Friday, March 11, 2016

Newsletter for week ending 11th March 2016

Mother’s Day Flowers

We are very grateful to Mr and Mrs Birtles for their generosity in continuing to provide us with bunches of flowers for Mother’s Day, even though it is a long time since their children were at Stadhampton School!

Abacus – Maths

We are no longer using “MyMaths” to support maths homework and maths learning. We have replaced it with Abacus on-line pupil world which links to our Abacus planning and teaching resource. Children will have seen and used Abacus interactive activities in their maths lessons, they will now be able to access the activities set by their teacher, at home. Please check your child’s book bag for your ‘Welcome to Abacus’ letter. This will have your child’s login details on it and provide further information.
Mrs Manzie

Science Day

All pupils experienced a variety of fantastic and mesmerising science activities led by Dr Sarah Bearchell on Wednesday. Dry ice was used to make ‘clouds’, full of different smells and sounds which captivated every child and promoted just how fun science can be. Dry ice was added to a bowl of hot water, then Dr Sarah Bearchell made a bubble on top. As it grew bigger and bigger, and a drum roll was played, the suspense was unbearable. When it popped, everyone cheered! It was very exciting. A show was performed at the end of the day where parents, carers and siblings were also involved this included having clouds ‘snowed’ on them. This was an excellent demonstration of what the children had been involved in as part of their workshops. Thank you to everyone who supported this event, I think you will agree that this was an event that we will all remember for a long time.
Miss Mould

World Book Day
It was great to see so many children bring in props from their favourite books for World Book Day. During the course of the morning, props from each class were displayed and all the children took it in turns to guess which books the props were associated with. Class 2 and 3 had to guess the character as well as books. The children had great fun taking part!
Well done to the following children who were the (Guess the Book) competition winners:
Reception Jack Faulker
Year 1 Zac Holmes,
Year 2 Emily Hackett
Year 3 Olivia Kenney
Year 4 Will Eaton
Year 5 Daniel Ellis
Year 6 Max Jones
Miss Raval

“The Adventures of Rabbit”– Les Adventures de Lapin – Théâtre Sans Frontières
On the 3rd of March, Year 5 and 6 went to Icknield Community College to watch a French performance of “The Adventures of Rabbit”. The play had a moral: cheating never gets you anywhere. It was a great experience and Year 5 and 6 learnt a lot of new French.
The children enjoyed watching all of the characters perform their pieces, but a particular favourite was Zoblac the Zombie. When we were on the trip Madame Church joined us to watch the fun.
There were several songs that we had practiced so we could join in the singing. Some of the Partnership Schools joined us: Chalgrove, Ewelme and RAF Benson. It was a very enjoyable experience.
Megan Hutchence and Georgia Day

Forest School
We are delighted to share the good news that Mrs Mel Gravett has been awarded the Level 3 Certificate in Forest School Programme Leadership. As always, we are grateful to Mel for enabling us to provide Forest School sessions for all pupils at Stadhampton School. Next term sessions for pupils in Reception will continue to take place on Tuesday afternoons and for pupils in all other year groups on Thursday mornings. Dates for the Thursday sessions are as follows:-
Date Year Group
Thursday 14th April 6
Thursday 21st April 3
Thursday 28th April 3
Thursday 5th May 1
Thursday 12th May 1
Thursday 19th May 4
Thursday 26th May 4
Thursday 2nd June Half Term
Thursday 9th June 2
Thursday 16th June 2
Thursday 23rd June 5
Thursday 30th June 5
Thursday 7th July 6
Thursday 14th July 6

International Jian-zi Tournament

Our annual Jian-zi Tournament, which this year was won by Thomas Cove with a record-breaking score of 333, is also an international tournament. Each year we compete with pupils at our partner school in Hazlach, Poland. Now that they are back from their winter break they have sent the results of their tournament. Their top scorer was Jakub Suchanek with a total score of 32 so Thomas is also our international winner! We look forward to having the trophy returned to us with Thomas’ name on.

