Friday, January 27, 2017

Week ending 27 January 2017



Internet Safety Day – 7th February 2017

We take E-safety seriously throughout the year but Internet Safety Day on Tuesday 7th February will provide us with an opportunity to have a more in-depth focus on E-safety in each class and share some of the children’s learning with you. Over the next two weeks pupils will be learning about how to stay safe on the internet. Their learning and activities will be relevant to their age group. We believe that it’s important for children and their parents to be aware of the dangers on the internet, to recognise any inappropriate use of the internet, and to know what to do should they find themselves involved in any situation. You are invited to join us on Tuesday 7th February for a morning assembly (9.10am to approximately 9.50am) when each class will share with you what they have learnt. This will then be followed by a Powerpoint presentation for parents and carers with time afterwards for questions and discussion. As part of Internet Safety Day we also plan for pupils in Years 4, 5 and 6 to take part in the OCC Cybersafety Survey.


Annual Survey Request from the Governing Body

Each pupil should have brought home via their book bag a questionnaire from the Governing Body which they hope that parents will complete for each child at school. The Governors are keen to hear your views on how well the school is meeting your expectations, what we do well and your thoughts on what needs to be done differently. Thank you.


MEERKAT Champion of the Week

We are delighted to share the names of our "MEERKAT Champion of the Week" award in each class last week as follows;

Reception – Grace M

Class 1 – Cianna B

Class 2 – Bella J

Class 3 – Hannah L


Well done to you all!


Swimming Voluntary Contributions

Thank you to the many families in Class 2 who have already contributed towards the cost of the swimming transport to the Abbey Sports Centre for this term’s swimming sessions. It is much appreciated. A reminder that Class 2 have their final swimming session on the first Monday after the February Holiday (20th February). It is not too late to make a voluntary contribution for swimming if you have not done so already. The cost for the 6 sessions is £12 and cheques for swimming should be made payable to Stadhampton Primary School. Thank you.


PTA News

Thursday 9th February – Valentines and Villains Children’s Disco, 5.30pm – 7pm

Just a reminder we will be holding a Valentines and Villains disco for Stadhampton pupils in the school hall on 9th February (just before half term).  Cost will be £3 per child to include drinks and a snack. Letters were sent home this week, so please complete the permission slip and return to the school office (with the correct money in an envelope) or to Melanie Gravett, along with the £3, as soon as possible.


Saturday 1st April – Easter Fayre

We will be organising an Easter Fayre in the afternoon of Saturday 1st April.  More details to follow but for now, please keep the date free if you can.


Our next PTA meeting is on Tuesday 7th March, The Crown at 8pm.  Please come along if you can.


Cake Club
Congratulations to Ben West the lucky winner of last week's cake, kindly donated by Mrs Burnell. A reminder to Mrs Sunberg that she is on the rota for Friday 3rd February.


Diary Dates:

Tuesday 7 February
Safer Internet Day – please see this newsletter for information
Thursday 9 February
Valentines and Villains Children’s Disco, 5.30pm – 7pm
Monday 13-Friday 17 February
February Holiday
Tuesday 7 March
PTA Meeting – 8pm at The Crown
Monday 20 March
Work Viewing Evening – 3:15pm to 6pm
Saturday 1 April
Easter Fayre (pm)



Continuing with our topic this term we will be learning all about farm vehicles and farms. We will be looking at different farms from around the world as well as talking about what is grown on farms. 

We will also be talking about healthy eating.


Community News:

Please note February dates for Stadhampton Youth Club:


1st Feb - Years 5 & 6 18.30 - 19.30 & Years 7, 8 & 9 19.45 - 20.45

15th Feb (half Term) - Years 5 - 9 18.30 - 20.00 Cinema Session

Tuck shop open as normal. 


Thank you



China Day

Drop-in FREE family event at the Ashmolean Museum on Sunday 29 January from 11am-4pm


We welcome children and their families from your school to celebrate Chinese New Year 2017 at the Ashmolean – the year of the Rooster!  There will be range of craft activities to get stuck into including making roosters, dragon masks and fans and you can have a go at calligraphy, paper cutting and creating a huge collage.  We will also have storytelling in our China galleries, and live Chinese music in the afternoon.  


Parents Protect flyer attached to this Newsletter.