Thursday, February 6, 2014

Newsletter for week ending 7 February 2014

During February we are focusing on the core value of QUALITY

Happy FEBRUARY Birthday to: Charlie Ball, Tillie Moss-Black, Jemima O’Brien, William Parkes, Alexandra Robinson and Daniel Robinson.

UNICEF Day for Change 2014 – TOMORROW!
A reminder that we hope all pupils will be able to bring in some small change to take part in the activities tomorrow to raise funds for UNICEF’s Day for Change 2014. We shall let you know how much the school raised in next week’s newsletter.

‘Jian-Zi’ Competition
Congratulations to Max Lansley who was the overall winner of the school Jian-Zi competition with a score of 38! Year 5 winner was Greg Madry who scored 7; Year 4 winner was Max Jones who scored 5; Year 3 winner was Lawrence Wright who scored 3; Year 2 winner was Lorenzo Elliott who scored 7; Year 1 winner was Joshua Hursey who scored 2 and the Reception winner was Nathaniel Watkins who also scored 2.

Report by Greg and Max: “It was a challenging experience! We all had a wonderful time practising and taking part in the competition. The hall was so quiet when we did the competition as no-one wanted to put anyone off their concentration. It was very tense! We are waiting now to find out whether any of the pupils in Poland beat us! We have our fingers crossed!”

Roald Dahl Museum
On Tuesday 4th February Class 2 went on a school trip to the Roald Dahl Museum to link in with our project. Some people got to sit in Roald Dahl’s special chair! We had a lovely time finding out about the dead mouse trick that Roald Dahl played on Mrs Pratchett, and dressing up as Roald Dahl’s characters. We would love to go again.


We would respectfully request that all families please check their children’s hair for headlice this weekend and treat if necessary. The family who kindly informed us last week that their children had headlice have now been reinfected despite constant treatments and combing through with conditioner every evening. This suggests that there may well be other pupils in school who have headlice and families may not be aware of it. Headlice can be very small and difficult to detect. For more information visit

PTA News
Below are details of some upcoming events organised by the PTA. Please support these events if you can.

Children's Bingo night on Friday 7th March - tickets are now on sale for this event from the school office priced at £3 each. Please also return your consent form when purchasing the tickets.

Quiz night on Friday 21st March - a very exciting event. Further details will be in book bags shortly.

Our next PTA meeting is Tuesday 25th February at the Crown at 8pm. New members are very welcome!

Cake Club
Congratulations to Hannah Bradford, the lucky winner of last week’s cake, kindly donated by Mrs Khan. A reminder to Mrs Burnell that she is on the rota for 14 February. Thanks to all those who have offered to donate cakes after 7th March, but we are still quite a few short, so please see Rowena Dobson if you would be willing to help.

Monday 10 February Reception and Year 6 pupils see School Nurse (letters sent home to families from School Nurse in December 2013).
Friday 14 February Break up for the February Holiday at 3.15pm
Monday 24 February Start of Term 4
3rd-14th March Story telling fortnight – please come in and read a story!

Next weeks at Little Bears we will be finishing our topic of ‘Opposites’ with heavy and light. We will be weighing objects to look at the difference in weights and experimenting with sinking and floating. We will also be completing our ‘Welly walk’ on Tuesday and Friday so please remember to wrap up warm and bring your wellingtons!

Little Bears is 10 years old…
As you may know, Little Bears was 10 years old in January. A big thank you to Shirley Bateman for making some birthday cupcakes for all the Little Bears to celebrate. We will be holding an event to mark the occasion later in the summer so watch this space for further details!

Easter Sports Course at Stadhampton School
Michael Hopkins will be leading a Sports Course for all children aged 4-11 at Stadhampton School for four days during the Easter Holiday from Monday 14th April to Thursday 17th April inclusive, (leading up to Good Friday). The cost is £10 per day or £35 for children attending on all four days. Jordan Piper, who recently spent two weeks at Stadhampton School on work experience from Henley College, will be assisting on the course as usual. Booking details are on the attached flyer or may be made directly with the school office.

Footsteps “A Parent’s Guide”
Please find below the link for Oxfordshire’s guide leaflet which provides some information and ideas on teaching road safety to your child so they know what to do, whether you are with them or not: