Thursday, February 13, 2014

Newsletter for week ending 14 February 2014

UNICEF Day for Change 2014 – Thank You
Thank you to everyone for their donations of change and to Mrs Bowerman, Mrs Dobson and Mrs Madry for counting it for us. We collected £97.93 which has been sent to UNICEF.

After School Photography Club in Term 4
We need at least another 6 pupils to sign up for the After School Photography Club next term otherwise it will not be viable for the company to run it. The club is open to all pupils in Years 3 to 6 and costs £27 for the 6 sessions. If anyone would like to put their name down please could completed forms and payments be sent into school tomorrow so that we are able to ascertain whether it will be possible for the After School Photography Club to take place next term. Thank you.

Author Visit
On Wednesday 26th February, we shall be welcoming Sean Callery to our school for the day. Sean is an experienced teacher and fiction and non-fiction author who will be running literacy workshops, with a focus on song writing! He will support each class in writing their own song, based upon topics they have been studying in class. He will use contemporary song tunes that the children will know and they will change the lyrics together. These workshops will encourage creativity, show the children how to turn musical notes into written lyrics (and then edit!) and will also be a lot of fun!

We would like to invite you to a performance of the day’s work at 2.55pm. Each class will get the chance to showcase their song to everyone and Sean will explain the song writing process for each class. This will be held in the hall and should be finished by the usual end of the day time of 3.15pm.

Swimming at the Abbey Sports Centre
Swimming will begin for pupils in Class 3 on Monday 24th February. They will have 6 swimming sessions in total and we are, as always, most grateful to receive a ‘voluntary contribution’ of £2 per child per swim towards the cost of the transport. Cheques for swimming contributions should be made payable please to Stadhampton Primary School. Thank you.

After School Clubs in Term 4
The dates and times for the after school clubs in Term 4 have been uploaded onto the ‘Parents’ section of the school website so that parents/carers may refer to them if necessary.

Ink Cartridges
We have a few new ink cartridges for a printer that we no longer have in school. They are BC1-24 Black, BC1-3eM, 3eC and 3eY. If anyone would like them for a small donation to the school please let Mrs Hopkins know. If no-one wants them we will add them to our recycling collection which also raises money for school.

PTA News
Bingo night (children) - Friday 7th March - we have now sold out for the Bingo night. Thank you to everyone who has bought tickets.

Quiz night (adults) - Friday 21st March - tickets are now available for the quiz night. Tickets are £40 per team up to a maximum of 8 people.
The PTA will be running a bar on the evening but will not be providing food, so feel free to bring your own meals, snacks and/or nibbles!
Everyone is welcome - maybe you can put together a team of work colleagues or family and friends.
This promises to be a fun evening and a well deserved night out so please support this event. Tickets are available from Georgina Wiggins or ask any member of the PTA committee.

Our next PTA meeting is on Tuesday 25th February at 8pm at The Crown. New members are very welcome.

Cake Club
Congratulations to Mia Gravett, the lucky winner of the cake last week, kindly donated by Mrs Ellis. A reminder to Mrs Lansley that she is on the rota for 28 February and Mrs Jones is on for 7 March.

Monday 24 February Start of Term 4
3rd-14th March Story telling fortnight – please come in and read a story!

The Little Bears had a wonderfully wet welly walk this week to raise funds for the preschool - a huge thank you to everyone who took part in this.
Little Bears last day of term is Friday 14th February at 3pm and we return on Monday 24th February at 9am to the topic of ‘Gardens’. Enjoy a restful week off!

Easter Sports Course at Stadhampton School

Michael Hopkins will be leading a Sports Course for all children aged 4-11 at Stadhampton School for four days during the Easter Holiday from Monday 14th April to Thursday 17th April inclusive, (leading up to Good Friday). The cost is £10 per day or £35 for children attending on all four days. Jordan Piper, who recently spent two weeks at Stadhampton School on work experience from Henley College, will be assisting on the course as usual. Booking details are on the attached flyer or may be made directly with the school office.

Community Information
• Booklet about Pneumococcal Carriage and Disease study