Thursday, March 17, 2011

Newsletter No 3 - 18th March 2011

Storytelling Chair
We are delighted to be the proud owners of a unique storytelling chair. The chair has been created in collaboration with Mr Simon Clements, a local woodcarver, and Mr Philip Clayden, a local woodworker. Our pupils have been instrumental in designing the images carved on the chair and met Mr Clements to present and discuss their ideas. The chair, which is made from a variety of different woods, most of which are locally sourced, has been constructed in the shape of a hollowed-out tree trunk with carved features on the inside and outside surfaces. These include a dragon, a giant beanstalk, a pirate ship, a pot of gold, a knight in (shining) armour, and Rapunzel, with many other characters and features for sharp eyes and keen imaginations to spot! We hope the storytelling chair will provide a very special stimulus for inspirational storytelling – both by adults and children.

The chair has been made possible through the long-standing links between the Peers family and Stadhampton School. In the early 19th century, members of the Peers family who lived at Chiselhampton House, set up an educational foundation for the future education of families in Stadhampton and Chiselhampton. Over the years the annual income has, inevitably, reduced in financial value and the trustees recently arranged to “wind-up” the funds. We were keen to use the final payment in a way that would benefit all pupils, both now and in the future and provide a unique and permanent asset to the school. The storytelling chair, we believe, fulfils these criteria and links the past with the present and the future.

Guitar Lessons
If any other pupils would like to begin guitar lessons, please could they collect and complete a form from the school office as soon as possible. It would appear that there is a sufficient number of interested pupils to make this opportunity viable.

Easter Holiday Multisports Course at Stadhampton School
We are pleased to let everyone know that Michael Hopkins will be leading a holiday course again at Stadhampton School on behalf of the Premier Sports Group, for the 4 days leading up to Good Friday, i.e. 18th – 21st April. The course will run from 9am -3pm each day and is available at the special offer price of £5 per day. We would be happy to receive completed application forms and payment from Stadhampton parents into the school office or you may also book directly with Premier Sports. It is anticipated that there will be a high demand for places.

Mid-Year Summary Reports
Mid-year summary reports for all pupils were sent home via book bags on Tuesday.

Nit Alert
Please could everyone check their children’s hair this weekend as a parent has kindly reported that their child had nits, which have now been treated.

First Aid Training by Amber Tomkins, Maisie Matthews and Andrew Oakley
“Some pupils took part in First Aid Training and it was very enjoyable. We sang “Staying Alive” whilst we did C.P.R on plastic dummies. We learned a lot of things which could help in a real situation.”

Bookfeast by Chloe Brown and Tom Leighfield
“On the 14th of March 2011 Years 4, 5 and 6 went to the Natural History Museum to listen to a lecture by Michael Rosen. He was very funny and was talking about his life and got the audience very much involved. It was a lecture to remember. Afterwards we went on a story trail around the museum, finding objects to inspire our own stories.”
And by Betsy Elliott and Cora White
“Years 1, 2 and 3 went to see Tony Bradman and he read us lots of his poems. They were very funny and they made us laugh. One was about teachers! We would like to read more of them...”

P.T.A. News

We would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who attended the Pizza & Bingo Night last Friday. Thanks also go to Shirley Bateman for being a superb Bingo caller, members of the P.T.A. who made delicious cakes for the children’s dessert and all parents, teachers and P.T.A. members who came along and helped out on the evening. The children were very enthusiastic and by the end of the last game, were experts at marking off their Bingo cards! It was very rewarding to see them having so much fun. The event raised £96.18 and this will be added to P.T.A. funds. We hope to hold another Bingo evening later in the year – if Shirley’s voice can recover!

