Friday, September 15, 2017

Newsletter for week ending 15 September 2017


Forest School

Thank you to everyone who has already completed and returned the consent letter for pupils to take part in our Forest School sessions. A reminder that the letter must be completed and returned to school so that your child may participate in Forest School sessions. Thank you.


Congratulations to Mrs Sheridan

Congratulations to Mrs Sheridan who was awarded a Values award this week by Carillion for “living our values and making tomorrow a better place for our colleagues and our customers.”


Change to the normal menu on Thursday 5 October 2017

Food and More have made a change to the normal meals menu for Thursday 5 October. The menu for the day is now Beef Burger in a bun or Hot Dog or Vegetarian Burger. All served with sweet potato wedges and salad; strawberry shortcake for dessert or fresh fruit.


Swimming for Class 2

As always, we are very grateful to receive a ‘voluntary contribution’ towards the cost of the swimming transport to the Abbey Sports Centre. Class 2 will have 6 swimming sessions this term so a voluntary contribution of £2 per child per swimming session (£12 for the 6 sessions) would be very much appreciated. Cheques for swimming contributions should be made payable to Stadhampton Primary School. Thank you.


Calendar Syncing

Parents are now able to download the school calendar events from the school website into their personal calendar on their computer, tablet or phone. This will help parents ensure that they know when their child(ren) have a forest school session, when anything special is happening, when we have a non-school uniform day or when there is a requirement to bring anything in, etc. Instructions are attached to this Newsletter about Calendar Syncing for parents. If you encounter any difficulties in carrying out this process please let us know so that we can contact our website provider and hopefully assist you.


Class Curriculum Overviews – ‘Jigsaws’

Termly curriculum overviews for the Autumn Term, which comprises a coloured ‘jig-saw’ with each coloured ‘piece’ representing a subject area, have now been completed and uploaded to the school website under the ‘Classes’ section. Please also have a look at page 2 of each jigsaw which provides additional important curriculum information. Thank you.


Science Club

Science Club has proved extremely popular and unfortunately not everyone who applied has been successful in securing a place. Applications were accepted on a first come first served basis and the following children have a confirmed place; Zac H, Isabel H, Arun D, Peter FN, Ellie W, Freya C, Thomas W, Daniel R, Beau B, Jem B, Laila B, Archie D, Riley S and Jake J. Should anyone no longer wish to have a place please let us know as someone else could have a place. We hope to have another series of Science Club sessions later in the year and will prioritise those children who were disappointed this time. Thank you.


Archery and Multisports After School Clubs

There are still places available on both these after school clubs. Archery is open to 8 year olds and above and multisports is open to pupils in Years 1-6. Please contact Mrs Hopkins if you would like a place. Copies of the letters are on the school website.


Open Morning – Tuesday 3 October

In conjunction with Little Bears, the school will be open to visitors from 9.00 to 11.45am for current families and the local community, as well as for the families now making their decisions about their choice of primary school for September 2018. Please do come along and see the school at work between these times if you are able, whether you are a prospective parent or an existing one!


Meerkat Champion of the week

Following the introduction of a ‘Meerkat Champion of the week’ in each class last year we are pleased to be continuing with this initiative this year. For families who are new to the school the Meerkat Champion of the week was introduced across the school to encourage and recognise the following positive learning attitudes:







Talkative (at the right time!)


On a weekly basis class teachers will award one child in their class as ‘Meerkat Champion of the week’. That child then is the custodian of the class soft toy meerkat for that week (the meerkats stay in school as they are not housetrained!) and the child awarded with a certificate showing a photograph of them with the Meerkat. The first champions this year will be identified next Monday.


ELLI Project Assembly (‘Teamwork Bee’)

We held our first assembly of the year for the ELLI Project this week. Class 1 worked as a team to show how to make a good party for Elli’s birthday and talked about working as a team when carrying out class activities. This was the introduction for ‘Teamwork Bee’. The whole school also enjoyed watching the ‘Treasure Hunt’ video made by last year’s Year 6 pupils.


PTA News:


Thank you to everyone who came to our committee meeting on Wednesday evening.  We have some great events planned for the next few weeks and months and will send out details through the newsletter in due course.

We are very pleased to let parents know that the PTA has been able to make a contribution of over £1,000 to the cost of some upcoming trips and new books for children throughout the school.  This would not be possible without families backing PTA events, so thank you to everyone who supported the PTA throughout the last school year.  We hope we can count on your support for the forthcoming months, as this will mean the PTA can contribute to other items for the benefit of all children later in the year.


