Friday, July 1, 2016

Newsletter week ending 1st July 2016


Happy JULY Birthday to: Jack Austin, Georgia Day, Archie Dickens, Mya Khan, Oliver Lemon, Nate Moss-Black, Harry Waters and Nat Watkins.


During July we are focusing on the core value of COURAGE


Message from the Governing Body

Many of you will be aware that Icknield Community College are consulting with parents about their potential conversion to a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) later this year. They are hoping to convert in December 2016 and will need at least 12 months to embed the MAT before opening their MAT to any other schools. As a Governing Body we spoke about this at the Parents Forum earlier in the year to inform and gather views on the whole idea of converting to Academy status.  We are in continued dialogue with Icknield to assist with our own decision making about academy status.


The Governing Body will investigate our options in more detail so that we can report back to parents later in the calendar year. We remain committed to ensuring we evaluate all options and consult with all stakeholder groups before making any decisions about the school’s future, which includes not only parents but also the wider community.  


In the meantime, if you should have any queries regarding the potential of Stadhampton Primary School converting to Academy status, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Governing Body.

Sara Wright, Chair of Governors


Cycle Safety Training

Congratulations to all pupils who took part in our Year 6 cycle training course this year – everyone passed and the test examiner was very impressed with all involved, both participating children and adult tutors, commending them on their determination to succeed. Certificates will be given to; Charlie A, Charlie B, Leo B, Georgia D, Megan G, Zara H, Megan H, Max J, Tia K and James L.


Special thanks to course tutors Sarah Green, Lindsey Day, Karen Cove, Helen Moss-Black and ‘new girl’ Emily Dickens. Particular thanks go to Sarah Green who has been a tutor for 7 years and has helped around 70 Stadhampton children to become safer cyclists! Thank you also to the parents who have emailed us to express their thanks to the tutors for giving up their time to help pupils with this important safety training.


We understand that there is an opportunity to undertake Cycle Safety Training in Kidlington for pupils aged 9+ if any parents are interested in this route. See link below:



Big Sing Event at Icknield Community College

Classes 2 and 3 thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the “Big Sing” event at Icknield Community College yesterday, along with other schools in the CLOSER partnership, singing a number of songs from the musical “Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat”. Thank you to Helen Moss-Black for sending pictures of the event through to us and for uploading a recording to YouTube. We are hoping to upload both to the school website today for parents to see if they were unable to attend the event.


Swimming Session on Monday 27th June

We apologise that pupils in Class 3 were unable to attend their swimming session at the Abbey Sports Centre on Monday. The coach was booked for this session and the coach company have apologised profusely for their error in not being able to supply a coach.


Afterschool Dance Club Cancellation

We apologise that the dance club had to be cancelled at short notice on Wednesday due to unforeseen circumstances making it impossible for Olivia to be able to lead this session. We are hoping that the missing class will be able to take place on Wednesday 13th July and will let parents know if this will be possible as soon as we receive confirmation.


Collection for Mrs Humphries

As you will be aware Mrs Humphries will be going onto Maternity Leave as we break up for the summer holiday. If any parents would like to contribute towards some leaving gifts for her, please send your donation into the school office. Thank you.


PE Results

All the pupils in school used up a lot of energy during Sports Week. Skipping ropes and hoola hoops were a dominant choice of play equipment at break-times. With PE everyday, as well as active break-times, we collectively “ran”* nearly a quarter of the distance to Rio – (London to Rio is 9298 km) so maybe we can achieve the full distance by the end of the Summer term! Pupils took part in tournaments for hoola hoops, table tennis and the ever popular, skipping. The winners for the skipping events will have their points scored added to their colour team scores for our Olympic Sports Evening.

(* equivalent steps)


Results are displayed in school and will be available to see on Friday evening.


Rio Olympics – Brazil Drama and Dance Workshops

Everyone has enjoyed 2 days of dance and drama workshops. Pupils laughed, shouted, waved and danced their way through learning about Brazil. Thank you to the parents who came and supported and watched the performances.


Clarinet Performance for Year 5’s

Clarinet on Tuesday 2pm – parents are welcome to attend an end of  school year clarinet performance by pupils in Class 3 on Tuesday 5th July at 2pm. This performance will be watched by the other pupils in Class 3.


School Council CAKE SALE!

A reminder that the School Council will be holding a Cake Sale after the races finish at Sports Evening tonight.



Sainsbury’s Vouchers

As the Sainsbury’s voucher scheme is close to finishing this year, please could everyone bring in any vouchers they have collected for us and put them in the collection box in the Hall. Thank you.



Sports night- please support our bar and BBQ at sports night, everything raised goes towards the school.


End of school disco - Thursday 14th July. Please return your slips along with £3 per child to any committee member.


Thinking of joining the PTA? Speak to Georgina Wiggins if you would like to join the committee.


Thank you for your continued support


Friday Cake Club


Congratulations to Ellie Wiggins, the lucky winner of last week’s cake, kindly donated by Mrs Parkes.  A reminder to Mrs Hackett that she is on the rota for 8th July.


Monday 4 July
ICC tournaments for Rounders and Kwik Cricket for participating pupils.
Tuesday 5 July
Warwick Castle visit for Reception and Class 1 pupils
Wednesday 6 July
First Transition Day
Meeting/talk with Susie Mullin after school about ‘Being a Parent is an Interesting Journey’. It is not too late to attend this talk if you have not yet returned your slip but it would be helpful if this could be returned on Monday please so that we are able to finalise numbers for the talk and for the crèche.
After –School Dance Club will still take place!
Thursday 7 July
Second transition day
Multisports Club for participating pupils. Year 6 pupils have received a refund as they will not be in school today.
Friday 8 July
Final transition day. New Reception pupils are not in school today as home visits are planned.
Tuesday 12 July
End of school year treat for all pupils – Daylight Theatre performance of A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream. Thank you to the PTA for once again contributing towards half of this cost.
Friday 15 July
End of year assembly at 9.05am. All welcome.
School finishes at 1.30pm
Monday 5 September
Pupils return to school for the start of the new academic year












Some of our Little Bears are excitedly getting ready for the transitions to "big school" - we've enjoyed some assemblies, singing with reception and Mrs Humphries and looking at our big book of school. 
We've also been busy preparing for sports day and starting to practice some of our races. 
Sports Day will be on 15th July from 11 am onwards followed by a picnic in the garden. 
The last day of term is 15th July and Little Bears closes at 12.00, but parents are welcome to stay on with their children and enjoy the picnic until 1.30pm.


Summer Sports Course at Stadhampton School

Michael Hopkins, who is well-known to the school as a PE teacher will be leading a Summer Sports Course on Monday 8th, Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th AUGUST at Stadhampton Primary School. The course runs from 9-3pm each day and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office. Early booking is advised as the Easter Sports Course was very popular!

Due to the popularity of the sports course, Michael has added in TWO ADDITIONAL DATES  which are now open for bookings on 21st & 22nd July.


Community News:



WEDNESDAY 6TH JULY, 6.30pm to 8pm

As well as years 5 to 9 we would like to invite the year 4’s who are

Wishing to join youth club in September.

We ask that children are accompanied by an adult.

Siblings welcome.

Plates from Supper Night

Melanie Gravett has two plates left from the Supper Night – one is round with a blue border with white spots and the other is oval shape with a patterned border and a silver rim.  Please let Mel know if these plates belong to you. Thank you.