Friday, June 13, 2014

Newsletter for week ending 13 June 2014

Class 3 Teacher from September 2014
We understand that current pupils in Year 4 and Year 5, and their parents, will be keen to know who will be teaching in Class 3 from next September. We are continuing to advertise for a teacher with the right experience and will, of course, be looking for high quality. We look forward to sharing the outcome of the forthcoming selection process with you.

Home to School Transport - Meeting 16th of June, 7PM, St John's Village Hall (the Church)
A reminder that parents are invited to a meeting to be held on Monday 16th June at 7pm at St John's Village Hall (the Church) to share and discuss ways forward.

Many thanks
Governing Body, Stadhampton Primary School

Thank You
We are most grateful to Mr Burnell, for spending a whole day in school this week levelling off the paving slabs around the swimming pool area so that it is ready for use. Thank you for doing a fantastic job for us!

Swimming in the School Pool
The school swimming pool has been prepared for use by Mrs Shortman and Mr Short, the paving slabs have been levelled by Mr Burnell, it has passed the LA Health and Safety checks and the bacteriological results have come back clear, Miss Mould and Mrs Turner have successfully renewed their lifesaving qualification, so we are now ready to use it! From Monday please ensure that your child(ren) have their swimming kit in school each day so that they do not miss out on swimming opportunities. Thank you.

Recorder lessons began this week for all pupils in Classes 2 and 3. Please could everyone make sure that they have their own recorder and book in school each Monday from now until the end of term. Recorders and books are available to purchase from the school office if necessary - recorders cost £6.50 and books £4.99 each (the price we pay for them). Thank you.

Sports Week – week commencing 23rd June 2014
Please could pupils bring their PE kit into school every day during Sports Week. We plan to use our new sets of weighted hula hoops, indoor curling and boccia equipment during the week and pupils will also take part in mini tournaments/competitions such as table tennis, skipping and tennis/badminton. More details to follow next week.

Please note that our annual Sports Evening will take place (weather permitting) on Friday 11th July. Pupils should arrive at 6pm for races to start promptly at 6.30pm. Details of food and bar to follow from the PTA.

International Week – week commencing 30th June 2014
Each year, usually during the Summer term, we have a whole-school international week. In the past this has usually been a different country each year; recent years have included Australia, Argentina, Uganda, Japan and our European partner countries in recent Comenius Partnership projects. This year we plan to hold a series of activities linking with the countries/continents that each class are currently finding about, enabling every child to have an opportunity to experience and compare aspects of life in that part of the world. The locations are; India, Madagascar, Antarctica and the Scottish Hebrides. At times during the week our school hall will become an ‘airport’ and each pupil will have their own ‘passport’ for the week. We hope there will be many happy travellers!

School Spring Clean Day - Saturday 14th June 10am onwards. We still have spaces left to help on this day - even if you can only spare an hour, every little helps and it benefits our children. If you are planning on coming along please bring buckets, paintbrushes, sandpaper, gardening equipment etc as these are not provided. The sun is going to be shining (hopefully!) so what better way to spend a few hours than soaking up the sun and helping the school? Hope to see you all there.

Summertime Funtime - Saturday 21st June - 2pm until 4pm. This event is rapidly approaching. You should all have received your competition entry forms in bookbags and a printable copy with last weeks' newsletter. This is going to be a really fun event with a "craft corner", a junk modelling room, games, cakes, afternoon tea, competition results, raffle, planting seeds, tattoos and nail painting. Please make sure it's down in your diaries! If you are able to help run a stall at this event then please see a member of the PTA committee.

DONATIONS - we urgently need bottles (any size or contents), wine, chocolate, bubbles, candles, not wanted gift sets, sweets etc, so please have a good look at home and think of us. All donations into the PTA box in the hall no later then Friday 20th June please.

Parent Survey - thank you to everyone who has already completed the survey online. If you haven't done so, then please access the link below to answer a few short questions about the PTA and our fundraising. It really will help focus our fundraising efforts during the next school year.

Please let Georgina Wiggins or Melanie Gravett know if you have any problems accessing the survey.

Our final PTA meeting for this school year will be Tuesday 1st July at 8pm in The Crown. Please do come along.

Cake Club
Congratulations to Charlie Ball, the lucky winner of last week’s cake, kindly donated by Mrs Marshall. A reminder to Mrs Khan that she is on the rota for 20th June.

Saturday 14 June PTA Spring Cleaning Event
Wednesday 18 June Year 5 Visit to ICC for Humanities, Science and PE lessons – please remember to take PE kit!
Mobile Library visit
Saturday 21 June PTA Summer Event
Wednesday 25 June Festival of Voices Concert at Dorchester Abbey
Friday 13 June
Friday 20 June Cycle Theory Test
Cycle Test
Tuesday 8 July Clarinet Concert for parents
Wednesday – Friday 9, 10, 11 July ‘Moving –up days’ for all pupils. Reception pupils due to join in September 2014 also invited into school for 3 days.
Sports Evening – Friday 11 July-6pm for 6.30pm start. All welcome.
Friday 18 July End of school year assembly at 9.05am.
School finishes at 1.30pm.
Monday 11 – Friday 15 August Summer Sports Course at Stadhampton School. Please see posters on each classroom door and in the entrance foyer for details of how to book.
1st, 2nd September Staff INSET Days
Wednesday 3 September Start of Term 1 for all new and returning pupils

We will be continuing to enjoy our ‘big top’ in Little Bears by making a box office to sell the tickets to the big show. We also be making a height chart and measuring each other.

Community News:
Village Auction in the Hall at St John’s
This Saturday 14th June, from 6pm
Art, jewellery and vintage goods
If you can’t stay for the bidding you are welcome to leave a bidding limit with the auctioneer
All proceeds to Families for Children
Prosecco, wine and beer available all evening – it should be fun, pop in!
Any questions, please contact Catherine on 07432 126 514