Friday, January 22, 2016

Newsletter for week ending 22nd January 2016

Emergency School Closures
If the weather is particularly bad or there are power cuts in the village and the decision is made to close the school closures are announced during the breakfast shows on BBC Radio Oxford (95.2 FM), Heart FM (102.6 or 97.4 FM), Glide (107.9 FM), Banbury Sound (107.6 FM) and Jack FM (106.8 FM).
Parents are advised to tune into these local radio stations and also check their websites if there is a possibility that the school could be closed. We will also do our best to put a message onto the school website if there is power!

Class 3 Athletics Tournament – Report by Georgia
“On Friday 15th January, Class 3 went to Icknield Community College for an Athletics tournament. Five schools took part, Chalgrove, Stadhampton, Nettlebed, R.A.F. Benson and Ewelme. Everyone took part in one race and other activities including under/over, chest push and standing long jump. Before we knew it the competition was over and we found out who had come in which place! No-one really lost, but in 5th place was R.A.F. Benson, in 4th was Ewelme, coming in 3rd was Stadhampton, in 2nd was Nettlebed and Chalgrove came 1st. Although we didn’t win, we all tried our hardest and felt like winners! We had a wonderful morning.”

Sleeping Sense Workshops on Tuesday 19th January
On Tuesday we had the most amazing day with world recognised musicians from the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and world renowned scientists from Oxford University entertaining us and working with us. How did we manage to attract such prestigious professionals to Stadhampton School? Through our links with the County Music Service we were selected as one of only three schools in Oxfordshire to take part in a joint Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and Oxford University music and science project entitled “Sleeping Sense”.
The project essentially involves pupils in Years 3 to 6 but we will involve our younger pupils whenever appropriate and did so on Tuesday. The whole school was treated to several pieces of music played by four members of the orchestra. It was one of those incredible occasions when all pupils were enthralled and the musicians commented on what a fantastic audience the children were. The project involves our pupils developing their own compositions in the style of Henry Purcell (who composed the music to The Fairy Queen, an opera based on Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’) and participating in scientific research into sleep patterns in children aged 7-11 to help better understand the impact of sleep on children’s everyday activities.
The following piece of writing is from a pupil’s perspective:

Report by Leo: “On Tuesday 18th January four scientists from Oxford University and four musicians from the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment came to Stadhampton Primary School as we are involved in a ‘Sleeping Sense’ project alongside two other primary schools. At the beginning of the day the whole school listened to the musicians play music and all the children found the music mesmerising.
Later on, Classes 2 & 3 listened to a talk by Professor Russell Foster, one of the scientists, about biology and our bodies. We were also allowed to hold a rubber replica of a brain! Another scientist, Katarina told us about the neurons in our brain and what our brains were made of.
Later on in the day some of the scientists told us about our sleep and how important it is. We were given ‘Sleep diaries’ to record our sleep patterns which we will use in due course. We have to estimate how long it takes us to fall asleep and write about any dreams.
The scientists also told us that Years 5 and 6 will be given a watch that we will have to wear for a week, to record our sleep and activity patterns.
After lunch we had to compose a musical ‘chaconne’ about sleep with musicians from the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment which we will perform with the other schools at the Sheldonian Theatre in the summer term. We are all very excited about being involved in this project.”

Radio Oxford

If you happen to listen to Radio Oxford you may hear some familiar voices talking about our Radio Oxford Socks Appeal and our sock design display! The scheduled air time is around 8.30am on Monday 25th January.

Catering Vacancy to assist Mrs Sheridan
As school lunch numbers have increased and in order to speed up the serving process Carillion, who provide our catering service, have kindly agreed to fund support for Mrs Sheridan in helping to prepare the school hall for lunch, help serve the lunch and clean up the dining area afterwards:

General Catering Assistant
Hours, 10 per week, term time only
Hourly rate- £6.79
Duties to include- Helping to serve Lunch, cleaning of catering and dining areas etc.
No experience needed as training given.
Please apply by filling out an application form (available from the school office) or online.

Easter Holiday Sports Course at Stadhampton School
Michael Hopkins, a qualified PE teacher, will be leading an Easter Sports Course on Wednesday 30th March, Thursday 31st March and Friday 1st April at Stadhampton Primary School. The course runs from 9-3pm each day and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 for the day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office. Early booking is advised as the Christmas Sports Course was very popular!

PTA News
Harry Potter Night- Thursday 4th February
The PTA would like to invite your child/children to join in the Harry Potter night which is being celebrated around the world. We will be putting activity sheets and pictures to colour in book-bags on Thursday 4th to complete over the weekend and will be giving out prizes for each year group.

Valentine Disco-Saturday 13th February
Come and join us at The Crown in Stadhampton from 7.30pm there will be a Cocktail bar serving all your favourite cocktails; DJ playing lots of great music; photo booth where you can take lots of silly photos.
Free entry!
Please come and support this night which promises to be a fun filled evening.

We are looking for donations of alcohol for the raffle we are doing on the evening. Please give whatever you can to a committee member. Thank you for your support of the PTA.

Friday Cake Club
Congratulations to Nat Watkins, the lucky winner of last week’s cake, kindly donated by Mrs White. A reminder to Mrs Ellis that she is on the rota on 29th January. We still have spaces left on the rota that need filling, so if you would like to donate a cake please see Rowena Dobson. Available dates are 17 March, and all Fridays between 15th April and 8th July.

Tuesday 26 January Reception & Year 6 pupils NCMP with the school nurse
Wednesday 27 January Mobile Library visit
Thursday 28 January Year 3 Forest School
Thursday 4 February Year 1 Forest School

Community News
• Flyer attached about Oasis (Oxfordshire Autistic Society Information and Support) Coffee and Chat dates.