Thursday, April 6, 2017

Week ending 6 April 2017



Happy April Birthday to: Katende Amery, Oliver Bourne, Cianna Browning, Bobby Byrne, Isabel Holmes, Zachary Holmes, Chloe Kamali, Sam Sundberg and Orla Valentine.


During APRIL we are focusing on the core value of HUMILITY


Changes to the Governing Body

Sara Wright, stepped down as Chair of Governors on Friday 31 March and attended her last Governing Body meeting on Monday 3 April. Sara has been a member of the Governing Body since 2010 and Chair of Governors since September 2015. Previous to that Sara was Chair of the PTA for 3 years! I’m sure that all pupils, parents and staff would like to join me in thanking Sara for her huge commitment to Stadhampton School over the last 10 years and for her leadership of the Governing Body over the last two years.

Paul Gravett has kindly agreed to lead the Governing Body as ‘Acting Chair’ until a new Chair of Governors is appointed in the new academic year starting in September.


Image result for easter imagesEaster Holidays

A reminder that school finishes for pupils at 1.30pm today for the Easter Holidays. Teachers will be in school on Friday 7 April for an INSET Day. We wish you all a happy and safe Easter and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 24 April.



MEERKAT Champion of the Week

We are delighted to share the names of our "MEERKAT Champion of the Week" award in each class last week as follows;

Reception – Riley MC

Class 1 – Leo T

Class 2 – Archie D

Class 3 – Lizzie B


Well done to you all!


School Website

We can see from our website statistics that approximately 5 families have followed the instructions and are now successfully syncing the school website calendar onto their computer, tablet or phone. We hope that this is something that other parents might find useful and have attached the instructions again to this Newsletter which explain how to do it. If any parent has tried to sync and encountered problems we would be very happy to contact our website provider to seek help to solve any issues raised with us. We would like to encourage all new parents of children joining our Reception class in September to sync with the school website so feedback on how this is working for you would be invaluable to us. Thank you.


Residential Visit to Woodlands for Class 3 pupils

Thank you to everyone for paying the deposit for the Woodlands residential visit taking place for Class 3 pupils on 19-23 June 2017. We are delighted that all Class 3 pupils will be going on the visit. The total cost of the visit including transport, insurance, board and lodging and all tuition, is £310. We will write to families individually after the Easter holiday to request the final balance which we hope can be paid by 9th June. In the meantime, we are happy to accept any payments towards the final balance before 9 June if any families would prefer to pay in instalments. We will make further contact after the Easter Holidays with more information about activities, travel arrangements, packing lists, etc. Thank you.


Visit by Tim Bradley

We were very pleased to welcome Tim Bradley, a local author, to school on Monday. Tim has written a children’s story called ‘Arnie Jenks and the House of Strangers’ which children in Class 3 have been having as a class story. Tim spoke about what inspired him to become an author during a whole-school assembly and, using a large poster of the front cover of the book as a focus, spoke about the importance of the setting as well as the characters. He then went on to read a chapter of the book to the children in Classes 2 and 3 before talking in more depth with Class 3 children (and those who wanted to know more in Class 2!) about the writing process and how he has approached it.

It was a fascinating visit and we hope some budding authors may have been inspired to write their ideas down! We have bought a set of 6 copies of the book as class readers in Class 3 but if anyone is interested in buying their own copy of ‘Arnie Jenks and the House of Strangers’ please let us know and we will ask Tim for further copies – they cost £6.99 each. We may be able to persuade Tim to return to school to sign any further copies and to talk about his main job which is that of a television producer! Thank you to Richard Jones (Bella’s dad) for putting us in touch with Tim.


Wheels at Work Assembly

We were very pleased to welcome three visitors to our assembly on Tuesday morning. They came to talk to us about the Stoke Mandeville Spinal Research charity which runs the ‘Wheels at Work’ initiative.  Briony, along with Mel Gravett, told us a little about how the charity supports research into spinal injuries and then Luke, who is a wheelchair user, told us about the accident which resulted in him needing to use a wheelchair and about his day to day life since his accident.  He spent a long time answering the children’s relevant and thoughtful questions and then joined us for break time. The children are now having a small experience of using a wheelchair themselves and finding that getting about is not easy. We would like to thank our visitors for taking the time to come and speak to us and hope that over this month you are able to support the charity by collecting any loose change you can spare in the boxes that the children will be bringing home.


