Friday, June 23, 2017

Week ending 23 June 2017


Ofsted Visit on 21 June 2017

As you will know, Ofsted visited school on Wednesday. Our last Ofsted inspection was in February 2013, so this inspection was expected as good schools (as we were rated last time) are due to happen around every 3 years.  This inspection was a ‘short inspection’, which is a one day inspection designed to ensure the existing good rating still applies.

We are unable to share the outcome of the inspection until we receive the written Ofsted report but we can say that we are very pleased with the outcome. This is fantastic news and is due to the hard work and dedication of Mrs Turner and all members of staff.  The inspector was particularly impressed with the ‘business as usual’ attitude given he was in school when Class 3 and several members of staff were at Woodlands! 

Thank you to parents for their continuing support of the school and in particular those who took the time to respond to the Parentview survey.

More information will follow when the official report is published, hopefully towards the end of next week.

Paul Gravett – Acting Chair of Governors

Woodlands Residential Visit

We have been in regular contact with school staff at Woodlands throughout this week and are delighted that all pupils seem to have thoroughly enjoyed their experience! Many parents have e-mailed to say how much they have appreciated receiving the updates on what they have been doing and seeing the photos. I’m sure you will all join me in thanking Mrs Stafford, Mrs Scragg and Sally Clark for accompanying this residential visit. We know that everyone will be delighted to get their children back on Friday evening and hear all about their visit to Woodlands. The coach is expected to arrive back at school at approximately 7.20pm. Mrs Scragg and Mrs Stafford will let us know if the expected arrival time is likely to vary significantly and we will endeavour to e-mail parents if this is the case.


Festival of Voices

“The Festival of Voices on Wednesday evening was wonderful. Mrs Manzie and the children had all worked so hard and it showed! The songs were fantastic and were sung beautifully, Shalom and The World in Union were just amazing - brought a tear to my eye. Having a small group of children from our school to be part of that event was great - next year more children should join in!  Such a good experience for us as parents to go and watch and for the children involved.”

Jo Hutton-Price


Festival of Wowzers! 

Nine Stadhampton pupils represented the school at the 34th Oxfordshire Festival of Voices on Wednesday at the magnificent Dorchester Abbey. Several  schools from across the county sang fifteen numbers including Under the Sea, The Owl and the Pussycat and Mamma Mia ending their performance with a wonderfully rousing performance of World in Union. The delighted audience gave the children a standing ovation and were rewarded with a beautiful  encore of Beauty and the Beast. 

Bella, Casey, Ella, Ellie, Emily, Freya, Mia, Mya and Nate all from Class Two, sang their hearts out and should all be super proud of themselves. Parents and grandparents thoroughly enjoyed the show and thank all the children who participated for their wonderful singing and the hard work involved, which certainly paid off on the night! A great BIG thank you to Mrs Manzie and Mrs Gravett for their help and support before and during the event and to Mrs Khan for her help with the transport.

Kerri Jones

When asked for one word to describe the event children’s comments were “fantastic, incredible, exciting and amazing!”

Important information about swimming in the school pool – please get ready!

Mrs Shortman and Mrs Singleton are working hard to ensure that the school pool is ready for use by ensuring that we have the correct chemical balance of pH, total alkalinity and calcium hardness. This is a little challenging given that in this heat wave the chlorine is very quickly burnt off. We are almost there and are waiting for the water sample taken on 21 June by SMS Environmental to come back from the lab with a satisfactory result. We therefore request that ALL pupils (including Reception) have their swimming kit in school from Monday (26 June) ready for use in the school pool. All pupils, boys and girls must have their own swimming hat and towel; girls are required to have a one piece swimming costume please and boys need trunks which are quite tight fitting so that they do not ‘balloon’ when they are in the water. The onus will be on families to ensure that swimming kit is in school each day, otherwise pupils may miss out on opportunities to swim. Pupils who do not have their swimming kit in school will sit in the pool area and read when their class has their turn in the school pool. Thank you.


MEERKAT Champion of the Week

We are delighted to share the names of our "MEERKAT Champion of the Week" award in each class last week as follows;

Reception – Orla V

Class 1 –Freddie T

Class 2 – Mia G

Class 3 – Woodlands visit (the Meerkat stayed in Stadhampton!)


Well done to you all!


Focus on Nepal Week – 10  – 14 July 2017

Each year, as part of our global awareness programme, we have a whole school focus on another part of the world. This year we will be focusing on Nepal and finding out about the geographical features, customs and traditions, food, history, art and culture. If any parents have any artefacts from, or other links with, Nepal that they would be willing to share, please contact Mrs Turner. Thank you.


PTA News:

Sports Night – Friday 14th July

BBQ tickets for Sports Night will go on sale from Monday for either a burger, hot dog or veggie burger priced at £2.50 each.  A PTA member will be outside Class 1 each morning with tickets for sale.


School Disco – Thursday 20th July – 6pm – 7.30pm

We will be holding an end of year disco on Thursday 20th July for all Stadhampton pupils.  Further details will follow in bookbags shortly.



And just another reminder about provides a FREE service where you can shop with your favourite online stores and at no extra cost raise funds for the PTA. Simply access your chosen websites by using the links from the site or use the ‘Find and Remind’ toolbar on the website. There are over 3,000 retailers and online sites registered with Easyfundraising and each purchase you make will generate a cashback donation to the PTA. 


All you need to do is register at It is very easy, you only need to register once and it only takes a few minutes.  It costs you nothing, so please register on the site if you can using the link below and clicking on the Join Us button:



Advance Notice of PTA Dates for the Diary

Tuesday 19th September – Next PTA committee meeting, The Crown, 8pm

Friday 29th September - Children’s bingo night – further details to follow

Tuesday 3rd October – PTA Annual General Meeting – further details to follow


Cake Club

Congratulations to Lorenzo Elliott and his family who were the lucky winners of last week's Cake Club draw. Many thanks to Jo Hutchence for providing a lovely cake. Hollee Mason-Cook is on the rota to provide a cake on Friday 23rd June and Rachel Movitz has volunteered for Friday 30th June. Many thanks for your continued support.


Diary Dates:


Wednesday 5-7 July
Transition days / Moving-up days
Friday 14 July
Sports Evening – 6pm (races start at 6.30pm)



The children are really enjoying watching and observing our caterpillars growing. They have doubled in size in just a week! We've been talking about life cycles and also taking about how children grow and eating healthily. 

Advance Notice of dates of two Summer Sports Courses

Michael Hopkins, who is well-known to the school as a PE teacher will be leading two Summer Sports Courses on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 July and then Monday 21 August, Tuesday 22 August & Wednesday 23 August at Stadhampton Primary School. Each course runs from 9-3pm each day and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office.  Please see attached flyer.


Community News:

Grade 8 (£23,398 - £25,951 pro rata)

 Icknield Community College has a vacancy for an Exams and Data Officer to work either 32½ hours (8.30am – 3.30pm), or 27½ hours per week (9.15am – 2.45pm) – negotiable at interview. Please contact Mrs Hopkins, or Gill Ward at ICC, for further details.


  • Flyer attached about Little Masters Summer Courses