Friday, April 25, 2014

Welcome back to everyone!

Swimming at the Abbey Sports Centre
Class 2 will begin their swimming sessions at the Abbey Sports Centre on Monday 28th April. They will have a total of 5 sessions (28 April, 12, 19 May, 2, 9 June). As always, we hope that parents/carers will be willing to pay £2 per child per swimming session towards the cost of the transport. Payments of £10 for the 5 sessions can be made by cheque (made payable to Stadhampton Primary School please.) Alternatively we are very happy to receive a cash payment of £2 on a weekly basis. Thank you.

Easter Egg Competition

On Wednesday we all enjoyed the School Council’s Easter Egg competition. Children had to create a vehicle that would safely transport a boiled egg as close as possible to our curling target, within a minute. Designs varied from remote controlled cars with egg ‘carriers’ to handcrafted cars made from all sorts of different junk materials…including Satsuma wheels!
The entries were judged by Mr Short, Mrs Shortman and Mrs Wilkin who focused on the overall quality of design, the originality/ingenuity of the design and its success in getting to the target while also keeping the egg protected! They then added up their scores and were pleased to announce the winners:

1st place: Leo Burnell who scored 75 points (out of a possible 90)
2nd place: Charlie Ball who scored 71 points
3rd place: Tia Khan who scored 64 points
Well done to all who took part – the vehicles were all impressive and we look forward to setting this challenge again!

Forest School Sessions
Forest School sessions began this week for Year 2 pupils. Thank you to Mr Short, Mrs Elliott, Mrs Gonzalez and Mrs Gravett for providing pupils with a most enjoyable experience building dens, making a rope swing, experimenting with grass trumpets, creating ‘hairware’ and good team-building and collaboration opportunities. Thank you to everyone involved in the fundraising to make this project possible. If you have not returned your completed permission slip yet for your child to participate, please do so as soon as possible. (Reminder forms were sent home earlier this week.) Thank you.

Sport Relief Cycle Ride
During the Easter Holidays, Mr & Mrs Turner cycled 673 miles from John O’Groats in northern Scotland, southwards. Strong westerly winds and heavy rain in Scotland slowed the cycling down and a daughter going into labour early meant they made it as far as Preston in Lancashire before returning home by train. They plan to cycle the remaining 200+ miles from Preston over the Summer. They have lost a little weight and gained a little grandson! Many thanks to all who have sponsored the ride - so far over £400 has been raised for Sport Relief but it’s not too late to sponsor, should you wish to and increase this total. They have set up a Sport Relief Giving Page as follows

Drinks Bottles
A number of un-named colourful, plastic drinks bottles were left in class cloakrooms over the Easter Holidays and pupils make no claim to them. The bottles have been emptied and put in the Lost Property box in the Hall, so if you are missing such a drinks bottle it may be there!

End of Term Assembly
Following our end of term assembly on Friday 4th April, a small amount of cash was found in the Hall. If you are aware of losing any cash at that time, please speak to Mrs Turner.

Saturday Science Club at Science Oxford
Details of Science Oxford’s Saturday Science Clubs can be found on There are events on Saturday 26th April and Saturday 31st May. Children must be accompanied.

PTA News

Boogie Bingo Friday 16th May - tickets are on sale from Monday for this fun filled evening, priced at £8 each to include a fish and chip supper or £3 each without. Tickets will be available from the office or from outside Class 1 each morning. Be quick as it's a popular event and places are limited.

We will be holding a raffle on the evening and would appreciate any donations as prizes. Items needed are wine, beer, chocolate, bubble bath sets etc so please have a look at home and leave any donations in the PTA box in the hall.

Clothes recycling Thursday 22nd May – Bag2School recycling bags will be put into book bags as soon as we receive them so get sorting through your old winter wardrobe for your unwanted adult and/or children’s clothes, paired shoes, cuddly toys, bags, scarves, hats.

Bag2School is a free fundraising scheme that works in partnership with schools and businesses to help us raise money from your donations. It specialises in collecting unwanted textiles in good condition which are then sold to export markets worldwide where they are sorted and then sold to the general public.

Our next meeting is this Tuesday 29th April 8pm, The Crown. New members are always welcome so why not come along and see for yourselves!
Cake Club
Congratulations to Tillie Moss-Black, the lucky winner of the last cake before the Easter holidays, kindly donated by Mrs Fulker. A reminder to Mrs Lavene that she is on the rota for 2nd May.

Don’t forget you can pay for Cake Club weekly, half a term at a time or right up until the end of the school year. Please see Rowena Dobson.

Monday 28 April Archery Club begins for participating pupils
Friday 9 May, 16 May,
23 May, 6 June
Friday 13 June
Friday 20 June Cycling sessions for Year 6 pupils

Cycle Theory Test
Cycle Test

The Little Bears all are settling back well into Term 5 and are exploring our topic of ‘Weather.’ We have begun by talking about the sun and how to be safe when the weather hots up.
In Week 2 we will be talking about the rain and making our own musical rain shakers - if anyone could donate some inner tubes of kitchen roll we would appreciate it very much.
Finally a reminder that on Friday 25th April – we are hosting a Ladies Supper Night at St John’s Church and we hope to see you there!