Wednesday, March 23, 2016

School Newsletter week ending 24th March 2016


Message from Governing Body

Parent Survey

Thank you to all those parents/carers who completed and returned the Parent Survey, the school and Governing Body appreciate the feedback. We had 31 responses in total; of those who completed the survey over 90% of responses scored Strongly Agree or Agree for the questions relating to ‘my child is happy’, ‘feels safe’, ‘is well looked after’, and ‘pupils are well behaved’.

Encouragingly the score that is a strong indicator of satisfaction in that parents would recommend the school, had 84% of parents agreeing, with 4 responses scoring don’t know.


The question relating to whether the school dealt effectively with bullying caused much debate amongst the Governing Body and teachers; 51% of responses agreed (strongly or agree), only 1 response disagreed whereas 45% ticked ‘Don’t know’. We debated whether this was because there had been no incidences of bullying for that child, thereby parents felt they couldn’t respond positively or negatively to it being dealt with effectively because they had never come across it. For those 14 respondents, if you can remember why you ticked ‘Don’t know’ we would very much appreciate having an insight into why you ticked it.


77% of responses agreed (strongly or agree) in relation to receiving valuable information about their child, whereas 19% disagreed. In terms of responding well to any concerns you raise, 65% responded positively, 16% disagreed and the remaining ticked ‘Don’t know’.


The free text comments very much reflected the survey responses. Some comments related to individual children, and in line with school policy we would again encourage parents to talk to the relevant teacher at the end of the day, not before school, in the first instance, or make an appointment to speak with Mrs Turner if you have any concerns. Some text comments related to ‘stories’ about isolated incidences; we acknowledge that with the small nature of the school, parents share stories relating to their child, this can make it difficult when seeing survey responses to understand if this was one story repeated many times or many different issues.


The parent survey is just one of the data points we use to measure the effectiveness of the school, we also measure the views and progress of pupils, benchmark against other schools, and gather both quantitative and qualitative information against key targets set as part of the School Improvement Plan.


Parents & Community Forum – 26th April

The school has changed significantly over the past 5 years, numbers have almost doubled and yet we still occupy the same space, with the same number of teachers; the curriculum has changed, the method of assessment has changed, the LA is in demise and the spectre of academy status is now firmly on our agenda.


We would therefore encourage as many parents as possible to attend the Parents Forum on 26th April to hear what actions the school will be taking in response to the feedback, learn more about the school, what the Governing Body do and more importantly seek your views on academy status and the long term vision of the school. The main focus of the evening will be to seek views so that the GB can create a vision that ensures our step towards academy status reflects the majority views of parents, as well as delivering a happy and caring environment in which the children can thrive.


Sports Relief

Thank you to everyone who supported our Sports Relief activities on Friday 18th March. We are pleased to report that £102 was raised which has been donated to Sports Relief.


Forest School

A huge thank you to Phil Payne for sourcing the pallets and other materials to turn our donated sink into a mud kitchen at Forest School.  Both Phil and Paul Gravett spent a few hours building the mud kitchen, which the children are going to love! Thank you to both Phil and Paul for their efforts.



Chess Tournament 2016

Congratulations to Charlie A, Charlie B and Casey B who were joint winners of this year’s Stadhampton Primary Chess Tournament. The children had great fun! 2nd runners up were Lewis, Peter, Lawrence, Thomas and Will P; 3rd runner up was Tia K. Well done to all who gained enough points to enter this year’s Mega Final. Thank you to Mr Goddard for his time running the after school chess club. It was evident how much the children’s chess skills have improved from attending the Chess Club.



Earth Hour- thank you to the families that donated sponsor money for Earth hour, £33.33 was raised, we have decided to donate 100% to the WWF.


Easter Raffle- thank you to all the families that donated eggs to our Easter raffle , We had over 70 eggs which meant every child that bought a ticket won an egg.


Kids bingo evening-Friday 22nd April- 5.30-7pm- you should have received a consent form for the bingo evening in book-bags earlier in the week. We  sent them out in plenty of time to please make sure you circle which food choice your child/children would like. All forms to be handed to Melanie Gravett or any member of the committee .


School clean up day- we are going to hold a clean up day at the school on Saturday 23rd April and Sunday 24th April from 10am. We are hoping to improve the swimming pool area ready for the summer term. I am looking for volunteers from every family to help out as it is going to be a big project. I will be contacting every family to see if anyone could spare a few hours to help paint, weed etc. tea/coffee and bacon sandwiches will be provided. Thank you!


Friday Cake Club

Congratulations to Freya Clapton, the lucky winner of last week’s cake, kindly donated by Mrs Smith.  A reminder to Kerri Jones that she is on the rota for Friday 15 April, the first Friday after Easter Holidays.


Monday 11 April
Start of Term 5 for pupils and staff
Wednesday 13 April
Mobile Library
Friday 6 May
Forest School fundraising supper event at the Church – please see Mrs Hopkins to book.


Easter Holiday Sports Course at Stadhampton School

Michael Hopkins, a qualified PE teacher, will be leading an Easter Sports Course on Wednesday 30th March, Thursday 31st March and Friday 1st April at Stadhampton Primary School. The course runs from 9-3pm each day and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing


Community News

SYC Youth Club Film Night -   We will be running one session in the holiday, for all children, on Wednesday 6th April, 7pm to 9pm with popcorn, pop and tuck shop. 


·         Flyer attached about Abbey Sports Centre Sport Relief Aquathlon