Friday, December 7, 2018

Week Ending 07 December 2018

Happy December Birthday to: Orla, Arun, Emily, Imogen, Elizabeth, Jake, Erika, Frankie and Teddy

During DECEMBER we are focusing on the core value of CARING

Christmas Play tickets -
This year, the proceeds from ticket sales for the school Christmas productions will be donated to Shelter Box who provide emergency shelter and tools for families robbed of their homes by disaster and transform despair into hope.

Admission is by ticket only for ALL performances. Tickets are now on sale as follows from the school office, correct change is appreciated.

KS2 Matinee (Classes 2 & 3 pupils) of
‘Aladdin – Trouble’
Tuesday 11 December
1.30pm for a 1.45pm start
Two tickets per pupil available @£2 per ticket. Younger siblings welcome at this performance.
KS2 Evening Performance of
‘Aladdin – Trouble’
Tuesday 11 December 6.15pm for a
6.30pm start
Two tickets per pupil available @£2 per ticket. Adults only please at this performance as it will be recorded by the school.
KS1 & Foundation Stage Performance (Reception & Class 1 pupils) of ‘Shine, Star, Shine’
Wednesday 12 December
2.15pm for a 2.30 pm start
Two tickets per pupil available @£2 per ticket. There will be a further 24 tickets available if any families would like a third ticket on a ‘first come first served’ basis. Younger siblings welcome at this performance.

Additional tickets
We will be in a position to sell tickets to those parents who have kindly put their names down on our waiting list, on Monday morning.

Teaching Assistant Appointment
Following a recent recruitment process, which included formal interviews on Wednesday 21st November, we are pleased to inform you that Mrs Teresa Godall has been appointed as a part-time Teaching Assistant (TA). Mrs Godall will mainly be based with our Ladybirds (Reception Class) during the remainder of this school year.

Power Cur on Monday 3rd December
As many of you will be all too aware, there was an extended powercut in the village last Monday. We managed without modern technology for most of the day and although we had no heating, we were fortunate that the weather was remarkably mild. There was a timely spell of power in time for Mrs Sheridan to cook the lunches and, although some compromises had to be made, all children who ordered a school dinner received one. Thank you to all staff and pupils for adapting to the challenge!

Further Update on Mrs Wahid
I am sure you are all wondering about Mrs Wahid and whether she will be able to be back in school on Monday 10th December as we had previously expected. I am now in a position to update you.

As you may be aware, Mrs Wahid has been absent from work for much of the last 5 weeks. She is a conscientious and dedicated class teacher and colleague and was determined to keep her parents’ evening appointments, which she did. However, her condition has deteriorated and she has not been well enough to return to class teaching since then. I am now able to share the following information with you; very sadly, Mrs Wahid has developed a serious medical condition and is, today, undergoing surgery which will require further treatment. We do not expect Mrs Wahid to return to teach at school before the end of this term but I expect to receive an update in the next week or so and will update you further with regards to her progress.

I extend a big ‘thank you’ to everyone, especially Mrs Singleton and Mrs Ellis, Mrs Gravett and Madame Church, for all the support given in helping to ensure as smooth an on-going situation for Class 3 as possible. During Mrs Wahid’s absence her teaching commitments will continue to be covered by Miss Bartlett when available (usually Mondays to Wednesdays), Madame Church on Friday afternoons with myself, Mrs Singleton and Mrs Ellis linking Class 3’s teaching and learning to Mrs Wahid’s plans. Mrs Singleton has also taken a much-appreciated lead in this year’s KS2 Christmas production, ‘Aladdin Trouble’.

I know will join me in wishing Mrs Wahid well and a speedy recovery.

Christmas Cards in School
Our Christmas card postal service will commence from Thursday 13th December. Our class postboxes will be out in the main school hall.

Used Stamps
We have a used stamp collection jar located in the school Hall, the contents of which will be donated to the Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB). The RNIB is a UK charity offering information, support and advice to almost two million people in the UK with sight loss. Please bring in any used stamps and add them to the jar on top of the piano. Thank you to Harvey (C3) for making the nomination.

Christmas Lunch 2018!
Christmas Lunch this year is on Wednesday 19 December: It is a tradition at Stadhampton School that the whole-school joins in our Festive Lunch and we hope that everyone will choose our special school dinner.

The menu is:

Roasted Turkey with chipolata sausage, or Roasted Quorn with vegetarian sausage; sage and onion stuffing; roast potatoes, carrots, peas, and gravy. Dessert is a festive ice-cream. We can accommodate requests such as no gravy, etc.

