Friday, July 9, 2010

Newsletter No 21 / 9th July 2010

End of Year School Reports
End of year school reports for all pupils should be in book bags today.

Community Tea
Thank you to everyone who kindly made cakes for the community tea held at school earlier this week. We didn’t get as many visitors as we hoped we might, but those who did come really enjoyed their visit. Our Year 6 pupils acted as hosts and did an excellent job serving and chatting to our guests. Pupils in all 4 classes provided some musical entertainment. All pupils enjoyed a piece of cake at morning break on Wednesday morning to eat up some of the surplus!

Lost Clothing
Two of Leo Burnell’s named school sweatshirts are still missing and Georgia Day’s named PE shirt is also missing. We would ask everyone to please check their children’s bags to see if these items have found their way into the wrong bags. Thank you.


I am sure that parents, staff and governors would like to join me in thanking Sara Wright for all of her hard work and commitment to Stadhampton School PTA during the time that she has been PTA Chair. Over the last three years, Sara has led a very active committee to run social events and raise lots of money for the PTA and leaves a healthy bank balance. Some of this will be used to help fund exciting new projects for the school, such as the creation of an outdoor learning area and replacement of the climbing frame, both of which are planned for the new academic year. We are grateful to Mrs Fernie and Mrs Madry for agreeing to jointly take on the PTA Chair role and look forward to working with them. All pupils at Stadhampton School benefit hugely from PTA support, as they assist with the cost of all children learning French, help to keep computers and other ICT learning resources up to date, help with the upkeep of the school swimming pool, as well as contribute towards treats such as the end of term show from the Daylight Theatre Company.

PTA Message
Sports Night 16th July – the PTA will be running a bar as usual on Sports Night which will be open from 6.15pm. Also The Crown will be providing the BBQ serving burgers and sausages. Food will be available from 6.15pm onwards at the school, cash on the night please. (See next item re Sports Day)
Chair of PTA – I am pleased to announce that Sarah Madry and Eimer Fernie will be taking over as co-chairs of the PTA in September. I have been Chair now for almost 3 years and it is time for others to carry the baton and continue with the fund raising. The primary aim of the PTA is to raise funds for the school so that the children have extra activities or equipment to support their learning; we now have over £7000 in the bank which can be used for worthy causes such as contributing towards the replacement of the play equipment in the school grounds, creating an outdoor learning area or contributing towards new computers. Please join me in supporting both Sarah and Eimer as they continue to raise funds for the school. Thanks, Sara.

Congratulations to our rounders team who came second in this week’s Partnership Rounders Tournament.

The Oxfordshire Big Science Event Final
Last week our three young finalists, Robbie, Benedict and Ben Drake, presented their investigation “Which materials keep hot water, the hottest?” to other finalists and their teachers, judges from Science Oxford and Local Authority Science Advisors.
Report by Ben Drake, Benedict Diment and Robbie Scragg:
“On the 1st July, Ben, Robbie and Benedict represented Stadhampton School at the Big Science Event 2010. Over 30 schools and 2500 children entered the competition. Only 6 schools reached the final and we were very pleased to come 2nd!”

Partnership Speaking Day – report by Rory Pattisson
“Lucy and I went to Icknield Community College to the annual Partnership Speaking Day which was organised by Chalgrove School. There were 11 pupils there altogether – 4 from Watlington Primary, 2 from Ewelme, 1 from RAF Benson, 2 from Chalgrove and 2 from Stadhampton. We had three things to do – read aloud, present our own personal presentation and recite a poem. It wasn’t a competition so there were not any winners. We both enjoyed the experience.”

SODC Holiday Courses
We have been asked to signpost parents to the summer holiday courses being organised by SODC. Here is the link to what is on: Brochures have also been distributed earlier in the week via book bags.

Mrs Gwen Brookes
Mrs Brookes has decided that it is time to cut back on her teaching commitments and will be leaving us at the end of this term. We shall certainly miss her, as she has taught French here for the last 7 years. During this time, nearly two hundred pupils at this school have benefitted from an early introduction to the French language and culture and Madame Brookes managed to turn this learning into an enjoyable and fun experience! We send her our very best wishes for the future.
We are pleased to report that we have been successful in appointing a new teacher of French for Thursday afternoons and Mrs Eleanor Church will join our staff team for the start of the new academic year in September.

Sports Evening – Friday 16th July
Sports Evening is scheduled (weather permitting!) for Friday 16th July. We hope that this will be a fun evening. As usual there will be races for all pupils with refreshments and a BBQ for parents, pupils, friends, etc.
We will need to know if any pupils cannot attend so that the races, especially the final relay, can be organised. Please provide this information early next week. Thank you.
The bar will be open from 6.15pm. Hot dogs and burgers will be available to purchase on the evening. BBQ provided by The Crown.
The races start promptly at 6.30pm and we expect the final relay race to be completed by 7.30pm.
We ask that pupils arrive at school at 6.15pm and that they bring a bottle of water/squash to keep with them. They will need to go to their designated class area beside the running track.
Pupils are put into one of three colour teams and, if possible, they should wear a T-shirt of the appropriate colour. There is no need to buy a T-shirt if you don’t have the right colour, as we can provide sports bibs and bands of appropriate colours.
Parents are welcome to bring their own folding chairs or picnic rug to sit on.
The end of the track will be roped off for safety reasons.
The climbing frame is out of bounds for safety reasons.
Please ask older siblings to be respectful of the races and not play ball games whilst the races are on.

Street Dance After School Club
We e-mailed parents yesterday to let everyone know that as a number of pupils are not available for what would have been the last class on Tuesday 13th July, there will not now be a class on 13th July and instead the final class will be held on Tuesday 20th July. Parents are invited to see the show put on by pupils at 4pm.

Little Bears News
At Little Bears we are fast approaching the end of our 'sea side' topic. We are busy thinking about beaches and items we use or see on the beach. Sandcastles are on the top of the list! Next week will be very quiet as many of the Little Bears have their taster days in school; I know that they will all be very excited.

13th, 14th, 15th July
Transition Days at school
Tennis tournament rearranged for Tuesday 13th July. Year 6 pupils who are already at ICC for the transition days and participating in the tennis tournament will begin at 2.30pm. Years 4 and 5 pupils who wish to take part in the tennis tournament need to arrive at ICC at 3pm. PLEASE BOOK YOUR PLACE WITH MRS MANZIE.
Friday 16th July
Cycling safety training for Year 6 pupils
Sports Evening – please arrive at school at 6.15pm for races to start promptly at 6.30pm
Tuesday 20th July
Cycling Safety Test
Thursday 22nd July
9.00am - End of Year assembly when we also say goodbye to our Year 6 leavers. All parents welcome.
School finishes at 1.30pm
Wednesday 1st September
Staff INSET Day
Thursday 2nd September
Pupils return to school for the start of a new school year.