Friday, November 20, 2015

Newsletter for week ending 20th November 2015

Children In Need Collection

Thank you to everyone who supported this event last Friday. We are pleased to report that £132 was collected from the donations for ‘wearing something spotty’ combined with the ‘Guess the number of sweets in the jar competition’. Tende Amery was the lucky winner of the competition. Tende guessed that there were 569 sweets in the jar, only 5 away from the actual total of 574! Thank you to Miss Mould for donating (and counting!) the sweets.

ROBOTSCOOL – Change of Date
Unfortunately the session planned for 30th November will not now be able to take place as the leader of this after school club is going to be out of the country.
The missed session will be added on at the end so the dates for the next sessions are now as follows:
Monday 23rd November
Monday 7th December
Monday 14th December

Year 5 Visit to Icknield Community College
Report by Ella G, Ben W, and Tillie M.B: “On Thursday 12th November, Year 5 went to Icknield Community College to experience a secondary school day. We had lots of fun but it was educational too! We took part in several subjects, all relating to a special theme. The day included solving a crime, which taught all of Year 5 about the chromatography of pen ink. After lunch, we headed to the Music Studio with Mr Hunter, the Headteacher. Since our theme was solving crime, we learnt the lyrics to Skyfall from the James Bond film. It was recorded and we really enjoyed listening to it. We also played it to the whole school in an assembly when we got back to Stadhampton School.”
A copy of the recording has been e-mailed to all parents of Year 5 pupils.

Christmas Play Tickets

In previous years we have given the proceeds from the sale of play tickets to a variety of charities but this year we have decided to raise funds from ticket sales to help us continue to be able to provide Forest School sessions for all pupils. Tickets are now on sale for the following performances:

KS2 Matinee (Classes 2 & 3 pupils) of
‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Jockeys’ 2.00pm start Two tickets per pupil available @£2 per ticket. Younger siblings welcome at this performance
KS2 Evening Performance of ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Jockeys’ 6.30pm start Two tickets per pupil available @£2 per ticket. Adults only please at this performance as it will be recorded by the school.
KS1 & Foundation Stage Performance (Reception & Class 1 pupils) of ‘Simply Nativity’ 2.15 pm start Two tickets per pupil available @£2 per ticket. There will be a further 25 tickets available if any families would like a third ticket on a ‘first come first served’ basis. Younger siblings welcome at this performance.
All pupils in school will attend Dress Rehearsals of the play that they are not in so that they have an opportunity to see the ‘other’ play. Little Bears Pre-School will be invited to attend both Dress Rehearsals.

In order to avoid making the Monday morning queue outside the office even longer, tickets may be purchased any morning or afternoon next week from Mrs Hopkins or Mrs Scragg.

PTA News
Wreath Evening on Tuesday 15th December- tickets are now available for this popular evening, priced at £15 including mince pies and mulled wine. Tickets are selling out very quickly. Please see Georgina Wiggins for tickets; these are sold on a first come first served basis.

Winter Fair on Friday 27th November- raffle tickets are arriving in book bags for you to sell before the event to family and friends, please look out for them and return them by Wednesday 25th.

Cake Donations- we would be very grateful for any cakes, biscuits or cookies for our cake stall at the Winter Fair; Please bring any donations into the hall on Friday 27th (morning).

Parents Help- any help on the day from parents would be appreciated, if parents could spare an hour to help on a stall or help to clear up after then please see a committee member.

Hampers- Key Stage 1 and 2 will be doing hampers for the Winter Fair, please see your child's teacher to see what is needed for the hamper. It is friendly rivalry between the Key Stage 1 ( Reception & Class1) and Key Stage 2 (Class 2 & 3) on who’s hamper is the fullest.

Donations- we are asking for donations of
Jam Jars (filled with sweets or party bag fillings)
bottles (alcohol or soft drinks)
chocolate ( bars, packs)
good condition toys/ books
party bag fillers (bouncy balls, pencils, bubbles, etc)
Christmas decorations for our Santa's grotto

Friday Cake Club
Congratulations to Nate Moss-Black, the lucky winner of last week’s cake, kindly donated by Mrs Bowerman. A reminder to Helen Moss-Black that she is on the rota for 27th November.

Monday 7 December KS2 Dress Rehearsal am
Tuesday 8 December KS1/FS Dress Rehearsal am; KS2 Matinee and Evening Performances
Wednesday 9 December KS1 /FS Matinee
Tuesday 15 December Nativity Service in the Church – 2pm for 2.15pm start

Christmas Holiday Sports Course at Stadhampton School
The Christmas Holiday Sports Course led by Michael Hopkins, a qualified PE teacher, on Monday 21st December is now fully booked. However, due to the popularity of the course, it has been extended to a second day. There are still places available for Tuesday 22nd December. The course runs from 9-3pm and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office. Early booking is advised.