Thursday, May 16, 2013

Newsletter for week ending 17 May 2013

Swimming at the Abbey Sports Centre
As next week will be the final swimming session for Class 2 this term, we would like to thank those parents who have already made voluntary contribution towards the cost of the transport to the Abbey Sports Centre. Any further contributions would be gratefully received. Cheques for swimming should be made payable to Stadhampton Primary School please. Thank you for your continued support.
Unfortunately the pool was unavailable for use last Monday, due to a problem with the heating. We were made aware of this at short notice but were able to make use of the Sports Hall facilities enabling Class 2 pupils to access sporting experiences that are more limited in our own Hall.

School SATs
Year 6 pupils have now completed their end of KS2 SATs papers and the relief is obvious! Pupils in other year groups, from Years 2 to 5, have largely completed their tasks and tests too although some will continue to take place early next week.
Thank you to all families for ensuring that all dentist and doctors appointments etc have been avoided during this time.

Missing School Uniform
Eliza Gardner in Reception cannot find two of her named blue school cardigans. Please could everyone check to see if they have inadvertently got into the wrong bag?

PTA News
Friday Cake Club
Sophie Hector was the lucky winner of last week’s cake, kindly donated by Mrs Lowman. A reminder to Mrs Payne that she is on the rota for Friday 24 May.
As the Cake Club has been very popular, we will continue it next year, if anyone would like to volunteer to make a cake next school year(!) please see Rowena.

Many thank to everyone for all their contributions (over 60 bags were collected) and to those who oversaw the collection and loading. We will let you know how much was raised once we have the details from Bags2School.

Summer Fair & Bus Extravaganza - Saturday 15th June, 2 - 4.30pm
We would be grateful for the following items for some of our stalls - sweets, toys, games, books, unwanted crockery, plants, plant pots, bottles, tins, cans etc. Also, if anyone has a small paddling pool that we could borrow for the day, please see either Rowena Dobson or Tracey Valentine.

There are lots of exciting competitions to enter which will be judged at the Bus Extravaganza and Fair. Entry forms and Quiz forms can be purchased from Rowena Dobson or Tracey Valentine. Details below:

1. Bus Quiz - 25 bus-related questions that involve both general and local knowledge. Prize for the entry with the most correct entries. Price £2.50.

2. Bus Picture or Model competition - create a picture or model of a bus. It can be made with anything; paint, pencils etc, junk, Lego, K'nex... Let your imagination go wild! Entry price 50p, and the winner gets their photo on the cover of the Village Voice!

3. Cake Competitions - Two competitions - one for children and one for adults. Elaine Burnell is to be the judge! Cakes need to be at School by 2pm on Saturday 15th June. After judging the cakes will be sold on the Cake stall. Entry price 50p with a prize for each winner.

4. Miniature Garden Competition - design your own miniature garden. Get really creative. Entry price 50p.

Pond Dipping Event on 31st May
The River Thame Conservation Trust invite you to a "Pond Dipping" event on Friday 31st May 2013, between 10am and 1pm at Chiselhampton House.

Features of the morning will include Pond Dipping in the parkland with experts from The Million Ponds Project and fishing demonstrations by the River Thame.

The event is aimed at children between 8 and 11 years old and they must be accompanied by a responsible adult on the day. Please bring along a drink and snack as we will break during the morning, and wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the weather. Parking will be available using the field gate by The Coach & Horses which will be signposted.

A suggested donation of £5 per child to the River Thame Conservation Trust would be gratefully received.

For enquiries and to book your child's place, please contact Stephen Dawson on 07729 902427 or email

Little Bears will be enjoying the song '10 in a bed' next week - children can come dressed in PJs on Friday if they like as we end the week on a song! Don't forget a teddy bear!
Friday 24 May, 3pm, is also the last day of term. Little Bears return Monday 3 June when our topic will be 'Holidays'.
Thank you to all our parents who donated clothes to the Bags2Schools - we collected 21 bags, a terrific contribution to the school initiative.

For your diary - a Preloved Clothing sale will be taking place at Little Bears on Friday 14 June 7.30-9.30pm and Saturday 15 June 10am (the morning of the Library Bus Launch at the school). All items in good, clean condition, some never worn. All items under £20. Please see the attached poster for more information.

Friday 24th May Break up at 3.15pm for May Holiday
Monday 3rd June Return to school for the start of Term 6
Thursday 6th June Year 5’s visit to ICC for Science lesson
Wednesday 12th June Mobile Library
Friday 14 June Pre-loved sale at Little Bears 7.30-9.30pm
Saturday 15 June Pre-loved sale continues at 10am.
Summer Fair & Bus Extravaganza 2 - 4.30pm
Tuesday 18th June Year 5’s visit to ICC for a PE lesson. Please remember to take trainers/plimsolls and PE kit.
Wednesday 10th, Thursday 11th & Friday 12th July Moving up days; Reception pupils starting in September join us in school; Year 6 pupils spend three days at ICC; all other pupils move up to the year group/class they will be in from September.

Advert for Watlington Primary School Job Vacancy
Watlington Primary School is looking for a cleaner to join the caretaking team with immediate effect. The position is for 6 hours per week working on Monday and Friday from 3.15pm – 6.15 pm. The rate of pay is £6.61 per hour. If you are interested please contact Jane Fowler, School Business Manager on 01491 612474. Appointment will be dependent upon satisfactory references and CRB clearance.