Thursday, July 18, 2013

Newsletter for week ending 19 July 2013

We say ‘good bye and good luck’ to our Year 6 pupils who leave us at the end of this school year. We are proud of all of them and wish them every success at Icknield Community College when they begin their secondary school journey in September.

SATs Explained

We have uploaded a letter entitled ‘SATs Explained’ onto the Curriculum section of the school website to assist parents’ understanding of SATs grades.

Maths Activity Homework Booklet
Following on from the successful visit from Linda Hull, Maths Advisory teacher, earlier this term, each family has been given an Active Maths ‘out and about’ homework booklet. We hope that all children (apart from Year 6 leavers!) will be able to complete some of the tasks during the summer holidays. If you do not have a booklet please ask your child’s teacher for one.

Cycling Safety Training
Congratulations to the following children who successfully passed their cycle safety training this term: Owen Cove, Jake Day, Ollie Jones, Lola Odell, Annabel Roe, Naomi Woodwards and Abby Wright. We are very grateful to Mrs Scragg, Mrs Green, Mrs Ellis, Mrs Birtles and to Mrs Leighfield, who no longer has a child at Stadhampton School, for organising this for us. Congratulations and thanks also to Mrs Cove, who has completed her qualification and is now a fully-fledged cycle safety instructor!

School Meals
School meals from 1st September will continue to be offered at a cost of £2 per day. Cheques for school meals should be made payable to Oxfordshire County Council please with Stadhampton Primary School written on the back of the cheque. In order to reduce administration time spent on school meals we appreciate receiving orders and payments for school meals on the first morning of each school week. Thank you.

Swimming at the Abbey Sports Centre in Berinsfield
Class 2 will start their swimming sessions at the Abbey Sports Centre in Berinsfield on Monday 9th September. They will have 7 sessions in Term 1.

For families new to swimming sessions at Berinsfield, pupils need to bring their own swimming trunks or costume, a swimming hat and a towel on Monday mornings.

As always, we appreciate a £2 voluntary contribution towards the transportation costs. Thank you to the parents who make regular voluntary contributions towards the costs. Cheques for swimming contributions should be made payable to Stadhampton Primary School. Thank you.

Bottle Tops for the Thames Valley Air Ambulance
Thank you to everyone for collecting bottle tops for us. Mrs Leiper has let us know that she will be passing on 23kg of them during the holidays from our school collection! She has also asked us to remind parents to please wash the tops before bringing them in and that fizzy drink bottle tops unfortunately cannot be recycled. Thank you.

Sports Evening
A big thank you to everyone – pupils, parents, staff, PTA, governors, Little Bears, former pupils and extended families for making this event the special occasion that it is.

PTA News

Friday Cake Club
Daniel Ellis was the lucky winner of the cake last week, kindly donated by Anna Harries. A long way off, but a reminder to Mrs Day that she is on the rota for Friday 6th September.

Sports Night BBQ
Wow, what a great sports night. Our thanks to Kerry's Dad, Mrs Leiper, Joy Hopkins & Alan Manzie for running the BBQ and bar.

Thank you from all the PTA
Just to say a huge thank you from all the PTA to everyone who has helped and supported our fund raising efforts throughout the year. Our first meeting back is on Tuesday 17th September at 7.45pm in the school hall. Happy holidays to everyone.

All the Little Bears team would like to wish everyone an enjoyable summer. We return on Wednesday 4th September to the theme ‘Buildings and Transport.’


Wednesday 4 September Pupils return to school for the start of the new academic year
Thursday 26 September School photographs taken today

Finally, we would like to convey our thanks as we come to the end of another school year. We are always very grateful for the support of all parents. Special thanks are due to Mrs Duke for auditing the Special Purposes and Hall Accounts, to the parents who help regularly with hearing readers, help with school trips and bake cakes for a variety of purposes, to the parents and Mrs Scragg who help with cycle safety training, to those who run lunchtime and after-school clubs, to those who have helped with jobs around the school and, of course, to the PTA committee who work tirelessly to fundraise so that pupils can enjoy excellent facilities, learn French and provide us with many additional resources and opportunities. Thank you to Miss Peet who has helped in Class 1 and to Mrs Drake for playing the piano in school assemblies. Thank you also to Mrs Hawley and Mrs Wells who still regularly return to school to help us. Finally, thank you to the Governing Body who give their time freely to both support the school and challenge the staff!

We wish you all a very happy and safe summer break and look forward to welcoming those who are coming back to school on Wednesday 4th September.