Thursday, February 25, 2016

Newsletter for week ending 26th February 2016

Swimming for Class 3 Pupils
Swimming began at the Abbey Sports Centre for Class 3 pupils on Monday 22nd February (first day back). As always, we are very appreciative to receive a ‘voluntary contribution’ of £2 per session per pupil towards the transport costs. Cash or cheque welcomed, with cheques made payable to Stadhampton Primary School please (£10 for the 5 sessions). Thank you.

After School Clubs
Please note that both the Art and Multisports Clubs are now full. There are still one or two spaces available for the Monday Chess Club and a number of places for the Monday Ball Games club (D of E students from ICC) for pupils in Years 3-6.

New School Meals Menu
A copy of the new schools meals menu has now been uploaded to the school website as a reference point for families.

Elli Project
The next character to be introduced to represent one of the 7 learning characteristics will be ‘Stickability Tortoise’. Class 3 have been working on different scenarios to present in our Elli Project assembly on 29th February. One idea will be presented by the pupils who wrote it, using the puppets in school. We are very much looking forward to their presentation.

Forest Schools
If anyone has an old kitchen sink they no longer need and would be willing to donate for use at Forest School, please speak to Mrs Hopkins or Melanie Gravett.

Forest Schools Fundraising
On the subject of Forest Schools we will be planning a number of Forest School fundraising events during the year, as we have done in the past. We are committed to offering FS sessions to all pupils but the costs are not inconsiderable and this year our costs have doubled as we now hold two FS sessions a week. Budget constraints mean that we need to raise additional funds for both resources and staffing. Our very active and supportive PTA have recently generously paid for a set of waterproofs to ensure that all pupils are dry and comfortable even in the wettest of weathers, for which, on behalf of the pupils, we are very grateful. We cannot, however, expect the PTA to cover the full costs of our FS sessions, so from time to time the school will continue to organise specific FS events to raise funds.
The next event to raise funds is
A Supper Night on Friday 6th May from 7.30 to 11.30pm at the Village Hall at St John’s Church Stadhampton.
Tickets cost £12.50 and include a buffet and desserts. Bring your own drinks!
See attached flyer for more details and how to book.
We look forward to your support which will help to secure our continued Forest School provision.

Sporting Achievements

Jian-Zi Competition Results
Pupils took part in our annual Jian-Zi competition on the Friday afternoon just before we finished for the February Holiday as part of our Chinese New Year activities. The competition took place with 3 finalists participating from each year group performing in front of the whole school! The results were as follows:

Year Group Highest Result Runners up:
Reception Winner: Ollie (2) Harry (1); Aisulu (1)
Year 1 Winner: Jack (2) Bobby (1); Cianna (1); Zac (1)
Year 2 Winner: Casey (4) Oliver (2); Ollie E (2); Nate (1)
Year 3 Winner: Joshua (2) Jack A (1); Daniel (1)
Year 4 Winner: Lorenzo (32) Will E (10); Billy (4)
Year 5 Winner: Thomas C (333) Will P (30); Lawrence (12)
Year 6 Winner: Max (20) Charlie A (7); James (6)
Congratulations to Thomas Cove in Year 5 who scored an amazing 333!

CLOSER Partnership of Schools Football Tournament Winners!
During the last week of term the following pupils from Years 5 and 6 represented Stadhampton Primary School at a football tournament at RAF Benson: Lawrence, Tillie, Daniel, Tia, Will, Charlie, Max, Thomas and James.
Four other schools participated, Watlington, RAF Benson, Chalgrove and Ewelme. We played four games and won the whole tournament. Well done Stadhampton! Thank you to the parents who helped to transport and support us.

World Book Day – Thursday 3rd March 2016
For World Book Day this year we are doing something a little different! We are asking children and adults to bring in a prop from their favourite story book. The prop can be ready made or you can be creative and make the prop adding your own artistic flair to it! During the morning we will be holding a competition throughout the school where we ‘guess the book’ from the props brought in.
£1 Book tokens have been distributed to all pupils this week which enable pupils to exchange their token for either a £1 World Book Day book or receive £1 off a book worth £2.99 or more in all participating bookshops.


Here is a list of all the winners of the Harry Potter competition

Ellie Payne (Reception)
Honor White (Year 1)
Arun Davies (Year 2)
Elizabeth Marshall (Year 3)
Wyatt Bullock (Year 4)
Lizzie Bowerman (Year 5)

Thank you to everyone who took part

Disco night at The Crown- thank you for your donations towards the raffle. We raised a disappointing £55.45. If anyone has any ideas on what events we could hold for adults which would be better supported then please see a committee member. Thank you.

Earth Hour- on Saturday 19th March ‘Earth Hour’ is held worldwide encouraging individuals, communities, households and businesses to turn their non essential lights off for 1 hour, from 8.30-9.30pm (this can be done earlier for younger children) as a symbol for their commitment to the planet. It can be celebrated any way you like maybe have a dinner party in candle light or go for a walk with lanterns. On Friday 18th March we will be putting envelopes into book-bags (1 per family) for your child or your family to be sponsored to turn all lights off for an hour, however your child/family may wish to make it longer than an hour or maybe turn off televisions, consoles or mobile phones. 10% of all sponsor money will be donated to WWF with all other sponsor money going towards the PTA. Al envelopes to be handed into a box in the office from Monday 21st March.

Easter Chocolate raffle- we will be holding another Easter egg raffle on the last week of term. I wanted to start asking for donations towards this, if you could donate an Easter egg or chocolates then that would be hugely appreciated. We had 28 Easter eggs last year, it would be great if we could have even more this year. Please put all donations into the PTA box in the hall or alternatively give to a committee member. A list of all committee members is on the notice board outside Class 1.

Summer fete- we are very excited to be holding a summer fete this year and we would like to make it one to remember. Does your child attend a choir? dance group? Parents have you any contacts through work etc to help with stalls or entertainment for the day? Any help is very much appreciated.

Facebook- did you know the PTA has a facebook page? it is a closed group, if you search Stadhampton primary school pta and ask to join then I can add you. it is for reminders, information and a just a point of contact for parents.

Friday Cake Club
Congratulations to Ruby Clark, the lucky winner of the last cake before half term, kindly donated by Mrs Hackett. A reminder to Mrs Khan that she is on the rota for 4th March. We still need cake donators from 29 April to 1st July. See Rowena if you would like to be added to the rota.

Wednesday 2 March Mobile Library visit
Thursday 3 March World Book Day
Year 2 Forest School session
Monday 7 March Class 3 pupils attend French Theatre performance at ICC – coaches leave Stadhampton School at 9am. No costs involved for parents. Permission letter sent home this week.
Wednesday 9 March Whole –School Science Day (more details to follow)
Thursday 10 March Year 5 Forest School session
Friday 18 March Sport Relief – Dress as a clown for £1 and take part in the one mile fun run.

Easter Holiday Sports Course at Stadhampton School
Michael Hopkins, a qualified PE teacher, will be leading an Easter Sports Course on Wednesday 30th March, Thursday 31st March and Friday 1st April at Stadhampton Primary School. The course runs from 9-3pm each day and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office. Early booking is advised as the Christmas Sports Course was very popular.