Friday, April 30, 2010

Newsletter No 12 - 30th April 2010

Thank you for your patience and understanding last week. The main priority was to continue to run school, as normally as possible under the circumstances, for the pupils. I would like to say a particular thank you to Mrs Manzie and the rest of the staff for all their extra work, during this time, and to governors for their additional support.

Madame Brookes
Unfortunately, Madame Brookes is still unwell and is unable to come into school to teach French for a few weeks. We wish her a speedy recovery. Madame Brookes, however, has prepared a series of French lessons for us to use in the meantime and pupils will still receive French sessions on Thursday afternoons.

“SATs” Tests
As you may well be aware, there have been teaching union ballots to boycott the Year 6 SATs this year. Some schools have made the decision not to conduct the SATs but Year 6 SATs will be carried out, as usual, here at Stadhampton School. SATs “week” is 10th to 14th May and Year 6 pupils will take their Literacy and Maths tests in the Hall. There are no Science tests this year for us; they have been discontinued although some schools have been selected at random, as sample schools.
The SATs for pupils in Years 2-5 are not affected and will take place in class in the normal way.
Parents of pupils in Year 6 should receive a separate letter from Miss Shah today, outlining SATs arrangements.

Paying for School Meals
A further reminder that cheques for school meals should be made payable to “Oxfordshire County Council” and that they should have “Stadhampton Primary School” written on the back of the cheque, please.

New Tree Seat
I hope you are able to benefit from the new tree seat which we have installed in our waiting area. This is not the bench that Mrs Wells generously gave to school on her retirement – this is elsewhere in the school grounds. The waiting area and tree seat have been provided through a school travel fund grant which is aimed at providing facilities to encourage families to walk to school.

PTA Message
Car Boot 3rd May – Helpers & Cakes needed! PTA is responsible for the car boot sale on 3rd May and if this nice weather continues we will be busy. We need helpers on the day please from 0730 – 1130 for 30 minutess or one-hour stints to help out at the refreshment stall.
Cakes - We would really appreciate it if parents would make cakes, tray bakes or biscuits for the stall and bring them along on the day by 0900. Alternatively ask an active member of PTA to bring your goodies along on the day if you are unable to help or bring them yourself.
Chiltern Chase 13th June – sponsorship forms for the Chiltern Chase are now available to pick up from school. If you are planning to run and be part of the Stadhampton Steamers please ensure you register on the Chiltern Chase website and let Sara Wright know via Sara can also email you a sponsorship form if you prefer.

Monday 3rd May
School closed for Bank Holiday
PTA – Boot Sale on the Green – volunteers and cakes needed please
Wednesday 5th May
Y5 pupils visit to ICC for a Maths lesson will not take place on this day. This session has now been rescheduled by ICC for Wednesday 30th June.
Thursday 6th May
School Closed – Election Day
Wednesday 12th May
Mobile Library
Sunday 13th June
Chiltern Chase

Little Bears News
The Little Bears continue to enjoy the wonderful weather, making great use of our wonderful outside area. Free flow play to indoors and the patio area continues to be a great success. Once again the children enjoyed assembly with FS1 & class 1 on Monday and singing with FS1 on Thursday morning. The 'big club' children planted potatoes on Wednesday afternoon.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Newsletter No 11 - 23rd April 2010

Thank you for all your patience and co-operation during this disrupted week.

We are pleased to welcome Max Jones into our Foundation Stage and Oliver Jones into Class 1.

School Meals
Sorry for any confusion regarding school meals this week. The Autumn and Winter Menu will continue to be in use for the next few weeks. The scheduled Summer Menu will commence from Monday 17th May.

Paying for School Meals
As all Primary Schools in Oxfordshire change their finance system to SAP on 1st April, there is a requirement for parents paying for school meals by cheque, from the 1st April, to make sure that cheques are made payable to “Oxfordshire County Council” and that they write “Stadhampton Primary School” on the back of the cheque, please. Also, although the vast majority of parents do follow our regular reminders via the newsletter to pay for school meals on MONDAY MORNING, there are still a significant number of parents who have not yet consistently got into this habit! The organisation of school meals and banking of the monies collected is a time-consuming task and we do appreciate parents’ co-operation in this matter in order to keep the time involved to a minimum.

Warning to Parents
Thames Valley Police have recently received several reports of a man in a white van, who has been trying to persuade young children around the Watlington area to get into his van.

Polling Day Closure – Thursday 6th May
Following recent notification to parents, we are now able to confirm that the school will be closed on Thursday 6th May, as it will be used as a Polling Station. There will be no after-school football club on this day.

Clothes Recycling - Friday 30 April
Bags are available from School or Sarah Madry. Please bring in your bags on the actual day by 09.30am.

Sun-hats and sun-cream
Children should bring sun hats into school for outdoor breaks now that the weather has started to improve. Some children may need sun-cream. There are sun-creams on the market that last for the day, so we ask that you please apply it before they come to school. When the weather gets warmer and the sun becomes stronger, children may need a further application and can bring cream into school. They will need to apply it for themselves, although the younger ones will, of course, be supervised.

Car Boot 3rd May – Helpers & Cakes needed!
PTA is responsible for the Car Boot Sale on 3rd May and if this nice weather continues we will be busy. We need helpers on the day please from 0730 – 1130 for 30 minutes or one hour stints to help out at the refreshment stall.
Cakes - We would really appreciate it if parents would make cakes, tray bakes or biscuits for the stall and bring them along on the day by 09.00am. Alternatively ask an active member of PTA to bring your goodies along on the day if you are unable to help or bring them yourself.

PTA Message – Easter Chocolate Raffle
Thank you to everyone who both donated prizes and bought tickets. The event raised £165 for PTA funds with 75% of parents buying raffle tickets and lots of 10p’s spent on the lucky dip on the day.
There are a small number of outstanding prizes still to be collected from School; these are:
Prize Number
Raffle ticket number
Details on back of ticket
White 405
Miss Erskine
White 397
Miss Erskine
White 733
Tia Khan (Reception)
Peach 90
Olivia Shannon
White 247
Megan Barber
White 303
Carl Bloomfield
(Leo BB Foundation)
White 402
Miss Erskine
Peach 93
Shannon (Reception)
White 730
Tia Khan (Reception)
White 400
Miss Erskine

Chiltern Chase 13th June
We will be sending out sponsorship forms for the Chiltern Chase next week. If you are planning to run and be part of the Stadhampton Steamers please ensure you register on the Chiltern Chase website and let Sara Wright know via

Monday 26th April
Governing Body meeting at 7pm.
Wednesday 28th April
Maths Booster Y6 – 3.20pm – 4.20pm
Friday 30th April
“Clothes bags” collection – please bring bags into school by 9.00am. Unfortunately, as the portacabin is now in full-time use as a classroom, we do not have storage facilities to accept bags prior to the morning of collection.
Wednesday 5th May
Y5 pupils to ICC – Maths
Thursday 6th May
School Closed – Election Day
Wednesday 12th May
Mobile Library

Little Bears News
The Little Bears all seem to be happy to be back and have settled very well. We are learning about Mini Beasts this half term, concentrating on different bugs each week. This week we are looking and talking about Ladybirds and Beetles. The children have made some fantastic Ladybird crowns and have made some yummy bug bread!