Friday, June 9, 2017

Week ending 9 June 2017


Happy JUNE Birthday to: Freya Clapton, Ella Gravett, Alice Hindmarch, Maya Jacobs, Ivy Odell, Casey Price and Ellie Wiggins.


During JUNE we are focusing on the core value of HONESTY


Big Science Event

The Big Science Event is a competition open to all primary schools in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire; it has been run since 2010. Children within their schools have the opportunity to develop their own child led science investigations. Having devised their investigation they then have the chance to carry it out; thinking carefully about the procedure, fair testing and their conclusions. At Stadhampton all children in Class 3 were able to take part. Once the investigations were complete, they presented their findings and a winning school team was selected. Bigger schools are able to select more than one team, some even two.


A judge from the Big Science Event came to school to watch our team do their presentation. The judges then got together to choose who out of the 120 teams from 73 schools would go through to the final 10. We are very pleased to announce that our team were successful, getting through to the final to be held later in the term.


Congratulations to everyone in the team: Tende, Isabella, Tillie, Juliana and Ella. The judge who came to the school was extremely impressed with their presentation saying ‘you gave a very polished presentation, easily the best I’ve seen so far’. He was also impressed with how well the group worked together and how well thought through their investigation was.


MEERKAT Champion of the Week

We are delighted to share the names of our "MEERKAT Champion of the Week" award in each class last week as follows;

Reception – Chloe K

Class 1 –Cianna B

Class 2 – Peter F-N

Class 3 – Benjamin W


Well done to you all!


Woodlands Residential Visit

A huge thank you to everyone who has paid in full for the Class 3 residential visit to Woodlands. There are a very small number of outstanding balances which we would appreciate payment for at the earliest opportunity. Thank you. We are pleased to confirm that Mrs Scragg and Sally Clark, who used to attend this school and is now a student with experience of working as a TA at a local school, will be accompanying the visit. We do hope that Miss Raval will be well enough to also accompany the trip and will advise what the arrangements will be if this is not possible once we receive more information from Miss Raval.


We always like to hear how our past students are progressing and would like to congratulate ex-Stadhampton students who have been given roles of responsibility at Icknield Community College in the next academic year: Head Girl Orla Fernie; Senior Prefects: Jake Day, Bryce Dobson, Georgia Valentine. Prefects: Matt Ellis, Annabel Roe, Hannah Tombling. Congratulations to you all.


PTA News:

Just a quick reminder that our next PTA meeting is on Tuesday 13th June, The Crown, 8pm.  Please join us if you can, all welcome.



And just another reminder about provides a FREE service where you can shop with your favourite online stores and at no extra cost raise funds for the PTA. Simply access your chosen websites by using the links from the site or use the ‘Find and Remind’ toolbar on the website. There are over 3,000 retailers and online sites registered with Easyfundraising and each purchase you make will generate a cashback donation to the PTA.  All you need to do is register at It is very easy, you only need to register once and it only takes a few minutes.  It costs you nothing, so please register on the site if you can.


Cake Club

Congratulations to Mrs Gonzalez who was the lucky winner of our Cake Club draw on Friday May 26th. Thank you so much to Mel Saunders for a magnificent Coffee and Walnut cake. Elaine Burnell has kindly volunteered a cake for Friday June 9th and Jo Hutchence is next on the rota for Friday June 16th. Many thanks for your continued support.


Diary Dates:


Monday 12 June
After School Archery Club
Tuesday 13 June
Dental screening for 5 year olds
After School Drama Club
PTA meeting in The Crown
Wednesday 14 June
Y6 Buddying session with ICC students
Thursday 15 June
Y4 Forest School
After School Multisports
Monday 19 – Friday 23 June
Class 3 residential visit to Woodlands
Wednesday 21 June
Festival of Voices for participating pupils



Little Bears are continuing with the topic growing and gardens. We are also going to be learning about life cycles. This Friday the Little Bears will be taking part in a sponsored peddle push. Hopefully the Sun will shine for us!!! 


Advance Notice of dates of two Summer Sports Courses

Michael Hopkins, who is well-known to the school as a PE teacher will be leading two Summer Sports Courses on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 July and then Monday 21 August, Tuesday 22 August & Wednesday 23 August at Stadhampton Primary School. Each course runs from 9-3pm each day and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office.  Please see attached flyer.


Community News:  Flyer attached from the Watlington and Chalgrove Community Centre