Friday, July 8, 2016

Newsletter for week ending 8 July 2016



This will be the final Newsletter of this academic year! We wish you all a very happy summer break!


Message from the Governing Body

We wanted to inform you that regrettably and due to unforeseen circumstances Mrs Turner is not in school at the moment, and it is not expected that she will return before September. I am sure you will join us in wishing her well.

Sara Wright, Chair of Governors


Welcome to our new Reception Class

It was a pleasure to have our new Reception pupils who start school in September join us for transition days this week. We were delighted that Mrs Stafford, who will be our new Reception teacher in September covering the maternity leave of Mrs Humphries, was able to lead the days and start to get to know her new class.


Year 6 Leavers

At the end of this term we will be saying a fond farewell to our Year 6 pupils. We are very proud of you all; you have contributed to the life of Stadhampton School and have achieved so many things, academic and non-academic, during your time with us. We will miss you all but know that you are ready for the next stage of your learning journey and wish you every success at your secondary schools, which this year are Icknield Community College and Wallingford School. We hope you will all keep in touch.


End of Year School Reports

All parents and carers should have received their child’s end of year school reports this week. Please let us know if you have not received the report or accompanying documentation.

We would appreciate parents/carers completing the Acknowledgement/Returns sheet and returning it to school so that we have feedback from parents on this annual report. Thank you.


Sports Evening

Congratulations to everyone on a very successful Sports Evening! Thank you to Mrs Manzie and other school staff for organising the races so well and to Mr Manzie for helping on the bar. Thank you to the BBQ team of the Matthews family, Mr and Mrs Rayner and Moyna de Selincourt who all did a great job and to Mr Holmes for organising the loan of the BBQ. Thank you to the PTA for purchasing the burgers and hot dogs and the drinks and for all the clearing up at the end of the evening. Thank you to past pupils and to governors (including ex-governors!) for their help with the scoreboard and giving out stickers. A very good team effort!


School Council Cake Sale

Thank you to everyone who made cakes for the School Council Cake Sale which took place after the races on Sports Evening and to those who bought them! Particular thanks to Sarah Green who made a wonderful array of very clever cakes for the event. The School Council were pleased to make £50.57 from this event.


Susie Mullin’s Talk on ‘Being a Parent is an Interesting Journey’

Thank you to the parents who were able to come to the very interesting and informative talk by Susie Mullin after school on Wednesday. Susie has kindly agreed to provide access to her presentation for all parents to see and a copy of it has been uploaded to the school website under Previous Events. Should anyone wish to make further contact with Susie, her contact details are given in the presentation.


Kwik Cricket and Rounders Tournaments

Pupils from Classes 2 and 3 showed their interest in taking part in competitive events by attending lunchtime trials for selection into a rounders or cricket team. All children selected enjoyed their event. The rounders team showed a good team spirit and worked well as a team. So did the cricket team and as their games progressed, so did their knowledge and tactical awareness. We came third in both tournaments and all pupils were pleased to have taken part and represent Stadhampton School. Well done to all of you!

Mrs Manzie


Class 1 and Reception visit to Warwick Castle

Here are some comments from the KS1 visit:

Alana: “It was fun because we got to see the armour and I enjoyed going through the maze”.

Zac: “We had lunch by the fireball show (trebuchet) and I liked seeing the Henry VIIIth wax model”

Honor: “We saw the birds of prey and the eagle dropped a feather. I liked the story in the stained glass windows.”

Laila: “We saw people doing archery and I enjoyed the adventure playground”.

Dexter: “I enjoyed the stone being thrown and seeing the things inside the castle”.


Thank you to all the parents who came on the trip. This helped us to run a safe and very enjoyable trip.

Mrs Manzie


Piano Tuition: Spaces available in September

After the summer holiday, piano lessons will continue to be available during the school day on Thursday afternoons for any child in Class 2 or 3. These will be given by Trudy Drake, who already provides private piano tuition for some children in school. If you are interested in your child starting to learn the piano, please contact Mrs Drake directly (mob. 07918188519).


Clarinet Concert on Tuesday 5th July

Thank you to the parents who attended the clarinet concert given by Class 3 pupils on Tuesday afternoon. Thank you also to Helen Moss –Black for sending us a You Tube link for it. This has been put on the school website under the Previous Events section.


Collection for Mrs Humphries

As you will be aware Mrs Humphries will be going on Maternity Leave as we break up for the summer holiday. If any parents would like to contribute towards some leaving gifts for her, please send your donation into the school office. Thank you.



End of term disco -Thursday 6-7.30pm- please return your consent forms and £3 to Anna Harries by Wednesday. Glow sticks will be available to purchase on the night.


Sports night - thank you to everyone who helped out at sports night, it is always an enjoyable evening, special thank you to Alan Manzie and Mrs Hopkins for running the bar and to the helpers running the BBQ. As always a massive thank you to our committee who are always on hand to help.


Committee vacancies-






If you are interested in any of these positions then please come along to our AGM which will be in early October, new members are always very welcome and as a committee we need numbers to enable us to proceed into the future. If you have any questions about the positions then please speak to Georgina Wiggins.


Thank you for your continued support of the PTA


Friday Cake Club


Congratulations to Oliver Eaton, the lucky winner of last week’s cake, kindly donated by Mrs Khan.   A reminder to Mrs Sarah Green that she is on the rota for Friday 15th July, the last day of the school year!  We are now taking names for the next school year so please see Helen Payne to put your name on the rota. Thank you.


Tuesday 12 July
End of school year treat for all pupils – Daylight Theatre performance of A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream. Thank you to the PTA for once again contributing towards half of this cost.
Friday 15 July
End of year assembly at 9.05am. All welcome.
School finishes at 1.30pm
Monday 5 September
Pupils return to school for the start of the new academic year







Little Bears would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has donated time, supported our events and thought of us first when old toys needed a new home. 
We hope everyone has a wonderful summer break and a well deserved rest.


Swimming Next Term at the Abbey Sports Centre

Swimming will start for Class 2 pupils at the Abbey Sports Centre on Monday 5 September. They will have 7 sessions leading up to half-term. As always, we are most grateful to receive a ‘voluntary contribution’ from parents of £2 per child per swimming session towards the transport costs (currently £75 per visit). Cheques for swimming contributions should be made payable to Stadhampton School. Thank you, in advance, of your continued support.


Summer Sports Course at Stadhampton School

Michael Hopkins, who is well-known to the school as a PE teacher will be leading a Summer Sports Course on Monday 8th, Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th AUGUST at Stadhampton Primary School. The course runs from 9-3pm each day and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office. Early booking is advised as the Easter Sports Course was very popular!

Due to the popularity of the sports course, Michael has added in TWO ADDITIONAL DATES  which are now open for bookings on 21st & 22nd July.


Community News:

  • Chalgrove and Watlington Children’s Centre – advert for ‘bank staff’. Please see attached flyer.
  • Summer Holiday activities in Woodstock
  • Police Open Day flyer