Cake Club

Lindsay Jenkins will no longer be looking after Cake Club this year.  She has looked after Cake Club for the last year or so and its success is largely down to her - a huge thank you to Lindsay for all her hard work.


Thank you also to Vicky Venner who has volunteered to take over Cake Club from the first draw on Friday 22nd September


For those who don’t know (and a reminder for those who do), the Cake Club draw takes place every Friday afternoon in assembly and gives all those entered the chance to win the cake donated by a different family each time. If your child would like to be entered into the draw for the cake, it’s 20p  per child each week or if you would prefer to pay for the year in one go it’s £7 (cheques made payable to Stadhampton Primary School PTA).  Vicky will be at school each Friday morning to collect any money and answer any questions anyone might have.


We will need volunteers to donate the cake prize each week (they don’t have to be home made!) so please speak to Vicky if you would be willing to put your name on the rota. 


Children’s Bingo Night - Friday 29th September, 5.30pm in the School Hall

Our first event of the year will be Bingo Night.  Letters with further details and permission slips have now been sent out in bookbags so please return to the School Office as soon as possible if you child would like to come along.


Official Notice of the PTA's Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Tuesday 3rd October, 8pm in the School Hall

The PTA plays a vital part in the school community and all parents, as members of the PTA, are invited to support the AGM. This is your chance to hear and see how the funds you have helped to raise have been used for the benefit of the children at our school.


The PTA Committee (Chair, Treasurer, Secretary) will be elected at the AGM so if you are interested in taking on one of these roles, please speak to Melanie Gravett who can give you more details about what is involved.


We would like the AGM to be a relaxed and informal meeting – drinks and nibbles will be provided.  Please come along to find out more about what the PTA committee does and how you can support us through the forthcoming year.


PTA Facebook Page

The PTA has a Facebook page used to promote our fundraising events, to remind parents when events are coming up and to ask parents for donations or additional help.   (Individual concerns about our children or what happens in the classroom during the school day are outside of the PTA remit and should not be raised on the PTA Facebook page).

The link is below.



It is a closed group, so you will need to make a request to join the group.  When requesting to join, please include your name, your child’s name and their year group. 




Diary Dates:




Tuesday 19 September
Y2 Forest School session
Reception Forest School session
Tuesday 26 September
Year 1 and Year 2 Forest School session
Reception Forest School session
Tuesday 3 October
Open Morning
Year 1 Forest School session
Reception Forest School session
PTA Annual General Meeting at 8pm


Advance Notice of a Christmas Sports Club:

Michael Hopkins, who is well-known to the school as a PE teacher will be leading a Christmas Sports Course on Wednesday 20 December and Thursday 21 December at Stadhampton Primary School. The course runs from 9-3pm each day and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office.


Piano Tuition

Mrs Trudy Drake is offering piano lessons during the school day on Thursday afternoons for any child in Class 2 or 3. If you are interested in your children learning to play the piano in school, please contact Mrs Drake directly (mob. 07918188519) for more details. There are several places available at the moment.


Guitar Tuition

Mr Russ Payne offers guitar lessons on Friday lunchtimes for pupils in Years 3-6. His e-mail address is if anyone would like to contact him directly to find out about the cost of lessons.



The Little Bears are settling so well into a new term and we are enjoying our topic ‘All about Me’. We are learning all about our families this week and making family trees.  We have a surplus of fruit available on our fruit trees if anyone would like to help themselves.


Community News:


Want to know more about what’s going on in and around the village?

The Stadham Newsletter is a weekly email providing news and information about local activities and events in and around the villages of Stadhampton, Chiselhampton and Newington. There are roughly 300 households in our community and so far just over 100 are signed up to the newsletter. It's a great way of finding out what's going on so if you would like to be added to the mailing list, please visit and sign up (see Stadham News on the right hand side of the web page) or contact Ken King via


National Eczema Week:

As part of National Eczema Week we are holding a special free to attend information day at Exeter Hall, Oxford Road, Kidlington, OX5 1AB from 11.30 am to 5.00 pm on Saturday 23rd September.  Leading experts in dermatology will be sharing their knowledge and the latest thinking in eczema management. Specialist dermatology nurses will be on hand to answer questions and we will be there offering advice, support and information. The event is free to all and places can be booked at  or by emailing the National Eczema Society