Thursday, July 16, 2015

Newsletter for week ending 17 July 2015

Sports Evening
A big thank you to everyone – pupils, parents, staff, PTA, governors, Little Bears, former pupils and extended families for making this event the special occasion that it is. The wonderful weather helped too! Thank you to everyone who bought their drinks from the PTA bar and to those who cooked and served the BBQ for us. Your hard work was very much appreciated.


We say a fond ‘good bye and good luck’ to our Year 6 pupils who leave us at the end of this school year. We are very proud of all of them and hope they are proud of themselves! We wish them every success at Icknield Community College when they begin their secondary school journey in September.

Thank You
As always, there are many people that we need to thank as we come to the end of another school year. We are always very grateful for the support of all parents; we are extremely fortunate to have so many supportive families. Special thanks to Mrs Duke for auditing the Special Purposes and Hall Accounts again this year, to Mrs Bowerman, Mrs Dobson and Mrs Madry for their admin support, to the parents and other volunteers who regularly help with hearing readers, with school trips and bake cakes for a variety of purposes. Thank you also to the parents who helped with cycle safety training this year (and managed to get everyone through their test!), to Mrs Elliott and Mrs Gravett for leading Forest School sessions and to Mr and Mrs Burnell for running a very successful lunchtime Gardening Club. A huge thanks also to the PTA committee who work tirelessly to manage the sales of school uniform and fundraise so that pupils can enjoy excellent facilities and have many additional resources and opportunities. The PTA also contribute towards the cost of pupils learning French and the upkeep of the swimming pool. Finally, thank you to the Governing Body who give their time freely to both support the school and challenge the staff!

Swimming at Berinsfield
Swimming will begin for Class 2 pupils on Monday 7th September. They will have a total of 7 sessions. The cost of the swimming transport to Berinsfield is £65 per visit, so we are particularly grateful to receive contributions of £2 per swimming session from parents towards this cost. Cheques for swimming contributions should be made payable to Stadhampton Primary School please. Thank you.

The PTA committee would like to thank parents/carers for their amazing support this year. We hope everyone has a great summer and look forward to seeing you all in September.

Friday Cake Club
Congratulations to Daniel Ellis, the lucky winner of last week's cake, kindly donated by Mrs Gravett. A reminder to Mrs Holmes that she is the first on the rota for the new school year – Friday 4 September.
Don't forget you can now pay for the whole of the next year if you wish. It's £7 per child if paid up front, which gives you 4 weeks free! See Rowena. Volunteers for cake donations also welcome.
Finally a massive thank you to everyone who has contributed to Cake Club this school year, either by entering or donating a cake. We have raised just over £356.00 for the PTA funds. Well done!

Tuesday 1 September INSET Day for school staff only
Wednesday 2 September Pupils return to school for the start of Term 1.

Little Bears would like to wish everyone a happy and restful summer break.

Summer Sports Courses at Stadhampton School
Michael Hopkins will be leading two sports courses here during the summer break. The courses will be on the following dates: Monday 20th July, Tuesday 21st July and Wednesday 22nd July, and also Monday 10th August, Tuesday 11th August and Wednesday 12th August. The cost is £10 per day from 9-3pm and the course is open to all pupils aged 4-11. Pupils may attend for any or all of the days. Bookings may be made directly to or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office. Please see attached poster.

Community News:
Rowena and Sarah would like to thank everyone who came to Boogie Bingo on Saturday 4th July, and to those who donated to the cause - we raised a phenomenal £1400 in aid of Sue Ryder Hospice in Nettlebed. The atmosphere at the Village Hall at St John's was fantastic and we hope everyone had a great evening.

Finally, we wish you all a very happy and safe summer break and look forward to welcoming back those who are returning to school on Wednesday 2nd September.