Thursday, November 5, 2015

Newsletter for week ending 6th November 2015

Happy NOVEMBER Birthday to: Max Jones, Jack Fulker, Juliana Browning, Beau Burnell and Bella Jones.

During NOVEMBER we shall be focusing on the core-value of UNITY

Book Fair
Thank you to everyone who supported the Book Fair before the October Holiday. Sales were £361.53 which enabled us to take books to the value of £100 for class libraries by way of commission.

School Photographs
Please could any orders for photographs be returned to school by Monday 11th November (date has been extended from 4th November). Thank you.

Class 3 -Swimming at Berinsfield
A reminder that Class 3 pupils are swimming at Berinsfield this term. We are, as always, grateful for a contribution towards the cost of the transport to Berinsfield (£70 for each visit) of £2 per child, per swimming session. Cash or cheque made payable to Stadhampton Primary School please (£14 for the 7 weeks). Thank you.

Recorder Lessons

Also a reminder that recorder lessons for all pupils in Classes 2 and 3 take place on Mondays this term. For hygiene reasons we ask that all pupils have their own, named, recorder and thank the many families who have supplied this. Recorders and recorder books are available from the school office at £6.50 and £5 each respectively. We use the John Pitts “Recorder from the Beginning” series of books. Generally children in Mrs Manzie’s or Miss Raval’s groups use Book 1 and children in Mrs Turner’s group use Book 2.

Children in Need
On Friday 13th November it is Children in Need Day. Children can donate £1 to ‘wear spots’. This could be a T-shirt, trousers, a hat, shoes, a wig or you can use your imagination.
The School Council will also be holding a ‘guess the number of sweets in a jar competition’ - 50p a go. This will take place in the Hall at first break. The winner will be announced in the afternoon assembly and win the whole jar of sweets. All proceeds will go to Children in Need.

Class 2’s Visit to Chedworth Roman Villa
Report by Izzy and Jemima: “Last week Class 2 went to Chedworth Roman Villa. It was an experience Class 2 will never forget! We got to touch real Roman artefacts like a cow’s thigh bone, a piece of mosaic, a piece of pottery and a whole Roman snail shell. In this specific temple the Romans believed there were water nymphs in the pool. The water came from a spring in the hill along a long pipe which is still there! We dressed up as Roman slaves and made Roman medicine using different herbs. We really enjoyed our day!”

Attendance Matters – Is your child missing out?
If your child is at school for 190 days out of 190, that’s 100% attendance.
Your child has a very good chance of doing well at school.
If your child is at school for 180 days out of 190, that’s 95% attendance.
Your child still has a good chance of doing well at school.
If your child is at school for 169 days out of 190, that’s 89% attendance.
Your child has been off 21 days and may find it hard to keep on track.
If your child is at school for 161 days out of 190, that’s 85% attendance.
Your child has been off for 29 days, nearly 6 school weeks.
If your child is at school for 150 days out of 190, that’s 79% attendance.
Poor attendance like this will have a serious impact on education and life chances.
If your child is at school for 143 days out of 190, that’s 75% attendance.
Your child has missed 47 days of lessons – something is seriously wrong.
To be in with the best possible chance, pupils need to attend every day.

PTA News
Winter Fair on Friday 27th November
We are asking for donations of Bottles (alcohol, bath stuff, soft drinks)
Jam jars- either empty of filled with something interesting.
Good condition toys
Party bag fillings- eg bouncy balls, bubbles.
Raffle prizes

We are also desperate for Christmas decorations and lights to decorate the bus on the night. If anybody has any and are willing to lend us them on the night, then please see Georgina Wiggins.

Any donations to be put in the school hall or given to a committee member and are hugely appreciated,

If you are able to help set up or clear up on the night please let a committee member know.

Thank you for you continued support of the PTA.

Clothes Recycling Collection on 19th October – 310kg were collected and the PTA received £108 as a result for their funds. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

Friday Cake Club
Congratulations to Tillie Moss-Black, the lucky winner of the last cake before Half Term, kindly donated by Mrs Wiggins. A reminder to Mrs Bowerman that she is on the rota for 13th November.

Monday 16 & Weds 18 November Parents’ Consultation Evenings. Appointments offered on a first come first served basis.
Monday 7 December KS2 Dress Rehearsal am
Tuesday 8 December KS1/FS Dress Rehearsal am; KS2 Matinee and Evening Performances
Wednesday 9 December KS1 /FS Matinee
Tuesday 15 December Nativity Service in the Church

Christmas Holiday Sports Course at Stadhampton School
The Christmas Holiday Sports Course led by Michael Hopkins, a qualified PE teacher, on Monday 21st December is now fully booked. However, due to the popularity on the course, it has been extended to a second day. There are still places available for Tuesday 22nd December. The course runs from 9-3pm and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office. Early booking is advised.

Community News

• Vacancy for a School Administrator at Watlington Primary School (see flyer attached)

• Vacancy for a Science Technician at Icknield Community College (see flyer attached)