Friday, March 3, 2017

Newsletter week ending 3rd March 2017



Happy March Birthday to: Jem Burnell, Dixi Burnell, Daniel Ellis, Cara Gravett, Alana Hyde, Hannah Lansley, Frederick Tarry, Joel Venner and Benjamin Walker.


During MARCH we are focusing on the core value of HOPE


Note from Governing Body

Thank you to every parent/carer who completed the Parent Survey; we had 32 responses in total. I have read every response and collated the tick responses to help us analyse the results and see the trends. Every member of the Governing Body will receive the survey results along with the comments this week and the results will be discussed at the next Governing Body meeting on 3 April. Mrs Turner will go through the results with the staff. It is envisaged that we will have an action plan based on the feedback, the content of which will be determined post the GB meeting in early April.


As with any survey we received some wonderfully heart-warming comments and some less so. It was evident, however, that there was a real effort put in to the responses, and almost every response was written in a constructive manner with a positive intent in mind, and for that I thank you. It is pleasing to know that you as parents care so deeply about the school and have such great suggestions to make things even better.


The summary results will be published for parents in the next couple of weeks.



MEERKAT Champion of the Week

We are delighted to share the names of our "MEERKAT Champion of the Week" award in each class last week as follows;

Reception – Joel V

Class 1 – Bobby B

Class 2 – Ellie W

Class 3 – Isabel H


Well done to you all!


Individual Pupil Target Cards

Following recent routine mid-term assessments, teachers have updated the individual pupil target cards. These documents, along with an accompanying explanatory letter, will be sent home via bookbags today for pupils in Reception, Class 1 and Class 2. Due to Miss Raval’s recent absence (due to illness) there will be an unfortunate but unavoidable delay in the distribution of the target cards for pupils in Class 3. We plan to provide an update next week and apologise for any inconvenience this causes.


Cycling Safety Training

We are very grateful to Mrs Cove and her team of trained tutors and other parent volunteers for offering pupil cycle safety training again this year. Cycle safety training sessions will take place on 5 May, 12 May, 19 May, 26 May, 9 June, 16 June and 30 June. The cycling practical test will be on 14 July at 1pm. Please could any interested Year 6 pupils confirm with Mrs Hopkins if they would like to do this, by Monday next week. In order for pupils to put their names forward it is essential that they have an appropriately sized roadworthy cycle and a cycle helmet which conforms to British Standards and fits correctly. Spaces are limited to ten pupils who must be confident on their bikes and able to cycle in a straight line with one hand out as if indicating.


Sports Hall Athletics 2017

“On Friday 24 of February Class 3 went to the second round of the County Wide Sports Hall Athletics Tournament. It was the first time we had ever got to this stage! We all tried out best and finished 12th out of 12. But we did take our whole class whereas other schools had trials! We were lucky to take part in the second round because one of the teams dropped out so we took their place. The school that came first was Kidmore End Primary School.

We all did very well and look forward to next year’s tournament.”

By Thomas and May


Forest School Clothing

Just a reminder that all children need to bring warm clothes to wear for their Forest School sessions.  Until the weather gets better, please could all children also bring hats and in particular gloves and spare socks.


It would also be very much appreciated if parents could check that their children have wellies in school which still fit and do not have holes!


Visit to Compton Verney

On the 1 March Classes 2 & 3 went to Compton Verney art gallery. If you are interested in finding out more about Compton Verney at home, then the following website is very helpful;  


“Class 3 learned about landscape paintings, it was an amazing experience. The first one was a folk art painting based in the Victorian times showing J.Botts pub, shop and tea gardens. It was painted by J. Chalmers in 1857 and it was called “The Eagle Tavern”. The second was called “An Eruption of Vesuvius by Moonlight” by Pierre-Jacques Volaire, painted in 1774. Finally the last one was called “A storm off a Rocky Coast” by the artist Carlo Bonavia, painted in 1757.

We drew something out of each painting then cut them out and stuck them on A3 using composition (placing something somewhere) then coloured them in with oil pastels, water pastels, charcoal, graphite sticks and art pens. Thanks to Mrs Wilkin, Mrs Turner, Mrs Garrard, Mrs Shortman and Mrs Ellis all for taking us and organising the trip and to Mrs Green (Gene Green’s mum) and Mrs Hackett (Emily Hackett’s mum).

We all had an amazing time!”

By Gene and Billy


“Class 2 looked at work by an artist called Enid Marx and also looked at some folk art. We then did some sketching of interesting shapes that we saw.

We used our sketches to design a shape template that we used to print a repeating pattern. After lunch we did some screen printing in groups which was great fun.”

By Daniel and Oliver




PTA News

Our next PTA meeting is on Tuesday 7 March, The Crown at 8pm, where we will be planning our Easter Fayre for Saturday 1 April.  Any ideas for stalls or activities would be appreciated, so please speak to any member of the PTA committee if you have any suggestions.


Cake Club

Many congratulations to Emily and her family who won the Cake Club draw last week. Many thanks to Hollee Mason-Cook for providing such a splendid cake. Anna Harries is on the rota for this Friday 3 March and Jane Marshall has volunteered for Friday 10 March. 


Diary Dates:


Tuesday 7 March
PTA Meeting – 8pm at The Crown
Monday 20 March
Work Viewing Evening – 3:15pm to 6pm
Saturday 1 April
PTA Easter Fayre (pm)



Little Bears topic is based around the theme of ‘Dinosaurs’. We will be focusing on investigating how they moved, lived and their habitats. We hope to take part in a fossil hunt and experience looking after a ‘dinosaur egg’ as well as investigating dinosaurs frozen in ice. Our book for next week is "How to grow a Dinosaur" and we will also be talking about things that grow and looking at the roots of a plant. 


Little Bears Ladies Supper Night

Friday 17 March, 7.30pm

Stadhampton Church Hall

Selection of curries and desserts. £12.00, contact Debbie on 07854 508417 to book your place. 

Please bring your own drinks. 



Advance Notice of an Easter Sports Club:

Michael Hopkins, who is well-known to the school as a PE teacher will be leading an Easter Sports Course on Monday 10, Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 April at Stadhampton Primary School. The course runs from 9-3pm each day and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office.


Community News:

  • Safari Supper Flyer attached


  • River Thame Conservation Trust