Friday, March 10, 2017

Week ending 10 March 2017


MEERKAT Champion of the Week

We are delighted to share the names of our "MEERKAT Champion of the Week" award in each class last week as follows;

Reception – Harry T

Class 1 – Dixi B

Class 2 – Jem B

Class 3 – Billy B


Well done to you all!


World Book Day Events

A huge thank you for your support in transforming all the pupils into book characters for World Book Day. Here is a report from Class 3 pupils:-


“On Friday 3rd March, everyone came as a book character from one of their favourite books. We all paid £1; half of the money will go to the Roald Dahl Marvellous Charity for Children and half to our School Council.

We had lots of fun guessing who was who and from which book. Everyone put lots of effort into their costumes. There were wizards, superheroes, gods, secret agents and animals and many more! In most classes Harry Potter was around; also Greg Heffly, Gangsta Granny, Alice in Wonderland, Pippi Longstocking (with giant stockings!) and Luke Thorpe.” Juliana B and Jake J.


We raised a total of £81.50. Thank you! It is not too late to offer to read a short story, or extract from a favourite story, to the children in your child’s class – you would be very welcome! If you would like to be involved, please speak to your child’s class teacher.


Gardening Club

We are pleased to let you know that Gardening Club led by Mrs Burnell and Mrs Green will recommence on Friday lunchtimes from Friday 17 March. The topics this term will include fertilising and preparing the seed beds and greenhouse; chitting and planting potatoes; trialling different methods of germinating seeds; planting garlic; making a strawberry plant tower plus lots more! The club is open to pupils in Years 3-6. Please ask your child to put their name down with Mrs Hopkins if they would like to attend this popular Club.  Thank you.


Chess Club

Mr Goddard has confirmed that he would be happy to extend the finishing time for the 3 remaining chess club sessions to 4.15pm in order to give pupils an hour of chess time.


Pedestrian Access to Little Bears

Little Bears staff have asked us to remind parents about parking near their entrance which makes access to and from Little Bears difficult for parents with pushchairs.


Please could parents only use the designated parking bays and NOT PARK in front of the large gate which leads onto the netball court. Not only is this the access point for grounds maintenance and emergency vehicles but it also causes a significant problem for pedestrians with pushchairs entering and exiting Little Bears. It would be acceptable for one car to park briefly on the left hand side nearest to the school but the main problem arises when two cars park in that area as parents with pushchairs are being forced onto the muddy grassed area rather than being able to use the path or dropped-kerb access point. Thank you.


Parking and Driving in Cratlands Close

We have also received complaints from parents this week about the speed at which some cars are driven down Cratlands Close. The safety of children is of paramount importance to us all. We respectfully remind parents and carers to exercise particular caution regarding driving speed and to avoid the need to drive up onto the pavement particularly when they are in close proximity to the school. Please could parents and carers also show consideration to others, including local residents, when they park in close proximity to the school. Thank you.


Cycling Safety Training

Places on the cycle safety training course starting on 5 May are confirmed for Ella G, Tillie MB, Lawrence W, Myles D, Daniel E, Thomas C, Isabella D, Ben W and Tende A. This leaves one space currently available which will be offered to Year 6 pupils on a first-come, first-served basis.


Food and More

Please find attached to this newsletter information from Food and More about their use of free range eggs.


PTA News

Thank you to everyone who came to the PTA meeting on Tuesday. 


Easter Fayre – Saturday 1st April

We have made a great start at planning the Easter Fayre – there will be lots of activities for the children, an Easter Egg hunt, a raffle and a bar and refreshments.


Raffle tickets will be going into bookbags next week, so please look out for these.


We are also planning to have several Easter themed competitions for the children to be judged on the day of the Fayre.  If your children would like to enter any of the competitions, they will need to bring their entries to the hall on 1st April by 2.15pm, or alternatively if they are not able to come on the day itself, by the end of the school day on Friday 31st March.


The competitions are as follows and all cost £1 to enter or £3 to enter all five.


Easter Cupcake and Biscuits – any Easter themed cupcakes and biscuits (please note all entries will go to the cake stall for sale after judging).

Easter Shoebox – decorate a shoebox with an Easter theme

Decorate an umbrella – decorate an umbrella with a spring theme

Decorate a vegetable – decorate a vegetable in any way you like

Junk Modelling – make a model from junk.  Children can do this in advance or will be able to do this on the day during the Fayre.


DONATIONS PLEASE – if parents are able to donate any Easter chocolate or sweets as prizes, these would be greatly appreciated.  Any donations gratefully received in the PTA box in the hall.


We will also need clean recycling items for the junk modelling – cardboard boxes, egg boxes, clean milk containers, kitchen rolls etc.  Please start to collect anything which you think may be useful.


Bags2School Clothes Recycling – Friday 5th May

Our next Bags2School recycling date is Friday 5th May, so please bear that in mind if you are having a clear out in the next few weeks or over the Easter holidays. For those who don’t know, we will receive cash from Bags2School based on the total weight of the bags collected, so the more we collect, the more we raise.


Bags2School collection bags will be in bookbags shortly, but you are able to use normal black bin bags if you are having a clear out before then. Please fill your Bags2School bag (or a normal bin bag) with any unwanted items from the list below:


Men’s, Ladies and Children’s clothing

Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around)




Scarves and ties





Soft toys

Household linen / Curtains


Bedding (bed sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers)


Children’s Bingo Evening – Friday 19th May

We will be holding a children’s bingo evening on Friday 19th May.  More details to follow soon.


Easyfundraising provides a FREE service where you can shop with your favourite online stores and at no extra cost raise funds for the PTA. Simply access your chosen websites by using the links from the site or use the ‘Find and Remind’ toolbar on the website. There are over 3,000 retailers and online sites registered with Easyfundraising and each purchase you make will generate a cashback donation to the PTA.

All you need to do is register at


It is very easy, you only need to register once, it costs you nothing and raises money for the PTA.  Please register on the site – it only takes a few minutes and really does raise money for the PTA just by shopping online.  If you need any help with registering, please ask any member of the PTA committee.


Our next meeting is on Tuesday 2nd May, The Crown 8pm.  Please join us if you can.


Cake Club

Congratulations to Alana Hyde and family who were the winners of the Cake Club draw on Friday March 3rd. Many thanks to Anna Harries for providing the goodies. The next volunteers on the rota are Jane Marshall (Friday March 10th) and then Leanne Kenny (Friday March 17th). Thank you all for your ongoing support!


Diary Dates:


Monday 20 March
Work Viewing Evening – 3:15pm to 6pm
Friday 24 March
Comic Relief/Red Nose Day – details of what will be happening in school on that day will be shared shortly. Watch this space!
Saturday 1 April
PTA Easter Fayre (pm)



Little Bears are really enjoying our topic this term which is ‘Dinosaurs’. Our book for next week is ‘Bumpus Jumpus Dinosaurumpus’ and we look forward to lots of music and movement activities as well as making our own role-play masks to stomp around the garden! 


Little Bears Ladies Supper Night

Friday 17 March, 7.30pm

Stadhampton Church Hall

Selection of curries and desserts. £12.00, contact Debbie on 07854 508417 to book your place. 

Please bring your own drinks. 


Advance Notice of an Easter Sports Club:

Michael Hopkins, who is well-known to the school as a PE teacher will be leading an Easter Sports Course on Monday 10, Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 April at Stadhampton Primary School. The course runs from 9-3pm each day and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office.


Community News:


  • Flyer attached from the River Thame Conservation Trust with the correct postcode
  • CHAS Youth Club Flyer