Friday, June 27, 2014

Newsletter for week ending 27 June 2014

Returning to school in September

We are aware that some pupils are moving away from the area and will not be returning to Stadhampton School for the start of the new academic year and are grateful to those families for keeping the school informed of their intentions. In order to make our plans and draw up timetables for the new academic year, it would be very helpful to know if any other pupils may not be returning to Stadhampton School in September. Thank you.

Readiness for School
We have requested in school newsletters that all pupils should have their PE and swimming kit in school every day this term. There are several children, however, who frequently do not have the right equipment with them in order to be able to participate in PE or swimming activities. Please could EVERYONE make sure that their child comes to school with what they need in order to take part in all of the day’s lessons. We don’t want them to miss out! Thank you.

Forest School Donation
We thought that parents would like to know that we were delighted to receive a very generous donation of £500 this week from Mr Bob Campbell, received by him in lieu of payment for a recent talk, which we will use to support ‘Forest School’ sessions for all pupils. We are extremely grateful to Mr and Mrs Campbell for their on-going support of our plans to offer Forest School experiences for all pupils on a long-term basis.

Cycle Safety Training

Congratulations to our Year 6 pupils (Amy Matthews, Alex Igmofose, Rhys Brown, Ruby Dallimore, Josh Matthews, Ella Perring and Marcin Skwarek) who all successfully passed their cycle safety test last Friday. It is most unusual for all pupils to pass the test first time, so well done to you all! We must also say a very big ‘thank you’ to our instructors who obviously trained them very well! Thank you to Mrs Cove, Mrs Green, Miss Helen Moss-Black, Miss Max Moss Black, Mrs Ellis and Mr Matthews for their help and support to pupils over the last few weeks.

IMPS Visit – Report by Emily and Cora:
“We went to Henley Townlands Hospital to do our IMPS training. Class 3 explored and learnt a great deal about CPR and how to use an AED and each of us had a dummy to practice on. What does DrsABC stand for? It stands for Danger, Response, Shout, Airway, Breathing, Call the Ambulance and do CPR! What is an AED? It is a machine with two pads that you put on the chest and the tummy. You press an orange button and that will give the person a shock which might save someone’s life. What does IMPS stand for? It is the Injury Minimization Programme for Schools (I.M.P.S.) and it empowers young people to take personal responsibility for managing their own risk. Class 3 had a tour of the minor injury department. We also had a finger cast put on. We were all honoured to be trusted at the hospital and it was a fun day for all of us”.

Festival of Voices

Well done to all of the pupils who participated in the Festival of Voices this week at Dorchester Abbey. We had a fantastic afternoon rehearsal followed by a picnic in the Abbey grounds. The evening performance was magical and each child should be very proud of themselves for having the confidence to sing all those songs (without the words!). Thank you to all the parents who supported and attended the event. I think you will agree, that they were brilliant!
Miss Mould
Report by Cora and Ella :
“We enjoyed the excitement and seeing the smiles from the audience. The conductor was comforting and very funny. We learnt how to co-operate with other children from other schools and made some new friends. It was an amazing experience that we will never forget”.

Home-School Transport Update – for families with pupils in Year 5 and Year 4
Last week there was a meeting in the Village Hall at St John’s Church, and we circulated a letter from the Governing Body dated 18th June summarising the outcome of the meeting. As an initial follow-up, a parent has drawn some further information and a survey, initialling targeting parents of pupils currently in Year 5 and Year 4. This information will be in book bags of pupils in Year 5 and Year 4 on Friday 27 June – please note that forms are requested to be returned to the box in the foyer outside the school office on Monday 30th June. Your response will help parents as a group better understand your transport needs. Whilst home-school transport arrangements are not the responsibility of the staff or Governing Body of Stadhampton School, we are happy to facilitate this initial form of contact.

International Week 30 June – 4 July 2014
A reminder that all pupils will be ‘travelling’ to other parts of the world by visiting each of the other classrooms at different times during the week. They will spend some of that time being taught by the teacher from that class, finding out some aspects of life so that by the end of the week they will have been taught by all teachers and will have ‘visited’ the Scottish Hebrides, Antarctica, India and Madagascar. Don’t be surprised if they’re tired by Friday!

Summertime Funtime - thank you to everyone who came and supported Summertime Funtime and well done to all our competition winners. We raised nearly £300 so a fantastic result for a small summer event. Thank you to all our PTA committee and also to Mrs Manzie, Miss Shah and Miss Mould for running the cafe and the wonderful cream teas!

Sports Night - Friday 11th July - tickets for the BBQ at the sports night will be on sale outside Class 1 next week. There will be a choice of burger, sausage or veggie sausages. Please note a small number of extra burgers and sausages will be available on the night but to guarantee yourself something please buy a ticket beforehand.

End of School Disco - Thursday 17th July - if any parents would like to help out on this night or have a DJ system we could borrow please let a PTA member know. Tickets for the disco will be available shortly.

Parent Survey – if you have already completed our short survey, thank you for taking the time to do so. If you haven't, then please access the link below to answer some questions about the PTA and our fundraising. It really only take a few minutes and will really help focus our fundraising efforts during the next school year.

Please note clicking on the link may not work on certain devices, e.g. iPad and iPhone, so you may need to copy and paste or type the details into your browser. Please let Georgina Wiggins or Melanie Gravett know if you have any problems accessing the survey.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 1st July 8pm at The Crown. Everyone welcome.

Cake Club
Congratulations to Hannah Lansley, the lucky winner of last week’s cake, kindly donated by Mrs Khan. A reminder to Mrs Lansley that she is on the rota for 4th July!

Tuesday 1 July Class 1 visit to Tesco.
Class 2 and 3 visit to The Story Museum
Friday 4 July Sports Hall Athletics at ICC for Class 2 pupils
Tuesday 8 July Clarinet Concert for parents
Wednesday – Friday 9, 10, 11 July ‘Moving –up days’ for all pupils. Reception pupils due to join in September 2014 also invited into school for 3 days.
Sports Evening – Friday 11 July-6pm for 6.30pm start. All welcome.
Friday 18 July End of school year assembly at 9.05am.
School finishes at 1.30pm.
Monday 11 – Friday 15 August Summer Sports Course at Stadhampton School. Please see posters on each classroom door and in the entrance foyer for details of how to book.
1st, 2nd September Staff INSET Days
Wednesday 3 September Start of Term 1 for all new and returning pupils


Next week the Little Bears will be practising a "tightrope routine" balancing on a tape stretched across the floor and also using balancing beams outside.
Has anyone got some flippers we could borrow so the children can experience how it feels to walk in extra large shoes, please?