Friday, June 22, 2018

Meerkat Champion of the Week

Reception        Sidney

Class 1                         Danny

Class 2             Emily

Class 3                         Joshua

Congratulations to you all!


Year 6 Cycle Training

Unfortunately, this year we are unable to offer our current Y6 pupils an opportunity to undertake cycle safety training as we have no-one to lead the training who has the necessary qualifications and an insufficient number of parent volunteers.

We are so sorry. Thank you to those parents who have volunteered and we hope

                              that we can revive this opportunity next year.


Important information about swimming in the school pool – please get ready!

Mrs Shortman and Mrs Singleton are working hard to ensure that the school pool is ready for use by ensuring that we have the correct chemical balance of pH, total alkalinity and calcium hardness. Currently the pH level is too high and we are having to do very frequent backwashing of the pool and refilling it to bring this down to an acceptable level. We also have the issue this year of needing to replace the pool heater as it cannot be repaired. We have ordered a new one and are waiting for it to arrive and be fitted. However temperatures are meant to rise significantly next week so it is possible that we may be able to use the pool without the heater! OCC have done their pool inspection and once we get the water chemically balanced we will be good to go! Thank you to Mrs Shortman and Mrs Singleton. Thank you also to Mrs Stafford, Mrs Manzie, Mrs Ellis, Mrs Venner and Mrs Turner for completing lifeguard training, which is also essential for continued pool use.


We therefore request that ALL pupils (including Reception) have their swimming kit in school from Monday (25 June) ready for use in the school pool. All pupils, boys and girls must have their own swimming hat and towel; girls are required to have a one piece swimming costume please and boys need trunks which are quite tight fitting so that they do not ‘balloon’ when they are in the water. The onus will be on families to ensure that swimming kit is in school each day, otherwise pupils may miss out on opportunities to swim. Pupils who do not have their swimming kit in school will sit in the pool area and read when their class has their turn in the school pool. Thank you.


PTA News:

Tea Towels and Shopping Bags

Thank you to everyone who ordered tea towels and shopping bags.  We will let you know as soon as the items are delivered to school and how much we have raised.


Sports Night - Friday 13 July

As ever, the PTA will be running a bar and BBQ on the evening of Sports Night on Friday 13 July.   BBQ tickets for hot dogs, burgers and a veggie option will be on sale shortly.  Please watch this space for further details.


Disco - Thursday 19 July 5.30pm - 7pm

We will be holding an end of term disco for all pupils on Thursday 19th July from 5.30pm until 7pm in the hall.  Letters with further details and the permission slip will follow in book bags shortly.


Official Notice of the PTA's Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Wednesday 3 October, 8pm in the School Hall

The PTA plays a vital part in the school community and all parents, as members of the PTA, are invited to support the AGM. This is your chance to hear and see how the funds you have helped to raise have been used for the benefit of the children at our school. 


We appreciate the date of the AGM in October is a while away, but we wanted official notice of the meeting to be sent out before the summer holidays so that everyone has time to think about coming along to the meeting and / or getting more involved with the PTA.


The PTA Committee (Chair, Treasurer, Secretary) will be elected at the AGM so if you are interested in taking on one of these roles for the forthcoming academic year, please speak to Melanie Gravett who can give you more details about what is involved.


Our next PTA committee meeting will now be on Wednesday 12 September at 8pm, venue TBC.


Cake Club

Well done Wyatt for winning the amazing cake provided by Ewa, thank you so much Ewa! Good luck to everyone entered for this week’s draw.


Summer Sports Course at Stadhampton School

Michael Hopkins will be leading a sports course at Stadhampton School on Monday 13, Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 August. The cost is from 9am to 3pm and costs £15 per day and is open to pupils aged 4 to 11. This course is run regularly at Stadhampton School and is always very popular. Please book early to confirm your place by e-mailing or text Michael directly on 07846 012858; alternatively you may book with Mrs Hopkins in the school office.

Diary Dates:

June 2018


Swimming for Class 3 pupils
Afterschool Archery
Footsteps Training 2.30pm
Governing Body meeting at 7pm
Y4 Forest School session; Reception FS session pm
Afterschool Karate Club
Ultimate Frisbee – C3
After School Year 6 / ICC Buddying session
Afterschool Multisports Club


July 2018


Swimming for Class 3 pupils
Afterschool Archery
Y6 Forest School session; Reception FS session pm
Afterschool Karate Club
Transition Day 1
After School Year 6 / ICC Buddying session at ICC
Transition Day 2
Afterschool Multisports Club
Transition Day 3
Swimming for Class 3 pupils
Afterschool Archery
(last one)
Y6 Forest School session; Reception FS session pm
Afterschool Karate Club (last one)
Class 3 IMPS
Afterschool Multisports Club
(last one)
Sports Evening
Swimming for Class 3 pupils
Y6 Forest School session; Reception FS session pm
Disco 5.30-7pm
End of School Year & Leavers Assembly
School finishes for the Summer holidays 1.30pm



The team at Little Bears Preschool would like to thank all the lovely ladies who came and enjoyed the supper night last Friday - its safe to say all had fun on the night!

Our caterpillars have started to cocoon now and been a real fascination to all little ones.

We can't wait to see the next stage!