Friday, February 3, 2012

Newsletter for week ending 3rd February 2012

Happy FEBRUARY Birthday to: Florence Amery, Rhiannon Amery, Charlie Ball, Tiffany Bullock, Matt Green, Tillie Moss-Black, Jemima O’Brien, Will Parkes, Alex Robinson and Ella Mae White.

During February our school is focusing on Quality

Survey for parents of pupils in Reception
Parents of Reception pupils should find a questionnaire from the Governing Body in book bags which they would appreciate parents spending a few minutes completing and returning to the school office. Thank you.

Work-Viewing Evening and Mid-Year Summary Reports
A reminder that we are holding our annual work-viewing evening from 3.15 to 6.00pm on Monday 12th March. For families who are unfamiliar with this event it is an occasion to look at your child’s work and we encourage you to do this with your child if possible. Teachers will be available for brief consultation from 3.30pm onwards in their classrooms but there will be no booking system. Mid-Year Summary Reports for all pupils will be sent home during the week beginning 5th March. These reports are compiled following our mid-year teacher assessments of pupils and this year, in response to some feedback from the recent parents’ questionnaire and in line with our commitment to continuous school improvement, we are including the National Curriculum levels (for KS1 & KS2 pupils) or Foundation Stage score (for FS pupils) for each pupil.

SATS Tests 2012
This year the statutory KS2 SATs tests for Year 6 pupils take place the week Monday 14th to Friday 18th May, with some tests taking place during the week Monday 20th to Friday 24th May. These dates and times are set nationally. SATs tests for other year-groups (Years 2, 3, 4 and 5) will mainly take place during the same two weeks. The new Year 1 phonics screening test, set by the Government’s Standards and Testing Agency, is during the week 18th-22nd June 2012. Please try to ensure that any routine dental or other appointments are made outside of these dates. No holiday absences will be granted during this time. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

Roald Dahl Museum – Report by Emily D and Owen C
“Last Thursday Class 2 had a visit from the Roald Dahl Museum. We saw some photos of Roald Dahl and found out some great facts, like he kept his hip bone on his desk. His father died when he was three. He went to boarding school. Class 2 got given a “Skillywonka” chocolate bar and it was delicious!”

Class 2 are collecting magazines for an art project. We would welcome any old colour magazines you can give us, e.g. Newspaper supplements etc.

PTA News
Friday 2 March - It's the PTA Quiz Night!

Tickets for the TV and Film Quiz night with a fish and chip supper are now on sale! You can get them from the school office or from Diana Woodwards & Rowena Dobson.

Entry to Quiz and Fish & Chips - just £7
Entry to Quiz only - £2.50

So dust off that knowledge, grab yourself a team, or just come with friends for a fun night out.

We are pleased to report that we have received a cheque this week for £182 for the collection of 364kg of clothes from our last recycling collection.

Little Bears News
Next week we will be getting ready for Valentine’s Day a bit early, making cards and baking a Valentine’s surprise.
Happy Belated Birthday to Daniel Robinson who turned 4.


Friday 10th February Term 3 finishes at 3.15pm

Monday 20th February Pupils return to school for the start of Term 4
Tuesday 21st February Invitation from the Parish Council to attend the launch of the Community Led Plan in the Hall at 7.30pm. Refreshments served.
Friday 2nd March Quiz Night with Fish & Chip Supper
Monday 12th March Work-viewing evening