Thursday, November 7, 2013

Newsletter for week ending 8 November 2013

During NOVEMBER we are focusing on the core value of UNITY

Happy NOVEMBER Birthday to: Juliana Browning, Beau Burnell, Amy Freeman, Alex Igmofose, Bella Jones, Max Jones, Max Lansley, Lola Odell, Ella Perring and Innis Robertson-Pinnell.

Book Fair
Thank you to everyone who supported our recent School Book Fair. Sales totalled £471.79, which enabled us to receive books to the value of £223 by way of commission for our class and reference libraries.

Free Books for Foundation Stage Pupils
Each Reception pupil should have received a free Booktime pack this week provided jointly by Booktrust and Pearson. Booktime is a national programme for reception aged children providing them with a free book pack to share and enjoy with their family and friends.

Children in Need – Friday 15th November
Friday 15th November is ‘Children in Need’ day and pupils are encouraged to pay £1 to be able to wear their pyjamas to school instead of school uniform. We shall also be holding a raffle (50p a ticket) to win a Pudsey cuddly toy and will have Children in Need wristbands on sale priced at £1.

Parents’ Consultation Evenings – Monday 18th & Wednesday 20th November
Letters giving the dates and times of consultations were put into book bags earlier this week. Appointments are offered on a ‘first-come first-served’ basis.

Forest Schools Music Evening
Tickets are now available from the school office for the Music Evening on Saturday 23rd November at the Village Hall at St John’s Church, Stadhampton. This evening is being held to raise funds so that we may have a trained Forest Schools leader within school. Tickets cost £20 each and include performances by Eleanor Tinlin (piano) and Otis (saxophone) as well as refreshments and a welcome drink on arrival.

Thank you to the families of pupils in Class 3 who have already made contributions towards the cost of the swimming transport this term.

Thank you to the PTA

Thank you to all parents and carers for raising funds to provide additional seating in our outdoor drama area. This was installed at the beginning of the week and is already being used by pupils. It is a valuable resource which we know pupils will be able to enjoy for many years.

PTA News
Raffle tickets for this year’s Winter Fair will be in book bags this week.We have many great raffle prizes including a Champagne Tea for Two at the Crazy Bear, 2 tickets to an Oxford United home game and a golden ticket to the Roald Dahl museum.

We have received one or two donations for our white polar bear stall but still need lots more so can all parents please have a good look at home this weekend for anything which might be suitable.

Chocolate is also wanted so please go through cupboards at home and give anything you can.

Also on our wanted list are; jars filled with sweets, chocolate or anything interesting for our jingle jars stall.

Your donations make the Winter Fair the success it is and we really want to pull out all the stops to make this one the best yet! Thank you for your help and donations.

Friday Cake Club
Jack Austin was the lucky winner of the cake before half term, kindly donated by Mrs Manzie. A reminder to Mr & Mrs Holmes that they are on the rota for Friday 15th November.

If you have not already done so, and would like to pay for Cake Club up to Christmas, it is £1.40 per child. Please see Rowena. We are also still looking for families to be included on the cake donation rota. It doesn’t need to be home-baked – bought cakes are just as well received by the winners!

Wednesday 13 November Mobile Library visit pm
Monday 18 November Parents Evening 4.00-7.00pm
Wednesday 20 November Parents Evening 4.00-6.00pm
Saturday 23 November Music Concert at the Church to raise funds for Forest Schools
Tuesday 10 December KS2 (Classes 2 & 3) - both matinee and evening performances (times to be confirmed)
Wednesday 11 December FS/KS1 (Reception & Class 1) - matinee performance only (time to be confirmed).
Wednesday 18 December Nativity Service - village church 2.15pm
Monday 23 December One-day Sports Course at Stadhampton School for participating pupils. See notices in each classroom entrance area for more information and details of how to book.


Welcome back to everyone at the start of Term 2. Our topic this term is ‘Books’ and we will be looking at the book "The Tiger who came to Tea"
We are also having photos taken on Thursday 14th November from 8am in the school hall - Please see your key person if you would like to come along with siblings in the morning.
Advance warning that Little Bears nativity will be on 14th December - more details to follow.

Poppies and wristbands on sale in school. Suggested minimum donation for a wristband is £1.

Community Notice
Do you like to make a difference? Are you a decision maker? Have you got the odd day to
spare? Yes? I need people like you to sit on school appeal panels! So, if you are
interested in taking an active part in schools admissions and exclusions we would love to
hear from you. To find out more please contact 01865 810180 or