  Matteo Belli, Noah Bevis, Sassie Burnell, Elsa Jacobs, Daniel Martins, Sidney Mason-Fowler, Erika Mera, George Saunders, Harry Smith, Dominic Watts, Max Wiggins and Eva Winsley.


We are also pleased to welcome, Betsy Clarke-Bye and Chester Woodwards who have joined Class 1; and Riley Saunders and Maggie Woodwards who have joined Class 2.


Welcome back to everyone else at the start of this new academic year!


We are also pleased to welcome back Miss Raval on a phased return to work and extend a warm welcome to Mrs Wahid who will also be teaching in Class 3. Mrs Wahid and Miss Raval will be sharing teaching responsibilities during Miss Raval’s phased return to work and we are fortunate to secure Mrs Wahid to provide this cover and continuity.


Happy AUGUST Birthday to: Jude Bradley, Morgan Denton and Matteo Belli.


Happy SEPTEMBER Birthday to: Dexter Elliott, George Evelyn, Austin Mason- Fowler and Harry Price


During SEPTEMBER we are focusing on the core value of Co-Operation



School Meals Price Increase

The price of a school meal increased on 1st September to £2.20 per day. A copy of the school meals menu is on the school website.  Please ask in the school office if you would like a hard copy of the menu.

All pupils in KS 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) in state-funded schools in England are entitled to receive a free school lunch, through the introduction of the government’s universal infant free school meals (UIFSM) policy on any days that they would like one. Pupils in Classes 2 and 3 have to pay for a school meal if they would like one unless they are entitled to free school meals. Under the current criteria, children who receive, or whose parents receive one or more of the following support payments are entitled to receive free school meals;

·         Income-based and contribution-based Jobseekers Allowance or ESA on an equal basis

·         Income Support 

·         Income Based Jobseekers Allowance 

·         Income-related employment and support allowance 

·         Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income, as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, that does not exceed £16,190

·         Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit

·         Where a parent is entitled to Working Tax Credit run-on (the payment someone receives for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)

·         Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

·         Working Tax Credit, provided they have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190 per year (eligible for two Year Old Funding only)

·         Universal Credit

If you believe your child is eligible for free school meals, even if you do not currently wish to claim them, there is a very simple checking process we can carry out through Oxfordshire County Council. This is completely confidential. Please contact Mrs Hopkins if you think you might be eligible.


Forest School

This week each child should have brought home a consent letter for them to take part in our Forest School sessions. The letter must be completed and returned to school so that your child may participate in Forest School sessions. Thank you.


Gardening Club

Gardening Club will start again next Friday (15 September). If any pupils in Years 3-6 would like to join gardening club please ask them to give their name to Mrs Hopkins. Places will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.


After School Clubs

Letters explaining the after school clubs being offered this term have been sent home with pupils who are eligible to participate this week, via book bags. After school club places are limited and are offered on a first-come, first served basis.


PTA News:

 Welcome back to the new school year from the PTA committee.


Our first PTA meeting of the year will take place on Wednesday 13th September, The Crown, 8pm (please note this is a change to the date published before the summer holidays).  This is where we will start to plan our events for the year, so if anyone would like to see a repeat of events we have had in the past or if anyone has any ideas for new events, please let any member of the PTA committee know.  Or, please feel free to come along to the meeting.  Everyone welcome!


Our first event of the year will be the Children’s Bingo Night on Friday 29th September at 5.30pm.  Further details will follow in bookbags shortly.


Official Notice of the PTA's Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Tuesday 3rd October, 8pm in the School Hall

The PTA plays a vital part in the school community and all parents, as members of the PTA, are invited to support the AGM. This is your chance to hear and see how the funds you have helped to raise have been used for the benefit of the children at our school.


The PTA Committee (Chair, Treasurer, Secretary) will be elected at the AGM so if you are interested in taking on one of these roles, please speak to Melanie Gravett who can give you more details about what is involved.




Piano Tuition

Mrs Trudy Drake is offering piano lessons during the school day on Thursday afternoons for any child in Class 2 or 3. If you are interested in your children learning to play the piano in school, please contact Mrs Drake directly (mob. 07918188519) for more details. There are several places available at the moment.


Guitar Tuition

Mr Russ Payne offers guitar lessons on Friday lunchtimes for pupils in Years 3-6. His e-mail address is if anyone would like to contact him directly to find out about the cost of lessons.


Diary Dates:




Tuesday 12 September
NSPCC visit  -‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ Programme – parents of pupils in Y1-Y6 will receive a letter explaining this assembly and workshop (for Y5/6 only) prior to the visit and another letter on the day of the visit with follow-up information. Please look out for these in book bags.
Wednesday 13 September
Roald Dahl Day
Thursday 14 December
ELLI Project Assembly for all pupils. We hope that pupils will be able to explain what the ELLI Project is to parents after this assembly.
Tuesday 19 December
Year 2 Forest School session  - completed consent forms required please
Reception Forest School session - completed consent forms required please



The Little Bears team hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable summer. We look forward to our new class starting and will be learning "All About Me" as well as getting to know all our new Little Bears.



  • See attached flyer for a vacancy for a cleaner at Stadhampton School
  • See attached flyer about a new drama club starting in the Stadhampton Village Hall led by Jo Hutchence