Cycle Safety Training
Thank you to Mrs Cove, Mrs Green and Miss Moss-Black (Helen) for offering to provide cycle safety training in the summer term for any Year 6 pupils who would like to have a go. Please could those pupils confirm with Mrs Hopkins whether they would like to do this, by Monday next week. In order for pupils to put their names forward it is essential that they have an appropriately sized roadworthy cycle and a cycle helmet which conforms to British Standards and fits correctly. Spaces are limited to ten pupils who must be confident on their bikes and able to cycle in a straight line with one hand out as if indicating. The training sessions will take place on 6th May, 13th May, 20th May, 27th May, 10th June, 17th June (written test) and the practical test will be on the afternoon of 24th June.

Sports Relief Reminder- Friday 18th March

Dress up as a funny character and help raise money for Sport Relief. Pay £1 to dress up and join others running a 1 mile run around the school grounds. Please remember to bring your trainers for the run!
Miss Mould

Earth Hour- on Saturday 19th March earth hour is held worldwide encouraging individuals, communities, households and businesses to turn their non-essential lights for 1 hour, from 8.30-9.30
(this can be done earlier for younger children) as a symbol for their commitment to the planet. It can be celebrated any way you like; maybe have a dinner party in candle light or go for a walk with lanterns. On Friday 18th March we will be putting envelopes into book-bags (1 per family) for your child or your family to be sponsored to turn all lights off for an hour, however your child/family may wish to make it longer than an hour or maybe turn off televisions, consoles or mobile phones. 10% of all sponsor money will be donated to WWF with all other sponsor money going towards the PTA. All envelopes to be handed into a box in the office from Monday 21st March.

Kid’s bingo evening-Friday 22nd April- 5.30-7pm- you should have received a consent form for the bingo evening in book-bags earlier in the week. We have sent them out in plenty of time please make sure you circle which food choice your child/children would like. All forms to be handed into the school office or Melanie Gravett.

Easter Chocolate raffle- We will be holding another Easter egg raffle on the last week of term. I wanted to start asking for donations towards this, if you could donate an Easter egg or chocolates then that would be hugely appreciated, we had 28 Easter eggs last year, it would be great if we could have even more this year. Please put all donations into the PTA box in the hall or alternatively to a committee member. a list of all committee members is on the notice board outside Class 1.

School clean up day- we are going to hold a clean up day at the school the weekend of 16th April. We are hoping to improve the swimming pool area ready for the summer term. I am looking for volunteers from every family to help out as it is going to be a big project. I will be contacting every family to see if anyone could spare a few hours to help paint, weed etc. tea/coffee and bacon sandwiches will be provided.

Friday Cake Club
Congratulations to Ivy Odell, the lucky winner of last week’s cake, kindly donated by Mrs Khan. A reminder to Mrs Kylie Smith that she is on the rota for Friday 17th March.

We have almost got a complete rota – just 6 weeks with gaps until the end of the school year – please see attached. If you would like to donate a cake please contact Rowena Dobson.

Monday 14 March Governing Body meeting at 7pm
Friday 18 March Sport Relief – Dress as a clown for £1 and take part in a one mile fun run.
Monday 21 March Work Viewing Evening 3.15 to 6pm.
Wednesday 23 March Vision checks for Reception pupils
Thursday 24 March End of term assembly at 9.05am. Parents welcome to attend.
School finishes for pupils at 1.30pm. No after school clubs.
Monday 11 April Start of Term 5 for pupils and staff
Friday 6 May Forest School fundraising supper event at the Church – please see Mrs Hopkins to book.

Easter Holiday Sports Course at Stadhampton School
Michael Hopkins, a qualified PE teacher, will be leading an Easter Sports Course on Wednesday 30th March, Thursday 31st March and Friday 1st April at Stadhampton Primary School. The course runs from 9-3pm each day and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office. Early booking is
advised as the Christmas Sports Course was very popular!

Community News
• Abingdon Air and Country Show Poster for event on 1st May 2016
• Dorchester Sailing Club poster
• Grease Production at ICC poster
• Children’s Centre Staff Bank Advert

Please note that on Wednesday 16th March we have organised through Oxfordshire Youth someone to come in and do a street dance class with the children. They will do two sessions, which the times will remain the same, yrs 5 & 6 - 6.30pm to 7.30pm and yrs 7,8,9 - 7.45pm to 8.45pm, the subs will still be £1.50. This should be a great activity for all, so please come along and join in the fun!