Friday, July 5, 2013

Newsletter for week ending 5 July 2013

Consultation on the provision of home to school transport
An e-mail was sent on Tuesday of this week to all parents in order to provide them with an update of the action that the Governing Body of Stadhampton School have taken to respond to the Consultation Documents. Several members of our Governing Body have also been in contact directly with John Howell MP, to express our concern at the proposed changes. A copy of the letter submitted to OCC was also attached to the e-mail for further information. We understand that the closing date for responses to the consultation has been extended until 15th July 2013, so please do respond if possible.

Changes to Attendance Policy
As a result of recent changes to the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006, Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances (eg family bereavement and events of a similar importance). It will be impossible, therefore, to support any requests for holidays during term time. Please support us and your child(ren) by making all holiday bookings during school holidays. Thank you.

Maths Talk for Parents – 01.07.2013
A very successful talk from Mrs Linda Hull, Maths Advisory Teacher, was held in school this week for parents. Pupils explained how they tackle maths problems and investigations and there were discussions about how to get started, as well as suggestions of different ideas and strategies to use for more complicated maths questions! For those of you who were unable to attend the meeting here are a few pointers to help your child with their “Active Maths” homework:
How can you help at home?
 Help your child read and understand what is needed – where might they start?
 Asking questions to probe and secure learning – “What if...?” is a good starter.
 Encouraging your child to see links with other learning – what calculation might you use? Can you use a number line?
 Help them to learn and use mathematical language
 Encourage to explain their methods and check their answers
 Talk about the task to find out what they have learned
Further information:
 (also KS2 site and many others)
 How to do maths so your children can too – the essential parents guide by Naomi Sani
 Maths for Mums and Dads by Rob Eastaway
 Parents Survival Guide to Maths Homework – Make sense of your kid’s maths by Andrew Brodie
 Maths booklets which are distributed annually and are uploaded on the school website

National Sports Week
Some snippets from Class 1 reports about last week’s National Sports Week:
Thomas: “On Tuesday we did skipping. I’m not that good at skipping but you can’t be good at everything you know”; Lawrence: “On Monday, Reception and Class 1 did table tennis. Thomas and I got 40 points but Lorenzo and Will E got 43. It was astonishing!”; Tillie: “On Wednesday the class was excited because Mrs Manzie told us that the older children in Class 3 were doing some games from Africa. The games were great and I cannot wait to play them again”; Edision: “ The next day we did international games with Class 3. We played three games and they were fun”; Ella: “The very next day which was Wednesday, we did a mile fun run and most of the Little Bears were supporting us when we ran past the Little Bears garden that was under the plastic cover. We had to run round our field and Little Bears garden three times. Finally we finished but Mrs Manzie said “Would you like to do another lap?” I shouted “Yes” even though I was very tired. I finally finished that and I was even more tired!”.

Class 3 Pond Dipping

This week Class 3 walked to Chiselhampton House where they took part in pond dipping activities led by staff from Pond Conservation: The Water Habitats Trust. Many thanks to Mr Stephen Dawson, one of our school governors, who arranged the visit, and to Mr and Mrs Rowlands who allowed us to access their ponds.
Report by Joshua and Ollie: “On Wednesday Class 3 went to Chiselhampton House to go pond dipping. Some of us held frogs and they were slimey, but we washed our hands afterwards. It was amazing how far they jump. We put water in a sieve with very small holes and then into a tray so that we could look at the mini beasts we had captured. It was very interesting and one of the best trips we have had this year.”

Sports Evening – 12 July 2013
In the last two newsletters parents/carers have received information about Sports Evening explaining the format of the evening and suggested arrival time of between 6 and 6.15pm in readiness for the races to begin promptly at 6.30pm. Tickets are now on sale for the BBQ as detailed in last week’s newsletter. A reminder that the closing date for food orders is Monday 8th July. Pupils will have been told this week which colour team they will be in so that they can wear the appropriate colour T-shirt. Bibs will be available to borrow from Mrs Manzie if pupils have not got the particular colour T-shirt required for their team. If you are not sure which team your child is in please ask Mrs Manzie. All pupils need to bring a drink. Parents need to bring folding seats/rugs to sit on. If any child will not be participating in Sports Evening please could parents let us know on Monday 8 July so that we can ensure that the teams remain evenly balanced. All we need to do now is pray for good weather! Thank you.

On Tuesday 2nd July pupils may have come home wearing NSPCC stickers. They had all attended talks given by Mr Ian Stevens, NSPCC schools organiser for Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire, on the subject of ‘Keeping Safe’. Mr Stevens was accompanied by his ‘assistant’ Buddy Bubble and told pupils in Key Stage 2 about the work and availablility of Childline.

Summer Concert
A reminder that on Tuesday 9th July we shall be holding a concert to celebrate the musical progress of the Year 5 & 6 clarinet players and the Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 guitar players. All parents/carers are welcome to attend and details of this event were circulated in a separate Summer Concert letter as well as in the newsletter dated 14 June. Thank you to the parents who have already returned the reply slip to confirm details of how many seats they require. At the end of the concert, at the children’s request, a retiring collection will be made for the NSPCC and Mr Stevens and Buddy Bubble will be present at the event. We hope you will be able to be generous with your support. It is not too late to still request seats.

Mobile Library Visit on Wednesday 10th July
The last visit of the mobile library to school will be on Wednesday 10th July. Would all pupils please ensure that they have their books in school to return to the library. Thank you.

PTA News

Friday Cake club
Tillie Moss-Black was the eventual lucky winner of the cake last week, after a number of previous winners came out of the bag, and who were happy to dip again. Thank you all for being so generous. A reminder to Anna Harries that she is on the rota for 12 July.

Sports Night BBQ - Friday 12th July
HELP - has anyone got a gas BBQ that they would be willing to lend us for Sports Night to cook approx 200 sausages/burgers? Also does anyone know of a willing volunteer from the wider community that could cook said sausages/burgers (ideally not a parent, as we try to ensure that all parents are free to watch their children race.

Don't forget to get your BBQ tickets - last orders is Monday 8th July.

End of Year Disco - Thursday 18th July
Tickets are still available at £3.50 per child. Please see Diana or Rowena with your completed permission slip.


Next week with our new Little Bears visiting we will be enjoying a mini topic of “All About Me”. We will be talking about ourselves and our families and making self portraits.

Tuesday 9 July Summer Concert
Wednesday 10th, Thursday 11th & Friday 12th July Moving up days; Reception pupils starting in September join us in school; Year 6 pupils spend three days at ICC; all other pupils move up to the year group/class they will be in from September.
Friday 12th July EYFS/Reception meeting with parents in School Hall at 2.50pm
Sports Evening – races begin at 6.30pm. Pupils to arrive between 6 and 6.15pm. Bar open from 6pm until the end of the event.
Monday 15th – Friday 19th July No afterschool clubs in the final week of the school term
Tuesday 16th July Daylight Theatre performance
Thursday 18 July School disco 6 – 7.30pm
Friday 19th July Leavers assembly 09.05am
School finishes for Summer holidays at 1.30pm
Wednesday 4th September Pupils return to school for the start of the new academic year

• Flyer attached “Incredible Years” Programme promoting positive behaviours, starts on Tuesday 24 September
• Flyer attached “Become a Young Rock Detective” – Friday 26th July from 10 to 12.30 at the Earth Trust, Little Wittenham. £3 per child. Booking required.