Swimming after the Easter Holidays

Class 2 will start their swimming sessions at the Abbey Sports Centre on Monday 24 April (first day back at school). They will also have swimming sessions on Monday 8 May, 15 May , 22 May and then also on Monday 19 June when Class 3 are away at Woodlands. We are very grateful to the vast majority of parents who kindly pay £2 per session towards the cost of the swimming transport (currently £75 per visit) to the Abbey Sports Centre. Cash or cheques welcome, payable on a weekly basis or a cheque made payable to Stadhampton School for £10 to cover all 5 sessions is much appreciated. Thank you for your ongoing support which we value very much.


International Jian-Zi Competition

We now have the result of the jian-zi competition held at Hazlach School in Poland. Their highest score was 15 by Jakub Suchanek, so Thomas Cove with 355 is our international winner again!


PTA News:

Image result for easter imagesEaster Fayre

A huge thank you to everyone who supported the Easter Fayre on Saturday.  We raised nearly £600, which is a fantastic amount.


Thank you to everyone who came along, made donations, helped with the organisation, looked after a stall and helped clear up at the end.


Congratulations to those who won in the competitions:


Cakes – Riley and Ruby

Easter Shoebox – Imogen, Peter and Anna and Elizabeth

Junk Modelling – Austin and Frankie

Decorate an Umbrella – Laila, Jem and Cara

Decorate a Vegetable – Austin and Mia


Thank you also to Edwina Humm and Mrs Turner for choosing our winners.


Bags2School Clothes Recycling – Friday 5th May

Our next Bags2School recycling date is Friday 5th May, so please bear that in mind if you are having a clear out in the next few weeks or over the Easter holidays. For those who don’t know, we will receive cash from Bags2School based on the total weight of the bags collected, so the more we collect, the more we raise.


Bags2School collection bags have been put in bookbags this week, but you are also able to use normal black bin bags.  Please fill your bags with any unwanted items from the list below: 


Men’s, Ladies and Children’s clothing

Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around) 




Scarves and ties





Soft toys

Household linen / Curtains


Bedding (bed sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers) 


Children’s Bingo Evening – Friday 19th May

We will be holding a children’s bingo evening on Friday 19th May.  More details to follow soon.


Our next PTA meeting is on Tuesday 2nd May, The Crown, 8pm.  Please join us if you can, all welcome.


Cake Club

Many thanks to Faye Adams for providing such a spectacular cake for us last Friday. Our Class 3 teacher Miss Raval was the lucky winner of the weekly draw. However, in an extremely kind (and self-disciplined!) gesture, she donated her prize to be raffled off at our Easter Fayre. Debbie Purchon is next on the rota for THURSDAY 6th APRIL, due to the end of term, and Ami Martins has volunteered to provide a cake for us on Friday 28th April.


Diary Dates:


Monday 24 April
Return to school for the start of Term 3
Tuesday 25 April
Finance Committee meeting at 8am
Wednesday 26 April
Junior Citizen visit for Class 3 pupils (letters distributed & a copy is on the school website if required)
Thursday 27 April
Y2 Forest School session
Friday 5 May
Cycle safety training begins for participating Y6 pupils. (Course is now fully booked).
Monday 8 May
SATs week begins
Thursday 11 May
Y1 Forest School session



The Little Bears team would like to wish everyone a peaceful and happy Easter. We hope you all enjoy the break. Little Bears will be having a cake sale from 1.30pm. Everyone is welcome to come and buy a Easter themed cake. 


Community News:

Easter Sports Club:

Michael Hopkins, who is well-known to the school as a PE teacher will be leading an Easter Sports Course on Monday 10, Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 April at Stadhampton Primary School. The course runs from 9-3pm each day and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office.

Spaces are still available for all three days!


Stadhampton Youth Club runs on the first and third Wednesday of each month at The Village Hall St John's in Stadhampton:

18.30 – 19.30 – School Years 5 - 9 inclusive

Subs £1.50/week. Tuck shop available.

Before attending, a Membership Form, signed by a parent, needs to be completed and handed to the Session Leader (available on the door or by emailing 

Stadhampton Youth Club

See attached flyer also





Monday 17th April 2017

8.00 a.m. until 1.00 p.m.

CARS £5.00                           FREE PARKING AND ENTRANCE FOR BUYERS                    VANS £10.00