Friday, February 2, 2018

Week ending 2 February 2018


Happy FEBRUARY Birthday to: Jemima O’Brien, Daniel Robinson and Chester Woodwards


In February we are focusing on the core value of QUALITY


Consultation regarding joining a Multi Academy Trust (MAT)

A consultation document about Stadhampton School joining a Multi Academy Trust was sent home to parents in envelopes via book bags on Wednesday. A copy of the document has also been uploaded to the school website under Parents/Recent letters. As explained in the consultation document a specific e-mail address has been set up for comments, questions or sharing of any thoughts and a meeting with parents and other interested members of the local community is planned for Thursday 1 March at 7.30pm in the School Hall.


Collecting Children at the end of the school day

Please may we remind parents that in the interest of safety they must collect their children from the waiting area at the end of the school day. The car park is a very busy place at this time and children’s safety is paramount. We do not consider it to be safe for parents to remain in their cars in the car park whilst children make their way on their own to their parent’s car whilst other cars are reversing etc. Car drivers and pedestrians are requested to remain vigilant. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter, we all have a responsibility to ensure children are safe.


SODC food waste trucks need a name – vote now!

Please go to and vote for the name chosen by one of our pupils, Waste Warrior! The winner, whose suggested name gets the most votes, will scoop £150 book tokens for their school and a swimming pass for their family. Voting will close on Friday 16th February. Thank you.


Meerkat Champion of the Week

Reception        Dominic W

Class 1                         William W

Class 2             Freddie W

Class 3                         Gene G

Congratulations to you all!


Sportshall Athletics Tournament

A final reminder that the rescheduled Athletics tournament for Class 3 pupils will now take place on Thursday 8 February from 11am until 1.15pm, so all pupils will need to take a packed lunch with them.


PTA News:

Race Night - Cancelled

Unfortunately, Race Night this Friday has had to be postponed.  Whether it was an inconvenient date or an unpopular choice of event, we did not sell enough tickets for this to be a worthwhile fundraising event.


If you have any ideas for future fundraising events, which you think would be more popular, please let any member of the PTA committee know.  A list of PTA members is on the board outside class 1.


Our next PTA meeting has now been brought forward to Wednesday 21st February, 8pm, The Crown. All welcome!


Cake Club

Well done to Jack in Year 3, that cake looked delicious! Thank you so much to Claire Walker for providing last week’s cake. We are looking forward to this week’s cake from Anett Fegyveres-Nagy. Thank you everyone for your continued support of Cake Club; it is really appreciated.


Diary Dates:


February 2018


Class 2 Swimming Session
4/4 Computing afterschool club
Safer Internet Day
Y3 Forest School session; Reception FS session pm
Rescheduled Sports Hall Athletics Event for C3. All pupils require a packed lunch
Multisports afterschool club
3.15pm pupils finish for Spring ½ term
Pupils return to school
Class 3 Swimming Session
Y3 Forest School session; Reception FS session pm
Science Club starting – more details to follow
ELLI Project Assembly
Class 3 Swimming Session
Special PE Event – more details to follow
Y4 Forest School session; Reception FS session pm



We have enjoyed circle time and key person time to share stories from home this week to celebrate National Nursery Book Week . Children brought all sorts of books from home and one family brought a book in that belonged to their mummy when they were little.

We have also enjoyed finding stories with rhyming words and enjoyed some poems. We have also been singing repetitive songs in order for children to recognise and remember words – leading to recognising the sound and the rhyming words.

The team and all the Little Bears would like to say a huge thank you to the Martins family for donating lots of wonderful toys .


Community News:

This year Oxford Brookes University is celebrating 10 years of the Brookes Science Bazaar and we invite your students, their families/guardians and school staff to celebrate with us!

The science bazaar will take place at Headington Campus on Saturday 24 February from 10.00am to 4.30pm.

This free event will be packed with exciting activities offering something for everyone, from fitness to healthy foods, building the highest spaghetti marshmallow tower and learning about your genes.