Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Week ending 20 July 2018


Meerkat Champion of the Week

Reception        Harry

Class 1                         Betsy

Class 2             George

Class 3                         Gene

Congratulations to you all!


Year 6 Leavers

We say a fond farewell to our Year 6 pupils as they leave Stadhampton School on Friday. We are very proud of you all; you have contributed to the life of Stadhampton School and have achieved so many things, academic and non-academic, during your time with us. We will miss you all but know that you are ready for the next stage of your learning journey and wish you every success at your secondary schools, which this year are Icknield Community College, King Alfred’s in Wantage and Didcot Girls. We hope you will all keep in touch.


We also wish Dexter Eliott every success in his new school and also say thank you to Poppy Elliott for her support of the school for many years as she leaves the staff team at Little Bears.


Staff Changes

We wish Mrs Hopkins a long and happy retirement as she leaves Stadhampton School on Friday after 21 years of looking after our school administration and finances. Mrs Hopkins has made many significant contributions to Stadhampton School over the years, not least of which is ensuring that our budget is balanced! Mrs Hopkins will be missed by us all – staff, pupils and parents alike – but we suspect that we shall still see her from time to time! We will be saying ‘farewell’ to Mrs Hopkins at our End of Year and Leavers Assembly on Friday morning and hope that many of you will be able to join us to mark the occasion.


We are pleased to announce that Mrs Kate Kerbey has been appointed as our new School Administrator from the start of the new academic year which begins on Wednesday 5 September.


Thank You

A huge thank you to the parents and grandparents who have volunteered this year in school especially by hearing children read and helping with Forest School sessions. We really appreciate your help.


Thank you to Mr and Mrs Burnell and Mrs Green for running a very popular gardening club for us again this year.


Thank you to Melanie Gravett and everyone on the PTA committee who have worked so hard to continue to fundraise to provide additional resources and treats for our pupils.


Thank you to Jane Duke for auditing our local bank accounts.

And finally, thank you to our wonderfully supportive parents. You continually rise to the challenge of providing costumes for various events, pay for after school clubs, educational visits and transport to sporting events and work collaboratively with us to ensure that we provide our pupils with the best possible education we can during their time at primary school. Thank you to you all.


Stadhampton’s Got Talent

Last week, School Council held Stadhampton’s Got Talent in order to raise money for Books2Africa. We thoroughly enjoyed watching all the acts which ranged from whistling to contortionism! We were amazed by the confidence and talents of the children who entered.

The event raised £60.50 which is enough to buy boxes to parcel the books in and to send them off to Africa. Thank you to everybody who supported the event by donating money, performing and spectating! We hope to send the books off this week and will keep you posted on with any updates we receive on the whereabouts of our books.

Summer Homework

Hopefully by now everyone has received ‘Maths Holiday Activities’ sheets given to all children in Reception through to Year 5. Please read it all and then choose an activity which fits in with your summer break and your child’s preferences. Also, do have fun with it and use it as a starting point to showcase some maths interest. The younger children may like to explore the start of one topic and some older ones might follow all of the suggestions in one area. Please bring your homework in on our first day back at school (Wednesday 5 September). Please keep it to A4 size format so that the homework can be displayed in classrooms or in the hall. Mrs Manzie (Maths Co-ordinator) will pick a few for a special mention in ‘Well Done Stickers Assembly’ on Friday 7 September.



As we near the end of the school year, we wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has volunteered, donated, baked, tidied up and supported our PTA events and activities this school year. Our Cake Club has gone from strength to strength raising over £400, our Film Nights have proved to be popular raising nearly £500 and our Family Quiz raised over £200.  Overall, with just the disco to go, we have raised nearly £4,000 in total. This money has gone straight back to your children, with the following being just an example of items funded by the PTA this year:


  • 21 iPads
  • A variety of books for all classes
  • Contributions to various class trips throughout the year
  • Contributions towards all pupils learning French
  • Contributions towards the Daylight Theatre treat for all pupils this afternoon.


The More the Merrier…
As we’re sure you know, school funding and falling budgets are hot topics at the moment. Every last penny the PTA raises goes directly back to school to help ease that squeeze. There are many ways you can offer your support and talents to help with PTA activities and raise as much money as we can for the children - if anyone would like to get involved in any way, shape or form, please do come along to the first PTA meeting of the new school year on 12th September and / or our AGM on 3rd October.


We hope everyone has a great summer! 

The PTA Committee


Cake Club

Well done to Joshua for winning the cake made by Jo H. Thank you Jo. This week’s prize is courtesy of Karen B.

I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported cake club this year – to everyone who has paid to enter the draws and to everyone who has kindly provided a cake.


Just a reminder that Cake Club will be continuing in September.  The cost per week is 25p, which over the course of the school year amounts to £10.  However, by paying for the year in advance, 8 weeks are free so the cost will be £8. 


Vicky Venner has very kindly offered to look after Cake Club again next year, so please pass payment to Vicky either before the holidays or during the first week back in September.  Cheques should be make payable to Stadhampton Primary School PTA.


The first Cake Club draw will be on Friday 7th September.  As ever, if anyone would like to donate a cake for the draw over the course of the year, please let Vicky know.


Summer Sports Course at Stadhampton School

Michael Hopkins will be leading a sports course at Stadhampton School on Monday 13, Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 August. The cost is from 9am to 3pm and costs £15 per day and is open to pupils aged 4 to 11. This course is run regularly at Stadhampton School and is always very popular. Please book early to confirm your place by e-mailing m.hopkins07@hotmail.com or text Michael directly on 07846 012858; alternatively you may book with Mrs Hopkins in the school office.


Diary Dates:

July 2018

Swimming for Class 3 pupils
Reception & Class 1 visit to Tiddywinkles
Y6 Forest School session with lunch (£1.50 required for this please).
Daylight Theatre end of school year treat
Disco 5.30-7pm
End of School Year & Leavers Assembly
School finishes to pupils for the Summer holidays at 1.30pm



It is hard to believe that this is our last newsletter of the year. Our preschool year is winding down and many of our preschoolers will be off to “Big School” in the new autumn term. We wish them good luck in the next journey of their learning. 

We also want to thank everyone who has supported us throughout the year.  We feel a close partnership with our parents - past and present  and send you our best wishes for a restful summer. 

We also say a sad farewell to Poppy this Friday and we all wish her luck and love in her next venture. 


Community News :

  • Tame the Thame Fun Run



We hope everyone has a wonderful summer break and look forward to seeing everyone who is returning again on 5 September.