Friday, May 3, 2013

Newsletter for week ending 3rd May 2013

Happy MAY Birthday to: Billy Bowerman, Hannah Bradford, Leo Burnell, Ruby Dallimore, Lorenzo Elliott, Gene Green, Buddy Halliday, Isabel Hector, Molly Howard, Joshua Hursey, Olivia Kenny and Ella Lavene.

During MAY we are focusing on the core value of UNDERSTANDING

Greenhouse Completion!
You may have noticed that our ‘green’ greenhouse, mainly made of recycled soft drinks bottles and garden canes, has been completed and has now been installed alongside the swimming pool fence, between Flower Cottage and the school garden.
Many thanks to Mrs Tombling and her team for initiating and managing the project and to Mr Burnell for putting the construction together. Both have given up a considerable amount of time to ensure that the greenhouse project became a reality and we are very grateful. Thank you also to all families who kept us well-supplied with empty bottles for the greenhouse! The children are keen to start using it and, now that the warmer weather seems to have arrived, we look forward to gardening club growing a bountiful crop this year!

Message from the School Nurse
The School Nurse has asked us to remind parents that primary age children are entitled to free eye tests. Changes in eye sight can occur at any point during childhood but statistically more likely to occur as children reach the end of their primary school years which parents of children in Year 6, particularly, should be aware of.

Lost Rain Coat
Joshua Matthews has lost his named black raincoat with white stripes down the arms. Please could everyone check their children’s school bags this weekend in case it has got into the wrong bag. Thank you.

Holiday Course at Stadhampton School
Following on from the success of the Easter Holiday Course, Michael Hopkins will be leading a holiday course at Stadhampton School for one week in the main summer holidays, between 12th and 16th August. Details of the course are attached to this newsletter.

PTA News

Cake Club
Leo Burnell was the lucky winner of the cake last week, kindly donated by Mrs Lansley. A reminder to Mrs Lowman that she is on the rota for Friday 10 May.

PTA Meeting - Tuesday 7th May
The next PTA meeting is on Tuesday 7 May at 7.45pm at Rowena Dobson’s house (The Coppers, Cat Lane). Everyone is welcome to come along and join in discussions about our upcoming events and spending of funds.

Clothes Recycling - Tuesday 14th May, 9am
Ready for spring cleaning? You can donate all of the following - clothes, shoes, belts, sheets, duvet covers (no duvets or pillows), towels and cuddly toys. Please let any friends and neighbours know who are having a clear out, about our clothes recycling scheme.

Next week we are enjoying the song ‘10 Fat Sausages Sizzling in a Pan’ and looking at counting down from 10.

Tuesday 7th May Year 5’s visit ICC for Maths lesson
Wednesday 8th May Year 6 event at Dorchester Abbey. Letters in book bags earlier this week.
Mobile Library
Monday 13th – Friday 17th May SATs week. Please avoid making dentist appointments etc this week. This involves all pupils in Years 2-6.
Monday 13th May 2.15-3.15 “Helping Children with Reading” talk for parents led by Mandy King
Tuesday 14th May Clothes Recycling Collection
Friday 24th May Break up at 3.15 for May Holiday
Monday 3rd June Return to school for the start of Term 6.
Thursday 6th June Year 5’s visit to ICC for Science lesson
Wednesday 12th June Mobile Library
Tuesday 18th June Year 5’s visit to ICC for a PE lesson. Please remember to take trainers/plimsolls and PE kit.