Thursday, September 20, 2018

Week Ending 21 September 2018

Class Curriculum Overviews – ‘Jigsaws’
Termly curriculum overviews for the Autumn Term, which comprises a coloured ‘jig-saw’ with each coloured ‘piece’ representing a subject area, have now been completed and uploaded to the school website under the ‘Classes’ section. Please also have a look at page 2 of each jigsaw which provides additional important curriculum information. Thank you.

School Photographs - Reminder
Fish Pole Photography will be visiting school tomorrow Friday 21st September to take individual photographs of children and groups of siblings within school. If you wish to allow your child to bring a hairbrush for their own personal use please do so.

Harvest Festival
Our annual Harvest Festival will take place in the Hall at 2.30pm on Friday 5th October and families are most welcome to join us. Once again we will be supporting The Porch, (

an organisation which provides a stepping stone for homeless people in Oxford, with our Harvest Gifts. We hope that each child will be able to bring a small contribution into school before our service. The Porch prefer to receive non-perishable items such as packets of pasta, tins of beans, bars of chocolate, packets of biscuits, tins of tomatoes, tins of spaghetti, etc. rather than fresh produce.

Swimming for Class 2
As always, we are very grateful to receive a ‘voluntary contribution’ towards the cost of the swimming transport to the Abbey Sports Centre, so a voluntary contribution of £2 per child per swimming session (£12 for the 6 sessions) would be very much appreciated. Cheques for swimming contributions should be made payable to Stadhampton Primary School. Thank you.
Request from the Ladybirds (Reception Class)
If anyone has any blue PE t-shirts that are no longer being used we would be very pleased to give them a home. We use them to wear over our school uniform when we are playing in the mud kitchen, painting or any other activity that might leave us a bit messy! If you could bring them round to our classroom that would be great. Thank you.

Open Morning – Wednesday 10th October
In conjunction with Little Bears, the school will be open to visitors from 09.00am to 11.30am for current families and the local community, as well as for the families now making their decisions about their choice of primary school for September 2018. Please do come along and see the school at work between these times if you are able, whether you are a prospective parent or an existing one!

Abacus Active Learn – Maths Activities at Home
All KS1 and KS2 pupils will have received a letter and log-in details for ‘Active Learn’ which is an internet resource that links to the maths teaching program and resources that are used in school, in all classes.

Your child’s teacher sets activities regularly (sometimes each week or every other week) that links to the learning in class. Your child can then practice their Maths skills in a fun and engaging way. They will also be able to continue their learning, as well as consolidating their learning. Please help your child by giving them time on a computer, as well as helping them with their initial first log-in. For pupils who are not able to complete homework tasks at home, their class teacher will find a suitable part of the day and week for them to access it at school.

A Visiting Pumpkin!
We are very excited to reveal that for two days next week (Tuesday and Wednesday) our school field will be the home to a gigantic pumpkin. The Pumpkin is a large storytelling tent that is on tour as part of The Story Museum’s outreach work while the building in Oxford is being refurbished. All classes will benefit from workshops in the Pumpkin, as it helps us develop our storytelling and consequently writing ability. We will let you know all about what we have learnt after the visit.


School Council
The following pupils have been elected by their peers to sit on the School Council this term;

Year 6  Olivia and Archie  
Year 5  Amaya and Nate  
Year 4  Harry V and Alana  
Year 3  Leo and Mya  
Year 2  Rosie and Austin  

Congratulations to you all!


Meerkat Champion of the Week
Class 1 Harry T
Class 2 Alana
Class 3  Casey

Congratulations to you all!

There are currently no ‘Meercat Champion of the Week’ awards for children in Reception (Ladybirds) as they are still settling into school routines and are gradually being introduced to learning characteristics and skills through our ELLI Project (i.e. characteristics of teamwork, curiosity, perseverance and creativity, resilience, planning ahead, changing ideas and making links).