Plant Order Forms
There’s just a hint of spring in the air and some of you may be keen to get out in the garden over the next few weeks and tend to your flower beds. The P.T.A. would like to offer those of you with green fingers, the opportunity of purchasing some hanging baskets, bedding plants and patio vegetables via the school. We have handed out plant order forms in book bags this week (one per family) and ask that you take a look at the plant supplier’s web site at what’s available The Company will donate 30% of all sales, with a further 5% on orders totalling £250 so this is a fantastic way of helping the P.T.A. to raise extra funds and to get some beautiful plants for your garden. Please return completed order forms with your payment in a sealed envelope to the school office, no later than Friday 1st April (two weeks from today.) Extra order forms are available from the school office or Sarah Madry. The plants will be delivered to the school on Wednesday 27th April, in time for planting out over the May Bank Holiday. N.B. Please place your order through the school and not on the supplier’s website – Thanks!

Clothes recycling & Second hand uniforms
The date for our spring clothes recycling collection will be Tuesday May 10th. We would like to remind parents/carers and their families to have a sort out of good quality, clean clothes, bedding, towels, soft toys, shoes and bags. Recycling bags will be handed out before the Easter Holidays but you can donate items in black bin bags too. While sorting through your children’s clothes, you may wish to consider donating items of school uniform to the P.T.A. We plan to have a second hand uniform sale at the beginning of May and would be willing to take clean white tops, P.E. T-shirts, trousers, shorts, summer and winter dresses, skirts, blue cardigans and sweatshirts. The items will be on sale in school before the recycling collection date and any items not sold would then be donated to this cause and help raise additional funds for the P.T.A. Please keep these items separate from the recycling bags! If you wish to donate any items before the Easter holidays please speak to Sarah Madry, Eimer Fernie or any member of the P.T.A. committee. Thank you.

Next P.T.A. meeting
Our next gathering will be on Tuesday 29th March in the school hall at 8.00pm. Everyone is welcome to come along and help organise some fun events over the spring and summer. We look forward to seeing you then.

Parent Governor Vacancy
The governing body consists of parent governors, staff governors, community governors, and LA appointed governors. Our school has three parent governors and currently has a vacancy for another parent governor. Parent governors have all the same powers and duties as other governors.

The governing body usually meets once a term, usually on a Monday evening.

To be eligible to stand for election as a parent governor you have to have parental responsibility for a pupil at the school. Having "parental responsibility" is not limited to biological parents, but will cover you if you are a step-parent, foster parent, grandparent bringing up the child, or permanent partner of the child's biological parent. A few people cannot be school governors; those who have been made bankrupt or who have been in prison for certain offences may not serve for at least three years afterwards. If you have any doubts as to your eligibility on any of these grounds, please contact the school office.

The child must be on the school roll at the time the election is held. However, parent governors do not have to resign if their children leave the school before their term of office has expired.
Although you don't need any educational experience or expertise, you should attend the free training course provided by Governor Services for newly appointed governors so that you are fully aware of your role. The term of office is usually four years.

We invite interested persons to complete the nomination form attached to this newsletter and return it to the school office by 1st April 2011.

The information which you provide in the section “Why I would like to be a parent governor” will be circulated to all parents in the event of the school receiving more than one nomination. In this event, the school will need to ask parents to vote for one candidate in a secret ballot.

The school really needs active parent governors, so please do think about applying.

Little Bears
This week we are continuing with our theme “what we can grow”. We will be planting potatoes and looking at the tomatoes and asparagus we planted last week. We are also looking after our “bean in a jar” which are growing nicely. This week we will be planting Mr McGregor’s garden and seeing what that cheeky Peter Rabbit is up to!! We will also be introducing “Tommy the Monkey” to the children – he is a very happy, loving monkey who will be coming home with the children in turn and loves nothing more than a good adventure.

DIARY DATES for March 2011 onwards

Monday 21st March
Work Viewing Evening – 3.30 – 6.00pm
Wednesday 23rd March
ICC Partnership Football Tournament @ RAF Benson- after school
Tuesday 29th March
PTA Meeting – School Hall @ 8pm
Friday 8th April
End of Term – 1.30pm finish for pupils
Tuesday 26th April
INSET Day – Pupils not in School
Wednesday 27th April
Pupils Return to School
Friday 29th April
Bank Holiday – Royal Wedding
Monday 2nd May
Bank Holiday
Thursday 5th May
Parish Elections – Potential School Closure
Tuesday 10th May
Spring Clothes Recycling Collection