Thursday, October 24, 2013

Newsletter for week ending 25 October 2013

Additions to the School Website
This week we have added After School Clubs for Term 2 and the new Winter/Spring 2013-2014 School Meals menu onto our school website.

Secondary School Applications
A reminder that parents of children born between 1 September 2002 and 31 August 2003 (inclusive) need to apply for a secondary school place for their children. The closing date for on time applications is 31 October 2013. The LA has informed us that two families had not applied by the beginning of this week.

Children’s Centres – Message from Helen Rints, Children’s Centre Manager
You may have heard in the press about the proposed closures of 37 of the 44 Children’s Centre across Oxfordshire. As OCC has less money to spend it is proposed that in the future Chalgrove & Watlington Children’s Centre will be closed. In the initial proposals there are currently no plans for any Children’s Centre in the South & West of the county, with any remaining children’s centre being based in Oxford & one in Banbury. This is of course a huge blow to us as a staff team & the professional partners who we work with to support local families. If you have any strong thoughts on these proposals there will be an opportunity for you to share them through Talk Oxfordshire. Please refer to OCC website where dates of public meetings are advertised, plus there will also be an opportunity to respond to future public consultations. In the meantime I do want to reassure you that the staff team remain committed to continuing to run current activities & support for as long as possible.

School Meals
Thank you to the majority of parents who, as requested, pay money for school meals on the first day of the school week. In order to keep administration for school meals to a minimum, we would really appreciate it if all parents ordering school meals could remember to pay for them on the first morning of the school week. Thank you.
This week, each family should have received, via book bags, a copy of the new menu, which has also been uploaded onto the school website.

Forest Schools Music Evening
We are delighted to announce that tickets are now available from the school office for the Music Evening on Saturday 23rd November at the Village Hall at St John’s Church, Stadhampton. This evening is being organised to raise funds so that we may have a trained Forest Schools leader within school (Mr Simon Short) and all pupils will benefit from being able to participate in Forest School sessions on a regular basis. Tickets cost £20 each and include performances by Eleanor Tinlin (piano) and Otis (saxophone) as well as refreshments and a welcome drink on arrival. Many thanks to all involved in organising this exciting event.

Recorder lessons will begin on Monday 4th November for all pupils in Years 3-6. For health reasons we ask that all pupils have their own recorder. Recorders are available from school priced at £6.50 and Book 1 and Book 2 are available at £4.95 each. School sells these items at the price they pay for them.

Swimming lessons at the Abbey Sports Centre will begin for pupils in Class 3 on Monday 4th November. They will have 7 sessions and pupils must have their swimming kit in school each Monday. All pupils need a swimming hat. We ask that all parents contribute, if they can, towards the cost of the swimming transport and we are grateful to receive a ‘voluntary contribution’ of £2 per pupil, per week towards this cost. Cheques for swimming contributions should be made payable to Stadhampton Primary School please (£14) or £2 in cash each week is also very welcome. Thank you.

Art Day
Last Friday, we were very fortunate to have Gerri from Little Masters in school to lead an Art Day. All classes focused on Picasso and produced some lovely work. Reception and Class 1 made a Picasso face from clay. Classes 2 and 3 looked at some Picasso pictures and used paint or colouring pencils to create their own ‘Picasso style’ picture. Pupils enjoyed showing their work in a whole school assembly at the end of the day.

PTA News
Thank you to everyone who attended the PTA meeting on Tuesday night, everyone came up with some great ideas and this year’s Winter Fair is looking to be the best yet! It is that time of year, though, when we start to ask parents for donations for our many stalls, so it's time to have a sort out for some of things we are looking for:
• Bottles - any size with anything in, doesn't necessarily have to be drink could be toiletries, oils, washing up liquid, wine. It really doesn't matter.
• Toys, CDs, DVDs, cuddly toys, board games, jigsaw puzzles. Anything for our white polar bear stall!
• Our famous chocolate stall is back and we want to make it bigger then ever so any chocolate you have sitting in your cupboards, get it out ready! We also need lollipops for our lolly game if you have any to spare
Please have a good look around the house during half term and remember us when shopping!
Volunteers are crucial at all our events to help run stalls etc so if you're willing to help out this year please see a member of the PTA committee.

If any parent would like to donate a prize please see Georgina Wiggins.

Without parents support the Winter Fair wouldn't go ahead so we really need your help with donations.

Raffle tickets and reminders will be in book bags when school starts again and we want to thank all parents for their continued support.

Cake Club
Darcy Crook was the lucky winner of the cake last week, made and donated by Naomi Woodwards. A reminder to Mrs Walker that she is on the rota for Friday 8th November.

Monday 4 November School resumes for the start of Term 2
Thursday 7 November Year 5 pupils visit ICC for Science, Maths & English lessons
Wednesday 13 November Mobile Library visit pm
Monday 18 November Parents Evening 4.00-7.00pm
Wednesday 20 November Parents Evening 4.00-6.00pm
Tuesday 10th December KS2 (Classes 2 & 3) - both matinee and evening performances (times to be confirmed)
Wednesday 11th December FS/KS1 (Reception & Class 1) - matinee performance only (time to be confirmed).
Wednesday 18th December Nativity Service - village church 2.15pm
Monday 23rd December One-day Sports Course at Stadhampton School for participating pupils. See notices in each classroom entrance area for more information and details of how to book.


We wish everyone a great week half term holiday. Little Bears returns on Monday 4th November to the topic of "Books". Our first book is going to be ‘Meg and Mog’ and we will be having a visit from Zoo Lab who will be showing our Little Bears lots of creepy crawlies.

A huge thank you to all who supported our cake sale last Friday. The total raised will be displayed on our fundraising snake in Little Bears.

We wish everyone an enjoyable holiday break and look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 4th November. Please be aware of local road closures scheduled for 4th/5th November especially between Stadhampton and Drayton St Leonard.