Parents’ Evening
We thought you would like to receive advanced notice of parents evening dates this term.

Reception Class Parents Evening will take place after school on 17th and 18th October.

KS1 and KS2 (Classes 1 to 3) Parents Evenings will take place after school on 12th and 14th November.

Further details to follow.

Go Guitar Tuition
If you have a child in Year 3 upwards who would like to start guitar lessons please contact Mr Payne on 07921087816 or

Oxfordshire County Music Service
Oxfordshire County Music Service has worked with Stadhampton School for many years and continues to offer instrument tuition for pupils in Years 3 – 6. If you would like to know more about what they can offer, please visit or phone 01865 816990.

PTA News

Official Notice of the PTA's Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Wednesday 3rd October, 8pm in the School Hall

The PTA plays a vital part in the school community and all parents, as members of the PTA, are invited to support the AGM. This is your chance to hear and see how the funds you have helped to raise have been used for the benefit of the children at our school. 

The PTA Committee (Chair, Treasurer, Secretary) will be elected at the AGM so if you are interested in taking on one of these roles for the forthcoming academic year, please speak to Melanie Gravett (PTA Committee Chair) in advance of the meeting.  Further details of each role are below.


The Chair directs committee meetings, making sure everyone’s views are heard and everyone is involved in the meeting. It is the Chairperson’s responsibility to co-ordinate the organisation of all PTA events and to liaise regularly with the Headteacher to ensure the PTA is working effectively with the school.


The Secretary supports the Chair to build effective communication links with the school.  The Secretary is responsible for maintaining accurate records by preparing meeting agendas and minutes and dealing with any correspondence and applications for event licences. 


The Treasurer ensures accurate financial records are kept and best practice procedures are followed for counting money, banking and making payments. They should keep the committee updated with regular reports, and ensure end of year reports are completed for the AGM.

Book Swap - Friday 12th October, after school
We will be holding a book swap on Friday 12th October after school.  If you or your children have any books you no longer need, then please bring them along to the book swap.  For £1.50 per person, you can bring up to 20 books and then choose the same number of books to take away with you.

Further details to follow.

Christmas Fundraising
We know… is too early in the year to be talking about Christmas! However, we want to give everyone advance notice of changes to our plans for PTA fundraising this year.  

At our PTA committee meeting last week, we had a long discussion about the annual Winter Fair and other Christmas events at school in December and following that discussion, we have decided to give the Winter Fair a well deserved rest for 2018.

This year we will have a children’s Christmas disco (with Santa hopefully!) and a raffle for adults / families, as well as a Christmas Film Night for the children.  As ever, the PTA will run a bar at the evening performance of the KS2 Christmas play and we are also hoping our popular Wreath Making Evening will go ahead.  We are also trialling a new Christmas card company, with a more varied product range, so look out for your children’s artwork soon!

 Further details will follow as we progress through the year.  We look forward to your ongoing support.

Cake Club
Well done to Mrs Stafford for winning the amazing cake made by Elaine B. This week’s cake is being kindly provided by Rosie T, thank you so much. It’s not too late to enter. Good luck everyone!

Diary Dates:

September/October 2018

Swimming for Class 2 pupils
Y3 Forest School session; Reception FS session pm
Afterschool Karate Club
Class 1 visit to Pizza Express
Y1 Forest School session am
Afterschool Multisports Club
Swimming for Class 2 pupils
Y4 Forest School session am; Reception FS session pm.
Afterschool Karate Club
Y1 Forest School session am
Afterschool Multisports Club
Flu Immunisations
Years R to 5
Harvest Festival
2.30pm School Hall

October Sports Course at Stadhampton School

Michael Hopkins will be leading a sports course at Stadhampton School on Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd October. The cost is from 9am to 3pm and costs £15 per day and is open to pupils aged 4 to 11. This course is run regularly at Stadhampton School and is always very popular. Please book early to confirm your place by e-mailing or text Michael directly on 07846 012858.