Thursday, February 12, 2015

Newsletter for week ending 13th February 2015

Mr Montgomery
We regret to announce that, sadly, Mr Montgomery who has been off sick for some time has now confirmed he will not be returning to Stadhampton School. We thank Mr Montgomery for his contribution to the school during the short time he was with us and wish him well for the future. We have managed to pass on to Mr Montgomery the gifts he was given by parents at Christmas. Mrs Ellis and Mrs Singleton have temporarily agreed to cover most of Mr Montgomery’s hours. Mrs Singleton currently covers Forest School sessions and Mrs Ellis covers our library sessions.

Safer Internet Day – 10 February 2015
E–safety is a priority throughout the year but Safer Internet Day raises the profile of it and provides us with an opportunity to make children and parents more aware of the potential dangers. This year we have been working with Jo Brown, the county Anti-Bullying Co-ordinator, to prepare our presentations to parents on the theme of ‘Let’s make a better internet together’. Safer Internet Day itself was on Tuesday 10 February and we spent part of the morning practising our presentations knowing that Oxfordshire County Council and the local Press were interested. Unfortunately the local BBC were otherwise occupied but Owen Morton, the county Press and Communications Officer took a number of photographs and has written an article about our activities and these may appear in the local Press. We will circulate further details when we have them!
Our pupil-led E-Safety presentation to parents and carers will take place at 2.35pm on Wednesday 25 February and we do hope you can join us. Pupils in Years 4 to 6 have recently completed an OCC cyberbullying survey which has helped us to understand our pupils’ experiences. We know that the majority of parents and carers have already been closely involved in teaching Stadhampton pupils about internet safety at home, however we are keen to reach out to all parents and carers. On 25 February our presentations will include; demonstrating that using the internet leaves an evidence trail, creating a ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ style quiz, sharing posters and leaflets designed by the pupils and singing an internet safety song.

Recorder Lessons
A reminder that recorder lessons for all pupils in Years 3-6 will take place on Mondays next term. For hygiene reasons, pupils are expected to provide their own recorder. Pupils also need their own recorder book. Recorders are on sale from the school office priced at £6.50, Recorder Books 1 and 2 are available for £4.95 each.

Swimming at Berinsfield Pool
Swimming lessons at the Abbey Sports Centre begin on Monday 23rd February for Class 3 pupils. As always, we are grateful to receive a ‘voluntary contribution’ of £2 per swimming session towards the cost of the transport to Berinsfield. There will be 5 sessions before the Easter Holidays. Cheques for swimming contributions should be made payable to Stadhampton Primary School please. Thank you.

UNICEF Day for Change
Thank you to everyone who brought in change last Friday or on Monday this week for the Unicef Day for Change. We are pleased to report that £104.82 was raised for this worthwhile cause. Last year we collected £97.93, so a slight increase year on year, which is pleasing. Raising £55 provides enough vaccine for 500 children and £135 provides an emergency ‘school in a box’, so we know the money will go to good use. We are most grateful to Mrs Madry for giving up her time to count this for us.

Sports Hall Athletics –Report by Cora

“Last Friday Class 3 went to Icknield to do for some fun races and other events. Miss Raval and Mrs Wilkin came with us. There were six schools altogether – Stadhampton, Chalgrove, Watlington, Lewknor, RAF Benson and Ewelme. We were all tired by the end but we thoroughly enjoyed it. When the scores came in it was very tense as this year the top two schools would go through to the Championships! We came third and were very happy. Chalgrove came second and Watlington came first. We would all love to go again!”

We are really interested in holding a "SPONSORED ?????. " We would love to receive parents/carers ideas which we will discuss at the next PTA meeting on Tuesday 24th February.

New members are always welcome to come along to our meetings because without parent participation the PTA wouldn't be able to work. If you are interested in coming along then please speak to one of the active members, a list of who is on the PTA, and what classes their children are in, is on the noticeboard in the waiting area. We want to raise money to benefit our children so please come along if you can to our next meeting which is on Tuesday 24th February, 8pm at The Crown in Stadhampton.

Friday Cake Club
Congratulations to Amy Freeman, the lucky winner of last week's cake, kindly donated by Mrs Madry. A reminder to Mrs Odell that she is on the rota for Friday 27 February, the first Friday after half term.

Friday 13 February Break up for the February Holiday at 3.15pm
Monday 23 February Return to school for the start of Term 4
Tuesday 24 February Year 6 pupils visit ICC for a French theatre performance. Letters were sent home in book bags about this last week
PTA meeting in the Crown at 8pm
Wednesday 25 February Parents e-safety presentations at 2.35pm
Thursday 26 February Partnership 5-a-side football tournament at RAF Benson for participating pupils in Years 3&4 and 5&6. Letter sent home in book bags on Thursday 5th February. Please complete and return reply slips as soon as possible. Thank you.
Friday 27 February Annual Jian-Zi competition to celebrate Chinese New Year
Thursday 5 March World Book Day
Monday 13 April Vision screening for Reception pupils

Little Bears would like to wish everyone a relaxing half term break. We return to term 4 on Monday 23rd February to the topic of " Six-Dinner Sid".

Community News
Michael Hopkins will be leading an 3-day Easter Sports Course at Stadhampton School on Monday 30 March, Tuesday 31 March & Wednesday 1 April. The course runs from 9-3pm each day and is open to all pupils (not necessarily just Stadhampton School) aged 4-11. The cost is £10 per day and bookings can be made directly by e-mailing or via Mrs Hopkins in the school office. These sports courses are very popular and early booking is advised.