Friday, May 18, 2018

Week ending 18 May 2018


SATs Tests

Congratulations to our Year 6 pupils who seem to have coped with their SATs very well during this week. They demonstrated stamina and focus but were visibly relieved at the end of the last test! Thank you to all members of the Governing Body who have been in school frequently this week to help with the administration of the SATs. A reminder that annual tests continue into next week for many other year groups.


Meerkat Champion of the Week

Reception        Erika M

Class 1                         Maya J

Class 2             Dexter E

Class 3                         Beau B

Congratulations to you all!


New School Meals Menu from 4 June 2018

Food & More have now provided us with a new three week menu which will start from 4 June. As a means of providing as much variety and choice for all children, they are introducing a three-option menu, the traditional meat and vegetarian options along with a third lighter option for the summer months. This is a strategy which has proved popular with other local authorities. They hope that this change may encourage those pupils who don’t currently take a school lunch, to try one as well as providing new and more varied options for their regular customers. Copies of the new 3 options menu have been uploaded to the school website.

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Book Fair from 22nd May

Once a year we have a Book Fair which, this yearwill be arriving on Tuesday 22 May. There will be a great selection of books (look out for the leaflet in book bags which illustrates a selection of them) chosen carefully to inspire and entertain young readers and earn, by way of commission, free books for school. The Book Fair will be open on Tuesday afternoon, before and after school on Wednesday and Thursday and the last opportunity to purchase will be on Friday morning. This year we have a special offer of 3 books for the price of 2 and we look forward to seeing you there! Thank you.


Lost Property

We have a mountain of lost property in the box in the hall. Please do have a look through it if you are missing any items. In a couple of week’s time we shall dispose of any unnamed items which are past their best. Thank you.


PTA News:

Cake Club

Well done Joshua for winning the yummy cake provided by Rosie T last week. This week’s cake is kindly provided by Justine B. Thank you for your continued support of cake club.

Diary Dates:

May 2018


Swimming for Class 2 pupils
Y1 Forest School session; Reception FS session pm
Book Fair arrives
Afterschool Karate
Afterschool Cookery
Afterschool Multisports
School finishes at 3.15 for May half term





Our Little Bears continue to love exploring with different sensory materials and water.  Our sensory tables will be filled with potting soil, dried beans, sunflower seeds, and grass seeds over the next few weeks as we explore the theme ‘growing.’ We look forward to planting our own sunflowers in the garden and measuring how tall they will become, keeping a daily check on them and making sure we care for our plants. Our science and nature area has come to life and we continue to enjoy observing how well our now little froglets are doing.  After half term we will have a very special delivery in the post of 5 little caterpillars to add to our nature area.


Summer Sports Course at Stadhampton School

Michael Hopkins will be leading a sports course at Stadhampton School on Monday 13, Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 August. The cost is from 9am to 3pm and costs £15 per day and is open to pupils aged 4 to 11. This course is run regularly at Stadhampton School and is always very popular. Please book early to confirm your place by e-mailing or text Michael directly on 07846 012858; alternatively you may book with Mrs Hopkins in the school office.