Friday, November 27, 2015

Newsletter for week ending 27th November 2015

Poppy Collection
Thank you to everyone who purchased poppies and other related items from the selection recently in school. We are pleased to report that £56.78 was the total amount collected in our tin.

Forest School Rainsets/Waterproofs
A huge ‘thank you’ to the PTA for funding 50 sets of waterproofs in various sizes for Stadhampton School children. As you know Forest School sessions take place in all weathers and all year around. These waterproofs will ensure that all children are dry and can enjoy their Forest School experience whatever the weather! Thank you also to the Nursery Shop in Abingdon and Kozi Kidz for agreeing a special offer price.

ELLI Project
All families should receive in book bags a letter about the start of a new learning project that we will be undertaking as a trial this school year. It features ‘Ellie the Elephant’ and ‘Toucan’. The project consists of a set of practical approaches, strategies and activities designed to foster greater energy for learning in individuals and learning communities. There are seven learning dimensions, each represented by an animal character, which we will introduce over the coming months. We are excited about implementing this project, which begins on Monday. We hope that you will support us and help your child by discussing each new dimension and character when it is introduced. Please see your child’s teacher if you have any queries.

Knitted Nativity Characters travelling round the village
If anyone is interested in having the knitted nativity scene visit their home for a night during December please email Sara Wright direct with your details. You do not have to be religious to have them, its just a Christmas tradition for villagers. They start on the 1st December and end up at the 5pm Christmas Eve service in the Church. If interested please email before 1st December. Thank you.

Emergency Closure Procedures
If the weather is particularly bad or there are power cuts in the village and the decision is made to close the school, the information is given to parents through BBC Radio Oxford, Jack FM and Heart FM. Parents are advised to tune into these local radio stations and also check their websites if there is a possibility that the school could be closed. We will also do our best to put a message onto the school website if there is power!

Christmas Play Tickets
Play tickets are now on sale as listed below:

KS2 Matinee (Classes 2 & 3 pupils) of
‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Jockeys’ (Tuesday 8th December) 2.00pm start Two tickets per pupil available @£2 per ticket. Younger siblings welcome at this performance
KS2 Evening Performance of ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Jockeys’ (Tuesday 8th December) 6.30pm start Two tickets per pupil available @£2 per ticket. Adults only please at this performance as it will be recorded by the school.
KS1 & Foundation Stage Performance (Reception & Class 1 pupils) of ‘Simply Nativity’ (Wednesday 9th December) 2.15 pm start Two tickets per pupil available @£2 per ticket. There will be a further 25 tickets available if any families would like a third ticket on a ‘first come first served’ basis. Younger siblings welcome at this performance.

Whole School Christmas Lunch
It is a tradition at Stadhampton School that the whole-school joins in our Festive Lunch on 16th December and we hope that no-one will have a packed lunch on that day.

The menu is:
Roasted Turkey with Sausage Pigs in Blankets or Celebration Roast; Yorkshire Pudding, stuffing; cranberry sauce; roast potatoes, carrots, peas and gravy. Dessert is Happy Snowman Face Ice Cream and a Christmas Cookie. We can accommodate requests such as no gravy, etc.

The cost of the meal is £2.10 and all pupils make their special place mat in the morning and we have crackers, napkins and music. Staff serve the pupils with their meal. Payment for the meal for pupils in Classes 2 and 3 is welcome at anytime prior to the event. Pupils who normally have a Free School Meal may still do so on this day and pupils in Reception and Class 1 who are entitled to a Universal Infant Free School Meal still get their lunch free on this day too!

PTA News
CHRISTMAS BAZAAR at 6pm TODAY! We look forward to seeing you there!
Christmas Wreath Making Evening on Tuesday 15th December- tickets are now available for this popular evening, priced at £15 including mince pies and mulled wine. Tickets are selling out very quickly. Please see Georgina Wiggins for tickets; these are sold on a first come first served basis.

Friday Cake Club
Congratulations to Oliver Parkes, the lucky winner of last week’s cake, kindly donated by Anna Harries. A reminder to Mrs Hector that she is on the rota for 4th December.

Monday 7 December KS2 Dress Rehearsal am
Tuesday 8 December KS1/ FS Dress Rehearsal am; KS2 Matinee and Evening Performances
Wednesday 9 December KS1 / FS Matinee
Tuesday 15 December Nativity Service in the Church – 2pm for 2.15pm start. Parents/Carers welcome to attend.
Wednesday 16 December Whole School Christmas Lunch
Thursday 17 December Christmas Party pm
Friday 18 December End of Term Assembly at 9.05am. Parents/Carers welcome to attend
School finishes at 1.30pm

Christmas Holiday Sports Course at Stadhampton School
The Christmas Holiday Sports Course led by Michael Hopkins, a qualified PE teacher, on Monday 21st has been extended to a second day. There are still places available for both days. The course runs from 9-3pm and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office. Early booking is advised.

Community News
• Flyer attached about the Radio Oxford Sock Appeal – we are happy, to be a collection point and will have a ‘Sox box’ in the Hall!
• Flyer attached about a Science Technician vacancy at Icknield Community College