The cost of the meal is £2.20 and all pupils make their special place mat in the morning and we have crackers, napkins and music. Staff serve the pupils with their meal. Payment for the meal for pupils in Classes 2 and 3 is welcome at any time prior to the event. Pupils who normally have a Free School Meal may still do so on this day and all pupils in Reception and Class 1 are entitled to a Universal Infant Free School Meal so will get their lunch free on this day too!

Christmas Party arrangements
Our annual whole school Christmas Party takes place during the afternoon of Thursday 20 December. A school meal or a packed lunch will still be required as usual. School & PTA will supply party food, drinks & prizes. Children may bring party clothes to change into after lunch if they wish. Our after school multisports club will be on as usual for participating pupils. Please bring PE kit for the after school session.

Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day - Friday 14 December
Once again this year we will be supporting Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 14 December in aid of the Save the Children Fund. Children and staff are invited to wear a Christmas jumper instead of their school sweatshirt or cardigan (or decorate a plain jumper or cardigan) and donate £1 to Save the Children. Thank you.

 Emergency School Closures
As we are now officially in ‘Winter’ we remind you of our emergency closure procedures. If the weather is particularly bad or there are power cuts in the village and the decision is made to close the school closures are announced during the breakfast shows on BBC Radio Oxford (95.2 FM), Heart FM (102.6/97.4/102.9/103.4 FM), and Jack FM (106.8). Parents are advised to tune into these local radio stations and also check their e-mails if there is a possibility that the school could be closed. We will also do our best to put a message onto the school website if there is power!
Meerkat Champion of the Week

Class 1 - Noah
Class 2 - Jude
Class 3 - George
Congratulations to you all!

PTA News:

Festive Fundraising 
Thank you to everyone who came along to the Festive Fun Night last week. It looked like everyone had a great time and enjoyed seeing Santa. 

Thank you also to everyone who supported the Wreath Evening on Wednesday.

We’re looking forward to seeing all those coming to the Film Night later on today.
Don’t forget the bar at the KS2 evening performance of Aladdin Trouble on Tuesday 11th December from 5.45pm.  


Just a reminder about Easyfundraising - use easyfundraising to shop with over 3,300 big name retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and and when you shop, you’ll raise a free donation for us every time. It’s that easy! 

Help support us:

It will cost you nothing and will make a big difference to our fundraising - please speak to any member of the PTA committee for more information or if you need any help registering on the Easyfundraising site.

Many thanks for your ongoing support.

Cake Club
Well done to Jem for winning the delicious cake made by Faye – Thank you so much and thank you to everyone for your continued support.

Diary Dates:


Recorder Lesson Classes 2 and 3
Swimming for Class 3 Pupils (last one)
Reception Forest School  - afternoon
KS2 Matinee Performance – 1.30pm for 1.45pm start. Tickets will be on sale shortly
KS2 Evening Performance – 6.15pm for 6.30pm start Tickets will be on sale shortly
KS1/FS Performance -2.15pm for 2.30pm start. Tickets will be on sale shortly
Lighting of Village Christmas Tree – 3.45pm for 4.15pm start
Afterschool Multisports Club
Christmas Jumper Day – come to school in a Christmas jumper and donate £1 to Save the Children Fund
Nativity Rehearsal in Church (pupils and staff only)
Nativity in Church 2.15 pm.
All welcome.

School Christmas
Lunch  - roast turkey and all the trimmings
Whole School Christmas Party in school - pm
Related image
Afterschool Multisports Club
End of Term Assembly at 9.05am. All welcome
Children break up at 1.30pm for the Christmas Holiday


Advance Warning of Key Dates
Monday 25 – 29 Tuesday March 2019
Woodlands Residential – Class 3 only

Community News:
Advance Notice of February Sports Course at Stadhampton School 
Michael Hopkins will be leading a sports course at Stadhampton School on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th February 2019. The cost is from 9am to 3pm and costs £15 per day and is open to pupils aged 4 to 11. This course is run regularly at Stadhampton School and is always very popular. Please book early to confirm your place by e-mailing or text Michael directly on 07846 012858. Poster attached. 

Stadhampton News
For those who aren’t already on the mailing list, there’s a weekly email compiled by Ken King with news, events and local info for those living in Stadhampton and the surrounding area. To join the mailing list, click here - don't be worried about the odd looking link address, it's just a shortened version of a particularly long web address to fill in your details: