Thursday, June 4, 2015

Newsletter for week ending 5th June 2015

Happy JUNE Birthday to: Freya Clapton, Will Eaton, Betsy Elliott, Ella Gravett, Alice Hindmarch, Zara Hopkins, James Lowman, Ivy Odell, Casey Price and Ellie Wiggins.

During JUNE we are focusing on the core value of HONESTY

Swimming at the Abbey Sports Centre
A reminder that Class 2 pupils will have ONE swimming session at the Abbey Sports Centre on Monday 8th June as Class 3 pupils are at Woodlands. Swimming sessions for Class 3 pupils will begin on Monday 15th June. They will have a further 4 sessions on 22nd & 29th June, and 6th & 13th July. As always, we are most grateful to receive a ‘voluntary contribution’ towards the cost of the swimming transport of £2 per swimming session. Cheques for swimming contributions should be made payable to Stadhampton Primary School, please. Thank you.

Important information about swimming in the school pool – please get ready!
Once the pool comes into use, (we will let you know in the newsletter or by e-mail when this happens) the onus will be on families to ensure that swimming kit is in school each day, otherwise pupils will miss out on opportunities to swim. Pupils who do not have their swimming kit in school will sit in the pool area and read when their class has their turn in the school pool. Thank you.

School Council ‘Danceathon’ for Nepal
We are pleased to let you know that £85 was raised for the UNICEF Nepal earthquake appeal from the Danceathon held in school this week, bringing the total raised for the people of Nepal to £131. A huge ‘Thank You’ to everyone who contributed.

Recorder lessons will begin on Monday 15 June for all pupils in Classes 2 and 3. Please could everyone in these classes make sure that they have their own recorder and book in school each Monday from then until the end of term. Recorders and books are available to purchase from the school office if necessary - recorders cost £6.50 and books £4.99 each (the price we pay for them). Thank you.

Ghana Week 29th June to 3rd July
Each year we have a whole-school international cultural week and this year the focus is on Ghana. During the week we will explore the geography, culture and traditions of Ghana. We will also welcome several special visitors that week, providing us with extra insight. These include someone who has recently lived in Ghana, a dance company providing us with a series of African dance workshops which includes all classes and a presentation for parents (please see Diary Dates) and a Fair Trade stall (please see Diary Dates ). In addition we have obtained a number of authentic artefacts on loan from RISC in Reading. If anyone has any contacts/artefacts linking with Ghana please let Mrs Turner know. Thank you.
It should be an exciting and memorable week!

The Sponsored Family Fun Run is next Saturday 13th June from 2-4pm in the school grounds. It promises to be a great afternoon for all the family! Please return the forms to confirm your attendance by TOMORROW please.
If anyone is able to donate any cakes or biscuits for our refreshment stall at the fun run, please speak to a committee member or bring them along on the day. Thank you.

Dates for your Diaries
Thursday 9th July - PTA Coffee Morning, 9-10am in the school hall
Friday 10th July - Sports Night BBQ, details and tickets to follow shortly
Thursday 16th July - End of Term Disco, details and tickets to follow shortly
Our next PTA meeting is this Tuesday 9th June, 8pm in The Crown and everyone is welcome.

Thank you for your continued support of the PTA.

Friday Cake Club
Congratulations to Elizabeth Marshall, the lucky winner of the last cake before Half Term. A reminder to Mrs Burnell that she is on the rota for 12 June. Entry for the final half term is 20p per week, or £1.40 to the end of the school year. Please see Rowena.

W/C 8th June Class 3 at Woodlands
Monday 15 June Mobile Library visit
Tuesday 30 June African Dance Workshop – presentation for parents at 14.40pm.
Wednesday 1 July Fair Trade stall after school from 15.20 to 15.50pm
Friday 10th July Whole School Sports Evening

Little Bears would like to welcome everyone back to Term 6.
This term we will be enjoying the topic of ‘Holidays and the Seaside’.
We have lots of holiday activities planned as well as learning about the seaside and oceans

Advance Notice of Summer Sports Courses at Stadhampton School
Michael Hopkins, a qualified PE teacher, will be leading two sports courses here during the summer break. The courses will be on the following dates: Monday 20th July, Tuesday 21st July and Wednesday 22nd July, and also Monday 10th August, Tuesday 11th August and Wednesday 12th August. The cost is £10 per day from 9-3pm and the course is open to all pupils aged 4-11. Pupils may attend for any or all of the days. Bookings may be made directly to or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office.