Friday, October 16, 2009

Newsletter No 6 / 16th October 2009

As next week is only a short “school week”, this will be the final newsletter of Term 1.

Open Morning
It was a pleasure to welcome so many visitors to our school on Open Morning. Thank you to those who were able to come along.

Year 6 Pupils
A reminder that parents of Year 6 pupils should now be applying for a secondary school place, if they have not done so already. “Moving On” booklets were issued to all pupils as well as letters sent home from the Local Authority. The deadline for applications is Monday 2nd November.

Swimming at Berinsfield
A reminder that pupils in Class 3 will start their swimming sessions at Berinsfield, on Monday 2nd November. They will have 7 sessions and we hope that parents will, as usual, contribute a £1 “voluntary contribution” per child, per session, towards the transport costs.

School Meals
School meals currently cost £2 a day and should be paid on Monday morning please, for the week ahead. Although most cheques written for school are now made payable to Stadhampton Primary School, it is particularly helpful if cheques are not combined for school meals, school trips, after school club, etc. Thank you.

School Prospectus 2009-10
The School Prospectus for 2009-10 is now available on our website and via the Learning Platform.

Music Workshops run by OCC Music Service
Each family should have received a paper “flyer” about a range of music workshop opportunities available through the OCC Music Service. This information is also on display in the front entrance area.

Little Bears News
This week Little Bears enjoyed making apple and carrot soup. They have also been enjoying the lovely sunshine with lots of outdoor play and we were pleased to see some new faces at our Open Morning this week. Little Bears is holding a Produce Sale after school on Wednesday 21st October (3.15pm) and would be very pleased to receive donations of items to sell – suggestions are cakes, jams, chutneys, eggs, etc. They also hope that you will come along to see what it is on offer to buy!

Saturday 17th October
Primary Cross Country Races at Chiltern Edge School. 9.30 for 10am start. Years 3, 4, 5, and 6 pupils. Also on Saturday 14th November and Saturday 5th December. These are open events which families can turn up to.
Tuesday 20th October
Class 1 & Class 2 pupils on school trips.
Wednesday 21st October
School finishes at 3.15pm for the October Holiday. After school sports clubs and after school fun club still operate as normal today.
Monday 2nd November
Return to school after the October Holiday. Swimming starts for Class 3 pupils.
Tuesday 17th November
Parents’ Evening (from 3.30pm)
Friday 20th November
Children in Need
Wednesday 25th November
Family Poetry Workshop 3.15-4.15pm. No after school SPORTS Clubs, - After School Fun Club in the portacabin will run as normal with Mrs Howlett and Mrs Hopkins bringing pupils over to/from school for the poetry workshop.