Thursday, May 12, 2016

Newsletter for week ending 13 May 2016


SATs Tests

Congratulations to our Year 6 pupils who seem to have coped with their SATs very well during this week. A reminder that tests continue into next week for many other year groups.


Jason Hector

I’m sure that all parents, staff and governors will join me in thanking Jason Hector for the huge contribution he has made to the governing body since his appointment as a parent governor in March 2009. Jason provided the governing body with a clear lead and direction as Chair of Governors during his double term of office and played a pivotal role in driving school improvement. He has also been actively involved in the finance committee and been the link governor for science and maths. Jason stepped down as Chair of Governors in September 2015 and has decided to leave the governing body later this month. Thank you Jason for the support you have given us over the last 7 years. We appreciate it very much.


Message from Governing Body

Many of you will have read the news reports on academy status recently and the shift in Government thinking. The Governing Body will continue to review the situation and keep close to local conversations to ensure we can continue to assess the situation and keep parents informed what is happening.


Book Fair

A reminder that we shall be holding a Book Fair in the school hall from the afternoon of Monday 16th May until the morning of Friday 20th May. The Book Fair will be open each morning from 8.30am and then again in the afternoon from 3pm until 3.30pm. School earns commission from the sales of books which enables us to choose free books to update our classroom libraries and non-fiction library. Thank you for your support.


Swimming Contributions

A reminder that we would still be very happy to receive ‘voluntary contributions’ towards the cost of the swimming transport to the Abbey Sports Centre in Berinsfield from any families in Class 2 who have not made a contribution as yet for this term. Thank you.


Forest School Fundraising

Bookings are now being taken for the Supper Night on Friday 10th June from 7.30 to 11.30pm at the Village Hall at St John’s Church Stadhampton. Tickets cost £12.50 and include a buffet and desserts. Bring your own drinks! We have only sold a few tickets so far but believe that there are people who intend to come. We hope that it will be viable to continue with the event as we know how much all children enjoy their Forest School sessions but there are associated running costs, (lots of hot chocolate, chocolate biscuits and marshmallows purchased for the children to enjoy, inspection of trees and the carrying out of work identified as needing to be done – latest invoice for this just received @ £804) and we have already paid the hire cost of the Village Hall. Please let Mrs Hopkins know if you are intending to come but haven’t bought tickets yet. We look forward to your support which will help to secure our continued Forest School provision. Thank you.


Clarinet Deposits

A reminder that deposits for Clarinet lessons for current Year 4 pupils who will be Year 5 in September were required by Friday 6th May (letter sent to all Year 4 pupils on 27 April 2016 and a copy is on the school website.) Cheques to be made payable to OCC please. Thank you to those families who have already paid a deposit.


ELLI Project

Our next character to be introduced in the ongoing ELLI Project is ‘Creative Unicorn’. We are looking forward to exploring the aspects of thinking and learning involved in this area and letting the creative juices flow!



Cake Club- as mentioned in previous newsletters, we are still  looking for someone to take on cake club, you don't have to be on the committee you would just need to be available on Friday mornings. Rowena is very happy to show whoever takes it over the ropes and to fully support them. Unless we get a volunteer to take it on we will unfortunately have to stop cake club, which none of us want to do. Please speak to a committee member if you are interested in taking this on.


Family Quiz Night- Friday 20th May 6pm- tickets are on sale for this fun evening, a family ticket is £10, there is a fully stocked bar, pizza and hotdogs for sale and a fantastic quiz for all the family to enjoy. Please see Georgina Wiggins for tickets.


Queen’s celebration- Saturday 18th June- the PTA are supporting the Queen’s birthday celebration and are holding a raffle on the day at the village summer fete. We are asking for donations from parents for hampers that we hope to raffle off. All the money raised from the raffle will go to the PTA and we have cancelled our summer fete to support this event. Please start putting donations in the PTA box in the hall.


Thank you for your continued support of the PTA. 


Friday Cake Club

Congratulations to Ivy Odell, the lucky winner of last week’s cake, kindly donated by Mrs Holmes.  A reminder to Anna Harries that she is on the rota for 20th May.


Monday 16 May
Book Fair in school
Tuesday 17 May
Class 2 Trip
Friday 20 May
PTA Family Quiz Evening
Thursday 26 May
Year 7 Induction Evening at Icknield Community College for present Year 6 pupils at 7pm
Friday 27 May
School finishes at 3.15pm for May Holiday
Monday 6 June
Start of Term 6 for staff and pupils
Friday 10 June (rearranged date)
Forest School fundraising supper event at the Church – please see Mrs Hopkins to book
Friday 1 July
Sports Evening – note earlier date than usual




The Little Bears are continuing to enjoy the ‘growing’ theme this term and are all very excited that our caterpillars have now cocooned! Our tadpoles continue to get bigger every day and we look forward to the next stage which won't be long now.
Little Bears team hope you can join us on Saturday for the tabletop sale from 10 AM - all welcome with activities for the children and cake and coffee for the grown-ups!







Summer Sports Course at Stadhampton School

Michael Hopkins, who is well-known to the school as a PE teacher will be leading a Summer Sports Course on Monday 8th, Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th AUGUST at Stadhampton Primary School. The course runs from 9-3pm each day and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office. Early booking is advised as the Easter Sports Course was very popular!



Community News:

SAVE THE DATE -  Queen's 90th Birthday - Saturday 18 June 2016, 2pm onwards


We will be holding a village tea party in June to celebrate the Queen's 90th Birthday, as well as those of members of the local community also reaching their 90th year - we'd like include anyone 80+, (please contact Sue White if you'd like to include someone at the birthday table  01865 890880). 


The Brook Race will go ahead - thank you to the Hopkins family for returning one of the shields for this event - there will be three races; men, ladies and 11-16 year olds with medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the latter race. 


More information will follow in these newsletters, the Village Voice and on the village website - and if you'd like to be involved then please contact Sue on the number above. Thank you.  We'll keep updating you over the new few weeks but for now please make a note in your diaries.